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Washington Doctor Facing Probe for Criticizing COVID Policies Wins Emergency Injunction - By Caden Pearson
A Washington state appeals court has granted an emergency injunction to a retired doctor facing disciplinary action from the Washington Medical Commission (WMC) over articles he wrote against the official COVID-19 narrative in 2021.

Dr. Richard J. Eggleston, a retired ophthalmologist in Clarkston, Washington, faces disciplinary action over articles published in the Lewiston Tribune he wrote challenged the prevailing information and guidance regarding the pandemic.

During the pandemic, doctors could be accused of spreading misinformation if they provided advice contrary to the official information. This included, for example, advocating or prescribing treatments such as ivermectin or disagreeing with the effectiveness of face masks and vaccines.
The United States officially ended the pandemic emergency on May 11.

The WMC filed charges against Dr. Eggleston, accusing him of unprofessional conduct, including spreading false information and misinformation about the SARS-CoV-2 virus and its treatments. They assert that his actions violated state laws related to moral turpitude, misrepresentation, and interference with an investigation.

In response to the charges, Dr. Eggleston has maintained his innocence and has argued that his articles are protected under the First Amendment’s guarantee of free speech. He sought to have the disciplinary proceedings dismissed on the grounds that the statutes applied by the WMC infringed upon his constitutional rights.

Despite a separate, initial motion to dismiss being previously denied, the recent emergency injunction granted by the appeals court now provides a temporary reprieve for Dr. Eggleston. The injunction halts the disciplinary proceedings while the court further examines the case.
The WMC wants to carry out the fact-finding hearing, they say, to protect public health and fulfill its disciplinary responsibilities for the medical profession “and to resolve issues of fact and credibility that require the expertise of the Commission to resolve,” according to a court filing (pdf).

Court Commissioner Hailey L. Landrus noted in her ruling that while putting a stay on the proceeding would inconvenience the commission—as lawyers for the WMC argued—it doesn’t demonstrate harm to the public.

‘Chilling Effect’ on Free Speech
Dr. Eggleston, on the other hand, argued that he sought to halt the disciplinary proceedings to assert his First Amendment right to free speech.

Landrus favored the retired doctor’s argument, saying public dialogue by professionals receives strong First Amendment protection, and the mere fact of prosecution can have a “chilling effect” on the exercise of these rights for Dr. Eggleston and other medical professionals.
“Dr. Eggleston has a competing interest in enjoining the disciplinary proceedings in order to seek First Amendment protection for his speech, which is the reason for the administrative proceedings in the first place. Denying a stay would, according to Dr. Eggleston, violate his constitutional right to free speech,” Landrus said in her ruling.

“Balancing the parties competing interests and hardships favors Dr. Eggleston,” the court commissioner added.

She found that it would be more efficient to review the trial court’s decision on the injunction instead of proceeding with a lengthy administrative hearing. Granting the injunction could potentially resolve the entire proceedings, saving time and resources, she noted.

The court’s decision to grant the emergency injunction comes as a significant development in Dr. Eggleston’s ongoing legal battle with the WMC.
The granted stay of the proceedings will delay hearings scheduled to commence this week, Wednesday through Friday. This delay provides a short window of opportunity for the WMC to withdraw the charges against Dr. Eggleston. However, if the WMC chooses not to withdraw the charges, the legal process will proceed as planned.

“I’m very happy to see that this part of the legal system understands this First Amendment issue and basic rights to get accurate information from a physician,” Dr. Eggleston told The Defender.

The legal team representing Dr. Eggleston expressed their satisfaction with the court’s ruling to grant the stay of proceedings. Todd Richardson, one of Dr. Eggleston’s lawyers, emphasized the significance of protecting First Amendment rights.

“As Americans, if we don’t conscientiously defend these foundational rights and freedoms, we may soon wake up to realize we have lost them,” he told The Defender.

BDair 8 May 29

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As retired doctor he does have the right to free speech. We all have the right to seek the facts. Personally a dear friend almost died from COVID. Researching how the vaccine was made and it's ingredients led me to make the decision to get the vaccine. No ill effects from getting it.
That said, there was a practicing medical doctor here in Ellensburg who was basically selling a doctors note to say her patient needed to be exempted from getting the vaccine for medical reasons. She was caught, fined and prohibited from issuing any notes to excuse a patient from the vaccine.
We may not like all the rules but chaos ensues when a few decide they think they know more than scientists.
That we are still saying there was literally no mass illness that had a devastating global impact is amazing.

"As a retired doctor, he does have the right to free speech." Yes but only as any citizen has. When you place the prefix "Dr" on that opinion, it becomes "a qualified opinion". In that, it carries the weight of medical science behind it. The case is not brought by the state against any old individual. It has been brought by his peers in the WMC to restrict him from using his professional title to look like he actually knows what he talking about. He could have published anything he liked as Mr Eggleston but that Dr handle makes it their business to sanction him.

