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If this is going to be a Christian nation that doesn't help the poor...

snytiger6 9 Nov 18

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Shouldn’t the poor be responsible for taking care of themselves?

Not according to Christian doctrine.

The point is more to point out Christian hypocrisy.

@snytiger6 meh what about communist hypocrisy

@Communistbitch On a micro scale, communism mostly worked well for tribes with villages up to about 200 people. Humans lived that way for over 170,000 years.

However on a macro scale, it simply doesn't work, as with larger communities anonymity becomes a factor and people tend to be more selfish when anonymity gets introduced into the mix.

That beign said, Karl Marx was pretty accurate in diagnosing the problems of capitalism. However, he was totally wrong in his proposed and anticipated solution on how to solve those problems.

In large population groups, the best system(s) are the democratic socialists in Northern European countries, where they regulate the excesses of capitalism. Those countries have the happiest populations in the world. Unlike countries with mostly unregulated capitalism.

@snytiger6 yes of course, the more violence the government initiates against people, the happier people are.


I'm no expert on Jesus, but I believe he was advocating private charity, not taking money away from citizens under threat of imprisonment, then using the money collected to buy votes. Did he ever give a speech where he said "We should give more money to the Romans because they do a great job taking care of the poor"?

BD66 Level 8 Nov 19, 2023

Exactly. Communist propaganda. Help the poor by torturing them.for digging up a potato 😂

@Communistbitch Communist government policies vary depending on which country or government.

The primary problem with communist governments so far is that they tend to be totalistarian, and nto accountable to the people they govern over. You're probably heard the saying about how "Power corrupts, and absolute poser corrupts absolutely." A government whose leaders are not held accountable for their actions allows corruption to flourish. Each country that is eithe communist of has at one time tried communism have never had a system in place to hold their leaders to be accountable, which means in every case the country's corruption made the country rot from the inside out.


I don't know how he is outside of his show. He's Catholic but does some great Jesus jokes. This, what he says, is what I think of the Christians in the United States.
I just know too many "Christians" who have all the Jesus loves shit going on and then say really nasty totally opposite stuff. Don't even get me started on the actions they do.


Dumb - ass. Communists like me don't feed the poor, we starve the poor and kill the rich and everyone else.

Jesus fed people with faith and supernatural mumbo jumbo.

We don't feed people, we kill mormtherfuckers.

Better not catching you digging up a potato, property of the state!!!!

If you want to help the poor with your own money, that's illegal!!!!


A disingenuous American seeing reality? In Colbert's case how stupid. He talks as if he believes in the reality of Jesus, a figment of some Jews imagination and that USA is an xtian country. It's proclaimed to be secular, another delusion.

@Garban my evening now. Good morning.

@Garban I notice that your declaration of independence states at the beginning:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness."
The word creator is used but specifically does not name JC, his cuckolding father & a holy ghost.

And after a long list of complaints against the king of England the following statement is made:

"In every stage of these oppressions, we have petitioned for redress, in the most humble terms. Our repeated petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people."

Furthermore this declaration makes no mention of interfering in the sovereignty of any other country, overthrowing its government in order to behave like rampaging high seas pirates or buccaneers.

In one interpretation I read it was claimed that the lengthy list of wrong doing by the king excused anyones behaviour in rebelliously rising up against it.

This being the case why is Biden & Israelis complaining about Hamas & Gazan arabs. The wrongs committed against them by the Jews & America are far greater than anything Americans experienced at the hands of the British.

IMO it sounds like hypocrisy & gaslighting in order to justify genocide & inhumanity committed by USA & Israel.

I think his point was to point out how most Christians are hypocrites...

@snytiger6 that and the fact that Israel & USA have nothing to complain in comparison to the complaints made against the English monarch.


No shit! Time to cut out all the fake Christian piety and smug moral superiority they shove in the face of non-believers, because their selfishness negates any claim they have to being morally superior to non-Christians...

Exactly, us atheist communists are morally and intellectually superior. Is that a shirt on your back? Come on,man! I'm confiscating it and giving it to someone else who needs it more.

Why would you have a wife? Do you support the insubordination of women and the patriarchy? What a sexist.

@Communistbitch You are either absurd or being sarcastic, in both of your replies.

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