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Why does my first cousin-once-removed give advice to Beyonce on Facebook? Does she think that god is going to relay the message?

Gwen_Wanderer 7 Feb 25

Enjoy being online again!

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How do you know these things?
I don't even know if I even have a first cousin once removed never mind who they talk to on face face book

I love Facebook! I only add people whom I know and the cousins are "family." This cousin is the daughter of my first cousin, so that makes her "once removed." She rarely posts anything to me directly, but she once asked her friends to pray for a family member who had "lost her way." I hope and think she meant me.


Why she trying to give advice to someone that already knows everything…..🤨


She might think that. As for me, I never give Beyonce any advice. Even if she was in my friend list I imagine she will do whatever she wants instead.

How you been feeling crazy man?🤠

@Aaron70 OK but tired and I have foot neuropathy.

I would not give Beyonce advice, either--I don't take unsolicited advice and I am sure that she doesn't.


Noted your absence. Glad ur back. I used to beseech the Beatles via their pictures on my wall to "GETME OTTA HERE!!" As if their eyes could see me. Under developed brain at that age.


I kinda did the same, but I used to plead with aliens to take me away. I would stand in the back yard and let them know I was ready. This is one reason why I stopped believing that aliens were abducting people. Like god, they never replied.


I play lawn bowls. When some people send their bowl, they watch it go half way down the green, then they start giving advice to it, or even wave their hands to show it where to go.

Sounds similar to Greenbay Packers American football fans up here in what used to be called the "frozen tundra". Tribal rituals coupled with face paint, hats in the form of a wedge of cheddar cheese, I pulling their shirts off in minus, as in -20 degrees F. It the manly thing to do among other manly men in their competitive gladiatorish pseudo wars. Testosterone release in a setting. I'll marvel in the safety of my home. It is all on/in someone's camera now- a- days.

@Mooolah I love the cheese wedge hats, they’ve hilarious.

@Mooolah Interesting although. Actually the worst two on the bowling green are two older ladies. ( Well really ancient ladies actually, since they won't be reading this. )

Same here. And sometimes it seems to work.

@Moravian That's confirmation bias.

I don't typically give advice unless it is asked for--except to my grandkids.

@Gwen_Wanderer Don't, always go to your grandkids for advice. Like someone once said, the grandkids are so wise, clever, funny and brilliant, I knew we should have had them first.

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