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Religious persecution is when ...

snytiger6 9 May 19

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I am patiently waiting for the next time a couple of Jehová witness show up at the door. Before you start I have one question do you know how foolish you seem to rational people? Will see if that is not a conversation ender!

I keep wanting to try this approach ...

@snytiger6 you could don the priestly neck collar then they can't accuse you of opening the door naked. "Come in gentlemen I have been waiting for you. I have a little catholic ceremony i'd like to show you"!


Try saying that to all the religitards that infest the United $tates of Absurdity.


No shit, but the right wing theocrats will never admit that difference, and instead will continue to cling to their victimhood identity, no matter how false, because it serves them as a sword and a shield..


I think when religious parents raise you. Thats where it starts

Yes, the cultural conditional starts with the parents.


Amen 🙏😇🙏


Theists believe not being able impose their beliefs on others IS persecution.

This is because they think their book tells them to convert people. Imagine how much worse this would be for us all if Christian Nationalism becomes the norm. Many people could not get job without proclaiming to be a believer.

@DenoPenno I always thought it was because they was hateful oppressive bullies by nature…..🤔

To people like me, theocrats imposing their religion on me, is persecution, of both the non religious, and anyone else who has differing beliefs from them.

Non believers are a threat to their existence, therefore ALL must be assimilated. It’s like a bad episode of Star Trek…..🤠

@Aaron70 one of us. One of us. One of us.

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