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Mob in Pakistan burns 4 churches and attacks christian related buildings after a claim that 2 christian men had desecrated a copy of the Qaran.

Petter 9 Aug 16

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Mayhem and destruction does not prove your imaginary god to be real.

But it does give religious leaders greater power and wealth.


The "Peaceful" religion strikes again.

Not all sects of Islaam are militant and intolerant. But Pakistan certainly harbours the worst.
(There is a sort of parallel to be drawn in the USA, bible belt, although not as severe yet. However, confrontational politics could worsen it.)

@Petter I agree


Welcome to the murderous madness of Muslim maniacs.

You left out moronic

@Petter Thanks muchly for that additional "m". 🙂

What about these? - []


They DO love destroying things, don't they? Lives, buildings...what fun!


They learned it from watching the democrats


Strangely they all worship from the same book, the Jews, Christians and Moslems.
Yet they kill anyone who does not read that book exactly the same way.
Yet they supposedly worship the SAME god.
The god who loves to kill, destroy, demand total obedience and adherence to his whims, he is the embodiment of love for humanity


Ignorant superstitious. barbarians


They’re ALL assholes.


Fighting over which imaginary god is best, silly people.

If that is what Islam does to people, I do not want a bar of it!

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