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Against my better judgment I have started watching Gunsmoke on TV again and I did a little research. Over the years Matt Dillon has been shot at least 59 times and he can still beat the hell out of most people.

DenoPenno 9 Apr 23

Enjoy being online again!

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Reminds me of that great line from Gene Wilder as The Waco Kid, in Blazing Saddles, "I must have killed more men than Cecile B. De Mille" ...


That is a lot of lead for one guy.


He had good genes.


That’s pretty impressive!! However Chuck Norris has been blown up 35 times and can still beat the hell out of anyone!! And he’s like 110 years old!!?! 😮


See you in hell pardner 🤠


And that doesn't even take into account the number of times that he punched somebody, sans boxing glove. That's a lot of damaged hand bones right there. It's a miracle that he could still draw, let alone shoot.

Acting is acting and punches are all choreographed. This is an art. Also, glass that is broken in film is mostly sugar glass. It looks real but is not likely to cut you. Even so, accidents do sometimes happen.

@DenoPenno You must realize that I was talking about Matt Dillon the charactor, and not James Arness the actual person? I mean, it was Matt Dillon who was shot 59 times, not James Arness.


I grew up largely in Page AZ and the Gunmoke crew was kind of a fixture in the area. As film crews went they weren't bad and Festus had a mild fixation on Lake Powell.

I miss them as local color -- they were a fun bunch in a professional way.


59? I only remember 40-something...but then, I was a kid and the TV screen was 9" across


Yes, but a lot of red necks take it literally.

PS. You need a hobby.

TV and movies has been my lifelong hobby. None of it was because I had 'nothing to do" as some say.

A hobby is whatever gives you pleasure.

What’s a redneck!?! 🤠

@Aaron70 Don't really know, but a lot of people on this site use it. I think that it is a term of flattery that the Americans use among themselves, a bit like our "well scrubbed" we use here in Britain for good personal grooming. But I am sure that most of the USA people will be flattered to be called one, so I use it when I can.

@Betty I talk to squirrels. Is that a hobby? Or a sign of early dementia?

@davknight Does it give you pleasure?

My mum talked to squirrels, heck she fed them and they were comfortable coming into the house for some walnuts. One was so friendly that it went upstairs to fetch her. So...talking to squirrels is perfectly normal. 🙂

@davknight Depends on whether you think the squirrels are talking back to you...


Movie and TV heroes always have an unrealistic resilience.


Hollywood reality


It's all in the script.


Hollywood magic. You can't beat it. 😂

Betty Level 8 Apr 23, 2024

That's true! 😂😂😂

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