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A church is the only business enterprise where ...

snytiger6 9 Nov 26

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Looks like every one lies, as it turns out.


And strip clubs.

At least there, you should know it's a lie,.


No that's called the GOVERNMENT, atheists can be so fucking stupid.

the ONLY purpose of government is to take care of it's citizens. period. They do this by raising funds, (taxes) to build roads, bridges, etc etc. you are not a very bright guy

@Leetx haha no, the government ain't God to take care of you, that's moronic.

you embarrass yourself. buh bye hun @Communistbitch


All businesses do to some extent, religions have perfected it and made it tax exempt.

And government perfected it and actually convinced you to pay taxes

@Communistbitch Long before there were governments, there were taxes, the tax collector is the world's second oldest profession.

@glennlab there were cavemen clunking people over the head to steal meat they were too lazy to hunt for themselves.

@Communistbitch You have inadvertently showed an example of a government benefit. It was pretty common for groups of people to steal from and to kill each other back in the days of cave men. However today, where there are strong and stable governments, it isn't quite so common.

Governments, at least the good ones, seek common the common good for the people they govern. And, yes, in order to pay for that they implement taxes. The benefits provided by paying taxes far outweighs the lawlessness of not having a government.

I hear libertarians talk about how we should eliminate regulation and have a very small government, but I don't see them in any hurry to move to Somalia where those exact conditions exist. Why? because without government we have lawlessness, and we (humans) revert back to behavior that isn't all that far from the cavemen.

Most people who bitch and moan about government and taxes want all the benefits their government provides for them, which they take for granted, but they don't appreciate just how good they actually have it.

@snytiger6 no, its the government that is the caveman stealing from people. Haha

@snytiger6 just shows how you worship government the same way Christians worship God. Moronic

@Communistbitch I don't worship government, and often don't even like government. However, I am aware enough to know that in large populations government is necessary to keep order, and that things would be a lot worse without it. When the choice is having a government or anarchy, I simply see government as being the better choice and in my own self interest.


No that is quite wrong, you pay nearly every business which employs advertising to lie to you. The church is simply the only business where you pay for the lies alone, not get any product as well.


Faux news and meteorologist in general also get paid to lie.

I would add stock brokers and financial analysts to that list. 😁


Politicians! We not only pay them to lie to us! We elect to best liars to control our lives.


I thought that was the deal with a therapist and a life coach as well?! 🤨


Oh. That must be the reason Scientology is so expensive to join.

Surely if they paid that much money, it must be true...


I think I'd add politics to that ...

Agreed, and others…..

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