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Drunk and David Allan Coe seems to fit the day. Before this I found I had missed a major graduation 7 miles away. My younger daughter filled me all in. It was a high school graduation and almost everyone was there. This included the man who has screwed up my older daughter's life. He did 27 years for murder but they have not lived together in over 2 years. He thinks he is prime crap in all that goes on. He sold and got rid of her stuff claiming"marital privelege." This include family heirlooms. That was when I no longer supported him.

The ceremony showed pics of him and everyone else. Then my youngest told me her older sis has taken her daughter and her ex back into her house knowing that it cost her $650 each to get rid of them before, WTF is this about? Why would she do this?

My granddaughter has never had a job her entire life and both her and the prison parolie will not work. My oldest daughter thinks she can control their lives through religion. This is a myth.

DenoPenno 9 May 18

Enjoy being online again!

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After reading all the comments as I sit and enjoy a Jameson and a joint on the deck, I congratulate myself for never having children. Probably the smartest thing I have never done.

I never had kids either, by choice, and that also is probably one of the wisest choices I ever made, because I would likely have sucked, as a parent or even a stepparent.


Just my reaction to certain things that go on in my family almost daily. My normal method of dealing is to hide and ignore them.

Hiding and ignoring is the only way to deal with this activities as there is absolutely nothing anyone can do to get through to religious idiots.

I cut ALL my kin out in 2016……you can probably guess why…..😇


Christianity has a lot to say about forgiveness. Most of it is spiritual/personal. Not bad advice, as anger and bitterness, can fuck your own head up more than the cause. It did not include travelling through Judia unarmed! It was not unconditional forgiveness, "Go away and sin no more!" And to think that you can change someone who has given you no reason to expect them to is just dumb.
That said how many of us have not done really dumb stuff when partners/kids are involved? It may be that religion is just the straw she is reaching for.

Just this morning my doping non-working granddaughter was on FB posting about her horrors in dealing with her "monster mom" and her grandma. Of course, she herself has done nothing wrong. She claims to be a Christian but she wants advice on how to get even with both of them. I told her she could teach them both a lesson by refusing to live with them any longer.

@DenoPenno You're grandad and it's up to you to tell her "The best revenge is living a good life". That's where that personal/spiritual forgiveness kicks in. Become more of the type of person you admire. Be the person the other people turn to when things are shitty. There is a reason that the windscreen is so much bigger than the rearview mirror. But all that is so much harder to do if you're carrying around all that resentment.

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