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"When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time."
-- Maya Angelou

After his 2020 election loss, Trump filed 62 lawsuits challenging the results. But he could not provide any evidence to support his claims. There were many ballot recounts and election audits, and no fraud or errors big enough to change the outcome were found. Trump went zero for sixty-two in court.

That should have been the end of it, but Trump couldn't let it go. Like a spoiled child, his Big Lie election fraud train kept a rolling.

Trumpty Dumpty even suggested we terminate the Constitution.

β€œA Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution.”
-- Donald J. Trump

Then he denied he said that.

So he has shown us who he is. We believed him the first time. That's got to be the end of the line for him.

It was the end of the line for Trump's personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani. Last week the New York Bar Association stripped Giuliani of his law license for promoting Trumps Big Lie. βš–οΈ





Flyingsaucesir 8 July 12

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Giuliani will soon have a nice job in the Trump administration starting in 2025!

It would not bring back his law license πŸ˜‚

But you're right; we could very well end up with a career criminal in the White House again, if enough people are gullible enough to buy Don the Con's bullshit.

You are so credulous, it makes me wonder. Are you sure you're an atheist/agnostic?


The 51 US intelligence officials who put their name on a letter branding the Hunter Biden laptop as likely Russian disinformation along with other suspicious activity was definitely enough to tilt the election in Biden’s favor so that alone raises concern about the validity of the 2020 election results.

The Spanish word for what you're selling is "hojarasca." It literally translates as a dense area of foliage or "leaf storm," but its secondary meaning is "balderdash." Can you see how balderdash can be represented as a leaf storm? It's actually kind if poetic. πŸ˜‚


(oops, posted the wrong link.... here's what was suppose to be there) Did you believe Joe the first time? πŸ™„ []

Whatever the politics were in 1972, today Joe Biden has the full support of the Congressional Black Caucus, AND that of the most reliable voters in the country, Black women.

To the extent that the article's assertions are accurate (I'm not taking them as such without fact checking, but for the sake of argument we can say they are), it would appear that Biden's views have evolved substantially.

Contrast that with Donald Trump, whose father was a Klansman, who had to be sued by the federal government before allowing Black people to rent his apartments, who called for 5 INNOCENT colored youths to be executed, who quotes Adolf Hitler and other racist scum, and dog whistles white supremacists. Trump has been very consistently a racist pig his whole useless life. No sign of learning or evolving sensibilities at all.

If Barak Obama had not trusted Joe's good judgement, do you think he still would have picked him for his VP?

Ask Oprah Winfrey who she would rather have in the Oval Office. I guarantee you she will not say Donald Trump.


the chump is not out to make America Great Again, but to make it something different than it ever was.
a nation hobbled by selfishness, denial, greed, false pride, and so on. we are human and we live around this stuff all the time. perhaps for some folks, it is all they've ever had, for some its an excuse to make it worse, others a chance to prove themselves right, justifying their bad decisions habit. in the spirit of adding to America's greatness and referencing its history could we add this to the list of patriotic cruelties as circumstances arise.



I would like for this to be the end of the line for Donald Trump himself. When I repeatedly make the claim that Trump will commit suicide on Fifth Avenue it is because he once said he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and get away with it. prove it Donnie. Let it be you.

Personally I would prefer to see him rot in jail, but if he would eat his gun, that would be satisfactory.


I hope Rudi lives a good long time contemplating what should have been. He mucked up big time. Donnie needs to go, he is just not good for any decent country. I don't care how he goes, he just has to go.

Yup, these dogs have had their day.

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