My brain can't handle any more of this s**t.
Repubs will use ANYTHING to push their sick agenda. Unfortunately, what they are doing is dangerous for too many people.
Personally, I'd have assumed they were a tourist group of some kind. He must be pretty stupid to think that illegals would be able to charter buses.
In the last summer before I graduated high school, I traveled with a group of other students to several countries in Asia, Japan, Hong Kong (it was still under British rule), Thailand and the Philippines, and we stopped over in Hawaii on our way home. That may be why my first thought of a bus load of such persons would be tourists.
It seems republican always assume the worst.
screams of racism or in other words, GOP values
I'm with you. Sometimes I think I'm living in an alternate reality where nothing makes sense.
Exactly right! Often when I wake up in the morning, I ask myself "Is this really happening?"
Q: If he's so concerned about immigration, then why doesn't he support the bipartisan Senate immigration bill?
A: Because he doesn't really want to solve the problem; he would rather have it to bitch about.
And so would some of us.
Trump and his many followers appear to want the solution to be his theirs. It never really matters if it solves anything. What always matters is the attention they get. This is where it is at.
@yvilletom If you call acknowledging the benefits of immigration (providing essential workers, cultural enrichment) and the humanitarian obligation (to genuine seekers of asylum) bitching, then yes, on our side too.
I bitch about the numbers of authoritarian Catholic immigrants from largely Catholic countries adding to the number of authoritarians the US already has.
Much of what concerns me is the high number of American voters who do not have direct democracy — who elect people who easily become predators. At ballotpedia dot org you can find the names of their thirty-plus states.
BTW, you and I both live in a state whose voters have direct democracy.