Want to drastically reduce the flow of drugs and people from across the southern border? The answer is simple and today's Republicans will never show the courage, patriotism, and honesty to act on it. act on it
The Mexican drugs across the border is controlled by the Mexican drug cartels. Those same criminal organizations are also acting as coyotes to enable the flow of migrants to our boarder. Where do they get their power? There are simply armed to the teeth. Where do they get their weapons? They are smuggled across the border from the U.S. into Mexico. That would not be possible if we had effective gun control. If the U.S. were to finally show the courage and will to ban(1) the sales of all assault weapons and all other semi-automatic rifles and pistols, as well as of all high capacity magazines to all non-state actors and the civilian possession of all such arms, we would actually hugely ameliorate the gravity of a multitude of our nation's greatest problems in one fell swoop. Among those problems are :
All politicians and jurists standing in the way of such action have no real honor or patriotism.
One of our greatest problems, and getting worse by the moment, is a lack of workers at every level of employment.
I think a bunch if people with the gumption to uproot themselves from the place of their birth in search of a better future for themselves and their families (Hey! Just like those who came through Ellis Island!) will be excellent and much-needed additions to our country.
The corruption you so carefully point out comes from a similar source as what drove lawlessness in the Prohibition era, apparently nobody but me learned anything from that???
Portugal has stopped banning any drugs and the usage has gone down 80%. If you are found to be addicted to drugs there. You are put in front of a panel of doctors, psychologists, counselors and given help with your addiction. It apparently works. Not everyone will stop using drugs but a hell of a lot of people do.
Most of the migrants coming to the USA from Central and South America are seeking asylum from violent drug gangs. The source of the gangs' power is cash from sales of illegal drugs in the USA. We have tried a "war on drugs" for 50 years, and it has not worked (just like the earlier prohibition of alcohol did not work). What WILL work is de-criminalization of the drugs. Make pharmaceutical-grade drugs free and available to anyone who wants them. Redirect the money we spend on incarceration and policing into education and treatment. This will break the backs of the drug cartels, because the only reason their products are worth a dime is that they are illegal; the drugs have no intrinsic value of their own. If you really want to stem the tide of illegal immigration, end Nixon's war on drugs.
For a fuller explanation of how this will work, see my post of January 26, 2024.
Prohibition itself is stupid. That alone makes it more attractive.
@CuddyCruiser Exactly
I think the proposed solution has some merit, but gun control alone won't solve the problem entirely, but it would likely put a dent in it. I am all for gun control though. I don't think anyone outside of law enforcement needs assault type weapons or semi-automatic firing.
All guns are designed to kill. Period. Although a very few guns are designed for hunting, most guns are designed and engineered to kill people. It really makes me uncomfortable that the courts interpretation of the 2nd Amendment to the constitution is to allow (almost entirely) unfettered rights to weapons designed to kill other people.
I don't agree with the courts interpretations. At the time the second amendment was written, the U.S. had no standing army, and individual states had a lot more autonomy. However, the U.S. Civil War changed that. Before the Civil War, we had volunteer state militias to protect the country. Therefore guaranteeing the right to be able to defed the country in a "well regulated" militia, we essential at the time for nation defense. After the Civil War, the country shifted to have a national standing army, so state militias were no longer so essential, and people owning guns to be able to join those militias was no longer a necessity for nation defense. The state militia eventually became the State's National Guard, which is now under the U.S. Army and is a part of the U.S. standing army is often called up to fight in overseas conflicts, such as recent conflicts in the Middle East. Arms for "The Guard" are supplied by the U.S. Army. Individual ownership of a fun is no longer a necessity to serve.
So, the 2nd Amendment is an outdated anachronism which has been twisted by gun manufacturers to increase sales, and thanks to the court's legislating from the bench, now every person has the right to own a weapon designed to kill other people.
I would nto be so bothered by this if people who owned guns actually practiced proficiency, rather than just assuming owning a gun by itself would keep them safe.
