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If the choice is between two elderly men ...

snytiger6 9 Mar 15

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We must crush them at the polls. They are demented. Something is wrong in America when our citizens support a slow moving coup against our Constitution. These are frightening times.

Frankly, I think our country is doomed either way, whether Biden wins, and we have civil war over it, or Trump wins, and then we have permanent dictatorship, and a Gilead country like in The Handmaid's Tale.. I don't have much hope of my side prevailing in that civil war..

Yes they are very frightening because of the democrats use of the dept of justice to go after their political opponents and opening the border to bring in illegals that will likely vote for democrats. Yes it’s frightening that the democrats oppose showing a valid ID to vote. To me that shows intent to cheat. It’s also frightening about the turmoil in the world, most of it caused by Biden’s crazy foreign policy of appeasing Iran which has contributed to a lot of Middle East instability. Putin saw Biden as being a weak leader so he invaded the Ukraine. It’s very possible China is liable to take advantage of Biden by invading Taiwan.

Tell me Moolah what wrong with showing a valid ID to vote? It’s a requirement here in Oklahoma. Oklahoma always competes vote counting on the day of the election unlike a lot of democrat controlled states that take days or even weeks to count them.

@TomMcGiverin Breaks my heart.

@TomMcGiverin, @Trajan61 If the ID is at taxpayer's expense, then an ID is fine with me. Icosts money to get a stte ID & that hits not the 91+ companies in profit that paid no taxes towards such a "free" ID. But then you guys 'yell "socialism"! & MORE SPENDING.

@Trajan61, @TomMcGiverin I read the book in 1980. That is when I began to arm myself. Before the country was flooded with guns so much so that we supply them to the cartels in Mexico & beyond. Just who makes these guns & why are they in El Salvador. Sort of like crack & the CIA. But I digress ...again

@Trajan61 Well at least we are talking to each other. Still better than bullets. So where are you guys going to attack first. Last time the dog caught the car & Camp Auchwitz put his feet on the desk after shitting on America's face in the lobby. These are your people. Not The Million Man March. Not Women United, Not veterans Against the War. These are you're guys.

@Trajan61 Now it is "intent to cheat". Your guys cheated. Fake electorals. 1+1=2.... Not,.... Intend to cheat vs cheats. Because your guys cheated you think we intend to cheat. & then you attack OUR, AMERICA'S capitol. You guys are attacking. We intend to vote. Hugs.

@Mooolah I don't think we can vote our way out of this, sadly. Civil war is the best outcome we can hope for in the short term, and our side is unlikely to win.

@Mooolah If you can’t afford an ID you shouldn’t be able to vote. Hell an ID is required for a lot of things, including buying an airline ticket, alcohol or marijuana.


I’ll vote for Tump over that senile crooked SOB Biden! Hell the democrats opposition to show a valid ID to vote shows they plan on cheating to win the election again.

Please. It was proven here in Wisconsin & other states that it was you guys with the fake elector plot. Just stop already.

Well "Tump" had you suckers number in 2016 with "I could shoot someone on 5th Ave". The irony is that the law-and-order/personal-responsibility party can't see that that much blind loyalty might lead to being stuck with a rapist/fraudster/traitor as your great white (sorry orange) hope.

@273kelvin Just wait till November. He’s going to win this next time around. He’s also favored by the Las Vegas oddsmakers.

@Trajan61 Strikes fear in my heart. Where's my Xanax?

@Trajan61 You are right about the bookie's odds but guess what, he was odds on favourite in March 2020 as well. He ended up at 9/2 by August and only finished at 9/4. To be fair it was his disastrous COVID response that sunk him then but this time it's all plane sailing. Well apart from 91 indictments, 2 federal cases and one big state case in Georgia which will be televised.
I placed a bet last month on Biden at 12/5, the best I can get now is 9/5. So that shows where the trend is going.

@Trajan61 Btw, I have noticed that whenever I bring up the "I could shoot someone on 5th Ave" quote. No MAGAs ever come back with "That's an exaggeration. We think he was a great POTUS but there are limits." Maybe that's because you imposed none on him.

In Wisconsin we are codifying that only elected delegates can represent Wisconsin in response to the fake delegate scheme by you guys. The defendants pleaded guilty & had to admit publicly that Biden won fair & square. Love is blind isn't it.

@Mooolah How about the suppression of the facts on the Hunter Biden laptop. That alone was enough to tip the 2020 election in Trump’s favor. Also how do you determine if a voter is an American citizen if no valid id is required?

@Mooolah, @273kelvin Biden has been a disaster for America on both his domestic and foreign policy. I’m sure people can see that and will not vote for him this time around. If we do re-elect that idiot Biden the world will likely become a very dangerous place indeed!

@Trajan61 " How about the suppression of the facts on the Hunter Biden laptop? " Are you fucking serious man? "Suppression"?? It was all over Faux Gnus, NewsMax etc. The only staw you guys can cling to is that Twitter wouldn't show his dickpic. Since then the GOP has been relentless in Congress (to the exclusion of actually governing your country) in "investigating" this infamous laptop and we have all seen it's a bread sandwich. Give it up man it's a wet cigarette butt. Coz every time you bring it up, all you do is draw attention to the $500 million that Ivanka got in Chinese patents whilst on your taxpayer's dime and the $2 billion Jarad got from the Saudis immediately after.
Look, I know you think that the sun shines out of Trump's ass but most Americans don't. Most Americans thought he was dumb when he suggested injecting bleach. Most Americans thought he was irresponsible in holding hugh rallies when they were in lockdown. And most Americans took COVID seriously because most Americans could not afford the $180,000 worth of medical treatment he got when he contracted the disease due to his own stupidity. That is why he lost

@273kelvin Both Twitter and Facebook blocked information on the Hunter Biden laptop. And 51 US intelligence officials branded it as Russian disinformation. All 51 of those official should be arrested and should serve time.

