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This "king" of Queens ain't nobody in Manhattan πŸ˜‚

Flyingsaucesir 8 June 6

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But they let him keep the tie. Although given his fat ass (and fat head) it's gonna be hard for anything to withstand that much weight without breaking.


Let him keep the shoelaces.


Let him keep his show laces.

Yeah, we needn't worry that he might commit suicide. He loves himself too much and is incapable of feeling shame.

I said the same!

@Flyingsaucesir It’s not a worry that he would commit suicide, that would be a hope.

@nogod4me I totally feel you. I wouldn't miss him either. But then he would escape accountability (like his good buddy Jeffrey Epstein). And imagine the conspiracy theories his followers would spin if he offed himself in his cell. Better that he lives to see himself thoroughly and roundly discredited. IMHO.

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