When my father died I was shocked to find he owned half a dozen guns. Only one of which he ever used, and that was when he was a 22 rifle he had since he was a kid, and as a kid was the last time he used it. He never visited a firing range to practice since he left the marines when he was recalled to be a drill instructor for basic training for the Korean War. Since then he never fired a gun, but when he died he owned a half dozen of them. Which would have bee a bonanza for any crook who broke into the house to rob it.
The facts are that most gun owners don't keep guns secure. For instance, my dad kept all of his under the mattress. Guns kept in the home are more often used against loved family members than they are against "bad guys". Kids in homes that have guns almost always know where the guns are kept and how to access them. For instance, I knew growing up that my dad kept his rifle in an attic storage space, and a loaded hand gun in his sock drawer in the house when I was a kid. And, being a kid, I was curious and took them out a few times to look them over.
Weirdly, I never received any gun instruction from my dad who had two guns in my childhood home, but actually had some gun training because the leader who oversaw my age group at my parent's church (Mormon), was into hunting. So, I along with all the other boys my age went through the NRA gun safety courses, passed and got hunting licenses. Although it seemed I had natural talent, as I shot 14 out of 15 into a 1 inch circle at 100 years, I really didn't have much interest in guns, and I haven't shot a gun since age 14 or 15. I am now 61.
Anyway, if I were to own a gun, I'd think it imperative that I keep it stored securely, and that I practice with it to keep up proficiency in using it. I do not believe that owning a gun in itself keeps you safe. Not if you seldom, if ever practice with it. If you own a weapon of death it is a responsibility to be safe in every way with it.
Back when I took NRA courses in the 1970's, the emphasis of the organization was still about marksmanship (proficiency), responsibility and gun safety, not in collecting huge personal arsenals, as it seems to be today. I still think if a person owns a gun, they should firs be responsible about ownership, being sure to follow safety guidelines and storing guns safely (preferably in a locked gun safe), and they should practice with it to become and maintain proficiency, so if they ever actually need to use it for protection, they don't hurt themselves or loved ones, or other innocents in trying to defend themselves. They should also learn how to properly clean any firearms they own. I'd hate to think of my dad's handgun from the 1970's that he kept loaded in a sock drawer, which accumulated lint and dust being fired, and the idea of the magazine being loaded so long would likely means it could have easily jammed if the gun were ever actually used. Just because I have no interest in owning a gun doesn't mean I dont' remember what i learned from those NRA classes.
Anyway, I got off the subject. The 2nd amendment needs to be at the very least updated to reflect the current difference of the state of our national defense strategies (armed forces, we now have a standing army for defense) and in the interest of public safety.
The Cartels thrive because Americans buy their drugs, not because of guns. While a Cartel may kill a politician from time to time, it is money, that allows the cartels to thrive.
The amount of guns in this country is absurd;this is a result of politicians pandering to their big money overlords. What America needs are politicians who actively represent their constituents,not just those with money to buy their favors.
Unless the Second Amendment is removed or modified (something very hard to do) how do you think politicians can make broad anti-gun laws?
@Alienbeing how will we know if there is not an effort?
@WayneDalton We know (or should know) the proces of amending our Constitution is very arduous. First 66% of both the Senate and the House must approve the amendment. Then if the President signs it another 66% of the individual State legislatures must ratify the Amendment.
With the counrty about evenly split between so called Liberal and Conservative voters and more than 33% of the States Legislators Conservative, anyone must conclude such an Amendment has no chance.
Jejune drivel.
Güeys could have sticks and stones and still supply the anthropic desire for altered consciousness to merkins.
A role of any leader is national security which means border control. The border is not being managed, plain and simple. The buck stops with the president.
Can't control your border, you are on the way to becoming a failed state.
PS I hope all remember O'Biden referring to these people as "illegals", then quickly correcting himself, referring to them as "undocumented". Who wants a bet "undocumented" are given the right to work and vote? Not like illegals.
