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In stark contrast to America's Christian nationalists:

Flyingsaucesir 8 Apr 23

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Hm. I don't think the argument for Jesus being about taking care of the Earth is a solid one. Have you read the Book of Revelation? Coming back and destroying the Earth is what the end of the Bible is all about, and it's the end of the story that really tells you what it's about.

You make a good point. Nevertheless, Francis does recognize the threat of global warming, and advocates for stopping deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels. This puts him miles ahead of our own Republicans.

@Flyingsaucesir Agreed. What a sadly low bar that is, being better than American Republicans.

@CliffordCook Ah, so sad but so true.

@CliffordCook LOL funniest comment of the morning. It's early so we'll see how it holds up. LOL


Christian Nationalism is in itself rotten.

You need look no further that our poster model for family values and its name is Lauren Boebert. After all, wasn’t this the one who said she’s ‘Tired of the separation of church and state?’

Christian Nationalism sucks and so does Lauren Blowfart.


And yet he still endorses Ukraine surrendering to Putin so he can finish the genocide he started....

It has been a long time since there has been a warrior Pope.

@Flyingsaucesir And those have always been murderous thugs who just wanted to maintain or increase the power and wealth of the church...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Tru dat.

@Flyingsaucesir The last one was John-Paul the first and he ended up being poisoned. The Mafia didn't like him meddling with the Vatican bank.

@pedigojr More likely it was his own cardinals who didn't want the money laundry shutdown...



The alacrity with which so many so-called Christians have turned their backs on Jesus' teachings in favor of a sinister and draconian ideology really highlights their hypocrisy and lack of faith.

@Flyingsaucesir I do not disagree at all.

@Flyingsaucesir And ignorance above that.

@Flyingsaucesir Again, pure evidence of the hypocrisy in religion.

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