@Trajan61 Both Twitter and Facebook have rules about DickPicks. Unlike Marjorie Traitor Greene who flashed one in Congress.
Okay, think about this. Suppose I got hold of your phone or laptop. Would I have the right to publish the content? If I did publish the content, would you have the right to sue me? If you cannot answer "no" without hesitation, then think about Twitter or Facebook's lawyers.
All this is academic as those two media sites were not the only game in town. You guys had Faux Gnus, Newsmax etc. and I got loads of emails about the laptop. Plus you have had this thing for over 4 years and have managed to show nothing of note against Joe Biden. (Btw if you had I would be right there with you calling him out. Bc, unlike Trumpists, the Dems don't give carte blanche)
Try for a minute to take your blinkers off and look at Trump's perceived record. I am not talking about the pathetic excuses MAGAs use to dismiss any and all of his wrongdoings but how an independent might view him.
1, Using Russian interference in the 2016 election and subsequently using the DOJ to exonerate him.
2, Using govt funds to try and extort Ukraine for political ends, For which he was impeached.
3, Installing his family on the govt payroll and his daughter getting $500,000,000 worth of Chinese patents.
4, Trying to get the G8 summit to meet at Mar-A-Lago
5, His catastrophic COVID response. Now you can use all the lame excuses you want like "It was the Dem Governors" or "Biden didn't do much better" but we are talking about November 2020 and the buck stops at the Oval Office.
6, The guy is a lying narcissistic pig with all the empathy of a brick wall. (Dont take my word for it, just ask anyone not still in his orbit) Whereas Biden is by all accounts a nice guy, who you might actually like if not for his politics.
So you still maintain you would have won in 2020 if Hunter Biden's laptop had been published on Facebook and Twitter? Yeah right, and you would have won in Vietnam if not for Jane Fonda.

@273kelvin I do not think "they" are familiar with empathy.

@273kelvin Hunter Biden abandoned his laptop and didn’t pay the bill he owed on it so he forfeited all rights to it.

@Mooolah Yes Moolah I’m familiar with empathy I just don’t understand how someone with any sense could still support Biden even though Trump would not be my first choice. Yes I understand how people could be put off by Trump but despite that he was far better than Biden.

@Trajan61 Hunter may or may not have abandoned the laptop but that does not necessarily mean that the contents were fair game. Eg a few years back an MI5 operative left his laptop on the London Underground. It had sensitive classified material inside and they were very glad to get it back. I am sure that anyone publishing that material would have been prosecuted. (because we all agree that mishandling of classified material is a very serious offence and should be punished to the full extent of the law mmm)
So we have information of dubious provenance.
1, Did it belong to the people offering it? (see above)
2, Is the information accurate? There was no chain of custody and much that has been purported to be from it has been proved to have been altered.
3, The parts that were censored by Twitter and Facebook broke their obscenity guidelines.
4, After over 4 years in possession of this "damming" piece of "evidence", the combined might of the GOP machine has come up with fuck all against Sleepy Joe. So unless you are saying that a quick burst of misinformation, so close to the election as to not have time to refute it, is more effective than 4 years of investigation...?

@273kelvin They weren’t just censoring dicpics, they were censoring all information pertaining to the Hunter Biden laptop.

@Trajan61 Which was of dubious provenance. There was NO chain of custardy and Hunter was NOT a govt employee. Unlike Ivanka and Jarad who got 1/2 a bill$ and 2 bill$ of the Chinese and Saudis. But every time I bring that up you go silent, blind or both.

@273kelvin That money was not for Ivanka and Jarad personally unlike the payouts to the Biden family.

@Trajan61 On that logic, don't complain about witchhunts from the NY fraud office. Bc that was against Trump's company, not him personally.
$500,000,000 worth of patents to Ivanka's personal company. $2 billion to Jarads investment firm. Which might seem a tad excessive considering that good old J babys expertise such as it is, is in real estate. Of course, this could have had nothing to do with dad-in-law turning a blind eye to the torture/murder of a US journalist in a Saudi embassy.
All the time we have to remember that Hunter was a private citizen. Free to earn a crust where he may. Unlike Bonnie and Clyde, who were on the taxpayer's tit.
Btw you never did get back to me on what you thought was her most significant contribution to the American people during her time in office.


Freaking A!!!!!


My only hope is that the Republican Party implodes and they lose the president, Senate and House! Then we can have at least two years to actually pass some laws and get things under control. Hopefully, that is assuming that the MAGA don't actually go on the war path and the military is not overstuffed with Trump loyalists.

I am pretty confident that if Trump loses, we will have a low level civil war, and that the military is full of Trump loyalists, so our side will have to arm and protect ourselves, as the cops and military will at best stand aside and let them go after us, and at worst, will join in with them against us, like you saw in Latin America, with death squads hunting down civilians that were their political enemies, and the authorities assisting them, also same as the Klan in the Jim Crow days, working hand in hand with the local cops..

I live in a red state, and have no confidence whatsover, in the cops staying neutral and caring about protecting the people the Trumpers want to terrorize and murder, so I will, in that situation, prepare to arm and protect myself, and be ready should they come for me, after they already go after the POC, immigrants, and queer folks. I may well be killed, but at least I will go down fighting and try to take a few of them with me. And if I somehow survived the shootout, I would rather be judged by 12, should there still be a functioning court system, instead of martial law, than carried by 6..

I think as the republican party disintegrates, it is likely to also drag the entire country at least part of the way down with them. Although it would be nice to see the party absent of facts go down, I do not look forward to the fallout.

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