@273kelvin I agree BUT there really is no law against someone who has earned that degree using it. Seems you and I understand the responsibility of using one's title, in a perfect world . . . .
We'll just have to wait and see if he is sanctioned.

@silverotter11 No "law" but he is not being sanctioned by the law. He is being sanctioned by his professional body


I don't understand what the court has to do with this. It's a public health issue, not a constitutional issue. Freedom of speech should not mean that you get to endanger the public under the guise of expertise, that's stupid. But unfortunately stupidity and public endangerment is not recognized by the courts of the US.

The vaccines is a greater danger to the public. Study countries with the lowest vaccination and the lowest COVID deaths rate worldwide. Then study the countries with the highest vaccination rate which have the highest COVID deaths. It's a no brainer in logic , biology and fact.

@Castlepaloma Well, that's bullshit. Literally billions of people have taken the vaccine and no mass deaths as a result of them taking it. Your disingenuous attempt to pretend that statistics on a specific grouping proves more than the general use across the planet isn't working.

The 'vaccines' never worked. They never prevented infection or transmission.
They did not save a single life.
The death toll from the vaccines is in the hundreds of thousands worldwide.
Excess deaths are on the rise is the most vaccinated countries, and birthrates are falling.

@BDair You are a liar spreading lies because you're not bright enough to understand science.

I am speaking to the truth, and the science is on my side.
Please post your peer reviewed scientific study that attempts
to prove that the Covid 'vaccines' are safe and effective.

@BDair You're the one claiming it's not safe and effective despite billions of people taking it and NOT DYING as they were with Covid. Provide "peer reviewed scientific study" that proves your claims? Prove that the Covid vaccine is a greater danger to the public. All you're doing is shifting the burden as you have nothing of substance to back up your claims.

Death rates increased after vaccine roll outs,
in virtually every country.

It was big in Japan.

Safe and Effective.

The more vaxxed and boosted,
the more excess deaths. It's a trend.

Here is something of substance backing my claims.

"Taken together, one would expect that vaccinating large parts of the population should have reduced excess mortality. The contrary is observed: both excess mortality and the number of stillbirths increased with increased vaccinations. In all age groups below 80 years, excess mortality was higher in the second year and in particular much higher in the third year of the pandemic, where large parts of the population were vaccinated. These observations are surprising and further more detailed investigations from different scientific fields are strongly recommended to rule out that these safety signals occur due to the existence of unknown side effects of the COVID-19 vaccines."


@BDair This might surprise you but charts alone don't make a ""peer reviewed scientific study" and the world is larger than Germany. You know what's not in that study you provided on Germany, the statement "The vaccines is a greater danger to the public" than covid. That's what you claimed. You didn't claim that deaths went up regardless of vaccination, you said the vaccination was more dangerous than the virus. But in fact, in the conclusion the report says,

"This leads to several open questions, the most important being the covariation between the excess mortality, the number of COVID-19 deaths, and the COVID-19 vaccinations."

So the report doesn't answer the question of whether or not the vaccinations were a cause of more deaths. In fact it says that it doesn't answer that question. So again, you've provided no evidence to back up your claim.


So along with free speech comes responsibility. A doctor takes an oath of "Do no harm" and whilst we are all entitled to our opinion (some like OP seem to think they are more entitled than most) When you get that "Dr" before your name, it behoves you to act responsibly, as it is a position of trust. So just where did this charlatan think he knew better than the vast majority of the medical profession on this subject, given that he was a fucking eye doctor and a retired one at that? Even if he was totally convinced of his take on the subject, he should have kept it to himself. This is a clear case of calling "fire" in a crowded theatre. You would not catch a lawyer providing such unsolicited legal advice as they could be disbarred and/or sued. I would not be surprised if relatives of deceased COVID victims sued his ass off for malpractice.
And before you type back with any of your anti-vax bs. Bear in mind, it was believing all that shit about Ivermectin etc. that killed my brother. So save your fingers for sticking them in your ears


An emergency injection? It's your choice. You either vaxx or you do not vaxx.

Wish it was that simple, when they cut you off the many of the most important things in life.


The truth is there was never a pandemic with only 6.5 million dying out of almost 8 billion living on this rock!!!

Less than .001 percent died of this so called Covid-19 pandemic that stopped the whole economic systems of this rock for over two years and is now indirectly responsible for this overt inflation of everyday goods we consume!!!

Too many who received the jab and booster still were able come down sick with Covid-19, most were never hospitalized!!!

The normal Flu season was all but ignored with it normal infection and death rates!!!

The overt censorship of known useful medications and doctors who knew that those treatments could help to lessen the effects of Covid-19,

There are too too many questions of why the censorship was employed by unelected and non medically trained individuals who shut down the world economy caused massive laid offs and undue hardships for Billions who inhabit this rock!!!


Eventually, the truth will prevail.

BDair Level 8 May 29, 2023

That's what Flat Earthers say.

Then this happened....

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