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While buying food today some old fart in the store wanted to talk to me about the debate. I agreed, it was a disaster. Next he switches into immigration at our Southern border. He just could not understand why Texas was having so much trouble with it. Having lived in Texas 20 years, I agreed to help him with this. I showed him both my hands, named one Texas and the other Mexico, and then stuck them both together. Giving it time to sink in, I pulled my hands apart and showed him a second time. He said he disagreed. In New York he said, Canadians are coming in from Canada too. I told him I was aware of it and I'm still afraid someone crossing over from Canada might sneak in and cut my throat some night as I sleep.. He was trying to say more as I excused myself and walked away to finish my shopping.

DenoPenno 9 June 29

Enjoy being online again!

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We're a scary bunch up here in the cold Canadian wilderness. 😉

Betty Level 8 June 30, 2024

At least a Canadian would say "sorry" while cutting your throat....

Sarcasm intended...


I live in a border city and all of the fear mongering is really going overboard on this issue! We are not having a wave of migrants coming over and they are not committing any crimes whatsoever, it's really stupid that people believe what they're being told in their biased news that they watch. They don't think for themselves and they don't research or ask people who actually live in a border city about it. It's really saddening to see how racism is another factor in this.

It has always been my experience that people who come into the country undocumented go out of their way not to attract attention to themselves so they don't end up being deported...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Exactly! They stay on the down low, as if they're that stupid to commit crimes! Most of these migrants have family who are going to support them, they're just waiting for the paperwork to get through.

@michelle666gar They take what work they can get and try to dress like everyone else and even work on learning English trying to suppress their accents if they can. Anything that helps them blend into the crowd Yes I have worked alongside several of these people and once they do get established they try to help other family members. The ones who don't do this often get caught and deported quickly. Ever seen the movie "Born in East LA" funny as hell but it gives a pretty accurate view of what they go through each day.

Another sad think is that people wrongly believe that the illegals are drawing Social Security and working fast to get their families set up for it too. This does not happen, cannot happen, and is a flat out falsehood.


As the cognitive dissonance mounts, the wackos become desperate for validation to the point of panic.


Calling it a debate is being generous.

puff Level 8 June 29, 2024

If that is where you stopped reading you missed the fun part. 🙂

@DenoPenno I read all and it made me smile. Jumping straight into politics with random strangers was never going to end well. You should have asked them where the Mexican food isle was.

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