All B.S.
@wordywalt How do you define a country? Point it out on a map? Personally, I use borders.
The thing with borders, if people are just allowed to cross freely, is it really a border? And if it's not really a border, can you still call it a sovereign country?
O'Biden considers borders quite important o/s. Except Palestine's borders of course. And he is trying to document all in the US, need that info for town planning etc. "New Americans" is the Democrats way of describing these people.
A great shame it hasn't been managed imo. Puts an awful strain on services and public facilities which does not benefit any. The poor city planners have to deal with this unplanned and therefore unmanaged human influx into their areas.
Russiagate, China, Iran.............the US loves blaming others, especially PC democrats. Now it seems it's the big bad Mexicans. All BS.
@puff Yes, even if people are allowed to cross freely it is still a border. All U.S. states have open borders between themselves and neighboring U.S. states. Many European countries have open borders. Cities have borders, counties have borders, congressional districts have borders.
The issue with the border and undocumented immigration into the U.S. from Mexico has been a problem for decades. Trump couldn't solve it, Bush could solve it, the other Bush couldn't solve it, Reagan couldn't solve it, Ford couldn't solve it, etc. I don't expect that Biden will solve it nor will the president after him. When nobody can agree on a solution then absolutely nothing will continue to get accomplished.
Also, even a 100 foot tall wall going from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean wouldn't prevent illegal immigration from Mexico.
@Charles1971 We have states in Australia too, talking international borders. The EU has Schengen. Open borders is a management decision. I think a bad one, not fair to citizens. Especially when government assistance is helping attract and encourage migration.
Not my country, don't really care. But the record of this admin, if re-elected.............................What will that tell the world about America's direction? Voting Biden/ Harris in again.................
I Predict Trump win, RFK Jr 2nd and Biden/ Harris 3rd. Don't care, not cheering, just a prediction. And border management will be a major issue.
Then again if Israel and Ukraine go to shit with an accompanying financial crash, there may not be an election at all.
@puff If Trump somehow manages to win despite is multitude of trials and crimes then we can expect a repeat of his first term. He'll like about building a border wall, he'll lie about Mexico paying for the wall, he'll like about there being caravans of immigrants filled with criminals. And just like his first term, he will get nothing done in regards to the border issue.
Undocumented cannot vote. It takes documents to vote. Buses and carloads simply do not drive up, unload and vote. I live in a GOP state and I have the required GOP documentation in form of an ID. Idiots sometimes tell me you can buy this in a flea market. What the idiots fail to see is that the ID documentation has to connect just like pieces in a puzzle for it to work.
@Charles1971 The only reason I think Trump will win is because Biden is so bad. I just can't see him getting back in and if he does, I see no future for the US besides war, there seems to be no other vision from the democratic party.
Trump's a psycho but that doesn't make him stand out. He's a Washington outsider and people will be voting for change as they did last time voting Trump. I personally hope RFK Jr gets up but doubt it, don't really like his stance re Israel either but change is needed and if Trump is unacceptable, RFK seems the best choice to me. Biden/ Harris/ Blinken/ Kirby et al are that bad it would be criminal if they are rewarded with another term. This just from a world standing view point for the US as Biden is a figure that is mocked and not respected. Domestically don't know don't live there.
@DenoPenno it's a slippery slope, death by a thousand cuts. There will be arguments made undocumented migrants be allowed to work, very reasonable, so work permits will be issued. This means tax will be collected so tax ID issued. Then the argument will be made that as they are contributing members of society, these people should be allowed to vote. Reasonable enough so each step is reasonable and accepted without much fanfare. Come straight out and say "Let them vote" and people will resist, but this way most won't even notice until it happens.
Very altruistic and practical solutions for governments to implement yet they won't. It is profitable for them to keep things as they are as long as they are not the targets.
If government officials and their families were the ones at risk, you would see laws and enforcements of those laws governing gun control.