6 3

Hard to argue with that logic. 😎👍

captfeelgood 7 Feb 3

Enjoy being online again!

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Funny but not accurate.

Betty Level 8 Feb 9, 2024

Pray tell what was inaccurate? 🙄

I don't find crap like that amusing at all. In Floriduh some idiot MAGA beat his father to death for getting vaccinated. People who are antivaxxers should all go to Russia where they are welcomed with open arms.

@captfeelgood The entire fucked up mess...


If stupid hurts then you should be in constant severe pain....

Ah yes, the ole 'ad hominin' response. A real shame you can't bother thinking of anything pertinent to say about a comedy act. 🙄Welcome to the list!

@captfeelgood The list that sees you for the idiot you are.... Now that is a list I am proud to make and FYI defining a person's lack of intelligence and character is not "ad hominem" which you can't even spell much less understand the concept of...

I don't find crap like you and this "comedian" spew funny because people are deceived by it or attacked and murdered for not being deceived. Your entire lives are built around conspiracy theories and it is unfortunate that we don't consider that the mental illness it really is.


Captain Asshole, back again doing what he does, lol.... At least he is consistent and predictable...


The whole routine is based on a faulty premise. Nobody said don't ask questions. There were, however, people who were saying "don't spread your anti-vax conspiracy theories and disinformation here," don't lie," "don't try to feed us bullshit." Unfortunately, the people who were spreading disinformation, lies, and bullshit kept right on doing it because, pathetic worms that they are, they're desperate for any kind of attention, even if it's negative. There's a word for such people. They're called trolls.


"Weren't allowed"...By whom? When? Where?
You are making yourself look completely ridiculous by posting my 75 years I doubt I have Ever seen such a shitstorm of questioning!!!!!

Yeah, this video is BS!


Ridiculous. You were not allowed to ask questions about the Covid vaccine. This title alone shows that you are not going to get vaccinated. I have been vaccinated my entire life and I am good now except that sometimes I want to bark like a dog.

I wanted to do barking Before any vaccinations....the pointy tips of my ears turning purple is easily hidden by hair and makeup, thank goodness.

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