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This is a list of Trump lawyers who have either had their law licences suspended, have been disbarred, have been indicted, or have pled guilty to felony charges. The states where they have faced professional discipline and/or criminal indictment are noted in parentheses:

Ray Smith III (GA)
Robert Cheeley (GA)
Kevin Chesebro (GA
Christina Bobb (AZ)
Sydney Powell (GA, TX)
Rudy Giuliani (NY, DC, GA, AZ)
John Eastman (CA, AZ)
Jenna Ellis (CO, GA, AZ)
Jeffery Clark (DC, GA)
Michael Cohen (NY)
Matthew DePerno (MI)
Michael Farina (NY)
Julia Haller (MI)
Scott Hagerstrom (MI)
Brandon Johnson (MI)
Christopher M. Kise (NY)
Howard Kleinhendler (MI)
Michael Madaio (NY)
Armen Morian (NY)
Clifford S. Robert (NY)
Gregory J. Rohl (MI)
L. Lin Wood (GA, MI)
Boris Epshteyn (AZ)

Apparently there were no lawyers among the fake electors of Nevada. 😂

P.S. It is certainly concerning that so many lawyers are ready and willing to abandon their professional ethics and descend into criminality. However, I do not take this as a sign that the system is broken. On the contrary! A few bad apples do not mean that the entire crop is rotten. I take all these disciplinary actions and indictments as a sign that the system is working! (I do wish it would work a little faster, though.) 😂


Flyingsaucesir 8 May 23

Enjoy being online again!

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Finally, there seems to be some justice in the world. Maybe the word will get around and people will think twice before taking on any cases from tRump. What would be fantastic would to see some of SCROTUS (Supreme Court republicans of the US) members get disciplined.

SCROTUS!😂😂😂 Yes, I would love to see them disciplined, but I'm not holding my breath.

@Flyingsaucesir This came to me as a way of separating the 3 (all women) saner justices fro the rest of the cabal.

@pedigojr I say, old chap! You do have a way with words! SCROTUS! It's a stroke of genius!😂


And how many of them actually got paid?

That is an excellent question. Probably none!

We learned this week that Rudy Giuliani's lawyer, Robert Costello, is suing his client for $2 million in unpaid legal fees. I guess what comes around goes around. 😂

Trump stiffs Guliani; Guliani stiffs Costello; Costello tries to screw Cohen; Cohen gets Trump convicted. Perfect!

Or if our focus is only on the unpaid fees, we could say "what doesn't go around doesn't come around" 😂


All of which plays into the MAGA right's persecution narrative. We're through the looking glass here.

I'm afraid that for the MAGA faithful, you're right. They seem not to understand at all how the judicial system works: that you can lose your license to practice law if you bring frivolous lawsuits without evidence; that a grand jury weighs evidence before an indictment is issued; that prosecutors don't like to lose cases for lack of evidence (it's bad for their careers).

The other day I had lunch with an old friend whose wife is an Evangelical Christian, and who has turned ever more right wing over the last 40 years of married life. We talked a little politics, and early in our conversation he made it clear, through indirect comments, that he deeply distrusts the judicial system.
Finally I said, "If you have no faith in the judicial system, I would ask you this question:"
He stopped me right there. "What do you mean? I have faith in the Judicial system!"
I continued. "OK, well not you, but to anybody who says they distrust the legal system I would ask this question: do you keep your money in a bank, or in a mattress at home?"
"Is that what you think of conservatives?" he asked. Then, without another word, he stalked off, got in his car, and drove away. We have been friends since 1976. Now I actually doubt that I will ever hear from him again. Is this crazy, or what?

@Flyingsaucesir My best friend since high school has gone completely down the MAGA rabbit hole, we're basically no longer friends.


Birds of a feather, do flock together.

Taking on Trump as a client is probably not the best career choice for any lawyer, young or old. 😂

@Flyingsaucesir All that taking on Trump for a client does is get a lawyer some attention.

@DenoPenno Yes, there is no such thing as bad publicity they say. But sometime just occasionally they could be wrong.

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