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Hypatia of Alexandra ...

Some accounts I have read say that the mob that flayed (skinned) her alive, using broken pottery shards, was actually a group of Christian monks.

snytiger6 9 June 4

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Reminds me of the movie Agora

I'll grant you this movie is loosely based on the historical Hypatia, with added romance storyline, some exaggeration of her math skills, and glossing over the Christian brutality of her death. After screening it the first time, one of my guests commented, "This movie makes me so mad. I just want to go punch a Christian." I had to import the Blu-Ray from Germany as they never released the Blue Ray version in the states. Wonder why?

A lot of great stories started with actual events, and were fictionalized.


That is one horrific story.

I believe that he being an educated woman made them feel (possibly their manhood was)threatened. Even today educated women are likely to be killed in the region.


Troublesome as it is, freedom of speech is the bedrock of civilization. Those who resort to violence in order to stop speech that they don't approve of are showing weakness, not strength.


I think that's a way of dealing with a certain orange POS we'd all like to see.

Not me. I want to see the criminal justice process play out. I sure don't want tRump to ever achieve martyr status. I want to see him thoroughly unmasked and discredited. Happily, that is what is happening. 🙂

@Flyingsaucesir Just read a news report that Biden is now leading the orange anus. Seems, his guilty on all counts did hurt his popularity. Also, he has to sit before a board and show some kind of remorse for his crimes. Their report will determine his fate. Lets see him spouting the usual witch hunt and typical insane rhetoric and go to jail or give in and lose his 'survival' status.

@pedigojr Yeah it's starting to sink in that the guy is a crook. Finally, teflon Don does not seem so invulnerable.

The NYPD is revoking his concealed carry permit 😂


That is the mainstream version of the story. The church used to boast about it, and it is not that questionable.

I suspect the burning of the Library of Alexandria was probably arson committed at the behest of the church. At the time they were burning books they considered to be "blasphemous" all over the Roman Empire.


Well, as Monty Python would say about it, it could have been worse, they could have burned her at the stake as a witch, as the assholes would usually historically do with all powerful women they felt threatened by...

That doesn't sound like a better option.

@Betty I was using the typical British dry wit or sarcastic understatement, as the Pythons often use..


The 2009 movie Agora was excellent. I recommend viewing that for those who have yet to do so.


Nitrian Monks who had followed Cyril to Alexandra when he was appointed Patriarch of Alexandra.... "coincidentally" the very next day the Great Library which she was curator of was burned along with 1,500 years of collected knowledge and soon after Baghdad became the new center of human learning and knowledge....
Soon afterwards Cyril was Sainted by the church...
You also forgot to mention she was publicly raped by those "holy men" just before being flayed alive...


How kind of them to have raped her first...

@TomMcGiverin Sick fuckers the lot of them... Everyone thinks of monks as peaceful men who live in monasteries making wine and taking vows of silence and shit like that but back then they were just street thugs to enforce the will of the church on the people...


Those fucking christians would kill anyone who threatened their power. 🤬


I hope that bit about skinning her alive is not true. It sounds excruciatingly painful.

No worse than many of the other forms of execution common in our history. Drawn and quartered, burned alive, crucified, thrown to the lions. The list goes on and on.


Look up what they did to Braveheart sometime…

@Killtheskyfairy Thanks but no thanks don't have the taste for such gruesome acts. Man at his worst.

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