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I can only hope it's satire but I dunno.

Druvius 8 Jan 24

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We start off with nothing. Too many people are worried about nothing. Science now admits that nothing is something.

Science now admits that nothing is something.

Citation required

Only the word nothing is something, it is a word.
Nothing, like dark, cold and silence are descriptors of an absence, not the presence of something.

Dark = no light
Cold = no heat
Silence = no sound
Nothing = No matter or energy that maybe described as a thing


As a sardonic commentary on atheism, and leaving aside certain errors, it's pretty funny stuff that would please god.

It would be glorious to have honest to god believers (and agnostics) here taking the piss out of atheists.


And is almost always the case with creationism, they ignore anything past 19th century science. Case in point number 5, these ponds still exist:

A shallow lake in Canada could reveal how life on Earth began


Not only is it blathering ignorance, it appears that the creator of the meme had the stupidity to sign it.


The last image identifies the content as Creationist propaganda.


A Word Salad with stupid pix too.......whoopy-do.

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