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Star witness in Republican smear campaign confesses to FBI he's is a Russian agent.




Flyingsaucesir 8 Feb 22

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And now suddenly he's telling the truth? LOLROFL This guy will say whatever it takes. Does show what a farce the Biden impeachment thing was though, if this clown was the best they could do.

Yeah I wouldn't trust the son of a bitch as far as I could throw him, but those bastards Comer and Jordan knew all along he was full of shit. Yet they went ahead with their phony impeachment inquiry anyway, just to dirty up a sitting American president. It's truly disgraceful. Those guys deserve to be keel hauled.

This reminds me of when the George W. Bush administration wheeled out a con man named Ahmed Chalabi to justify their illegal invasion of Iraq. Chalabi was a banker, crooked as a dog's hind leg, indicted in Europe for fraud, and everybody knew it. He said what Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Rice wanted said about Saddam Hussein's WMDs, that they existed, (which was pure bullshit). And on this mother fucker's word we committed our blood and treasure, destabilized the whole region, and gave rise to ISIS.



Of course he is a Russian agent, they've been in bed with Donnie and now are with the rest of the Reputhuglican party.

After all, Donnie wanted that Moscow Trump Tower really bad. This is why he tells everyone he believes Putin.

@DenoPenno It's more than that. He wants to be the Putin of the West, a real fascist dictator like his Uncle Vlad.

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