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"Republicans are among those to have expressed serious concern over the situation." No shit, I'm one of those too. The second in command of the US armed forces is hospitalized ... and the CO isn't notified? Boy, you want to give the GOP ammo for their sleepy Joe attacks, here it is in buckets. And the military guilty party for this should be cashiered, but that doesn't happen in Washington. Not since MacArthur was dismissed at least.

Lloyd Austin: White House not told for days defence secretary in hospital

Druvius 8 Jan 7

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There was an acting Sec Def just like there is when he takes vacation or is otherwise out of the country. This is much ado about nothing. If the Deputy Sec Def is not capable of handling the job while he is in town and available for consultation, why would we even need to have her.

@Druvius As more has come out, there is some question as to his ability to notify anyone, a lack , there is still a lot more to be uncovered. I was just going off the normal protocols. The deputy was on leave when she was notified she was in charge, but she was not informed he was in the hosp.


Biden is just a doddering old fool puppet and figurehead, same as Reagan was, so him not being informed by his handlers, does not surprise me in the least bit..

@Druvius I respectfully disagree: Reagan taxing the social security income of the elderly in order to give the wealthy a tax cut was a demonstration of a complete lack of ethics and character. Iran/Contra?


Let them squeal. That just gives the dems the opening to remind everyone how Tuberville and the rest of the GOP have been shitting on the military for the last year and more.


Why would someone failing to notify Biden about a happening somehow make him "guilty" pray tell?
And if the guy was lucid during his hospital say he would in no way be incapacitated anyway!

Yeah, I don't get what the big fuss is all about. Sounds like more idiot Republicans desperately grasping at straws. They want so badly to be able to point to something that's even 1% as bad as any of the awful things Trump has done and is promising to do.

@Druvius I totally agree he should have been informed, as soon as it happened...but what's with blaming him? Becuz his psychic powers were on the fritz?

@annewimsey1 He hired incompetents.


The blame for an egregious fail in a military command structure.goes to the guy at the top of that structure.

failure to follow protocol at the highest level is an issue.

@annewimsey1 A nothing burger. People saying he made bad hires are all probably people who thought Trump hiring every single one of his family members who don't know shit about fucking anything to do shit like bring peace to the Middle East were totally legit, amazing hires. Or maybe all the fuckin' people they failed so miserably at the jobs they were given (not earned) that they were gone mere weeks later. Yeah, I bet everyone loved The Mooch until their cult leader switched his tune and started hating on him calling him an "unstable nut job" or any of the other hundred people he claimed were "best people" only to call them scum a very short time later.

@JacarC he personally "hired" the no doubt Career enlisted officers just under the sick guy? Doubt it!!!!!

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