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I didn't post this link under the heading "Politics" because the refusal to accept the legitimate results of an election is beyond politics. It's the prelude to an authoritarian takeover (one that, according to the Heritage Foundation's president, "will be bloodless if the left allows it to be" ).


Flyingsaucesir 8 July 17

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The coming takeover "will be bloodless if the left allows it to be." This tells you everything if you think on it. The big problem I find is that much of the left is falling in with this and saying things that help the Heritage Foundation and the far right. We cannot make remarks that seem to show we agree with them if we want to win. Time to wake up here. Otherwise you might be living in a modern version of the year 1900.

When you take away the benefits that people have with no other ways of helping them it shows that you simply do not care about them. "We The People" has to mean all of us or it simply means "We Who Are in Power."


Since at the Federal level we are not, nor ever were a Democracy no plan (GOP or otherwise) can end Democracy.

The basic misunderstanding that we are a REPUBLIC and what that means, not a Democracy is the root of most contradictions.

A republic is a type of democracy. 😂

The idea that the USA is not a democracy is a MAGA talking point, an excuse for an authoritarian takeover.

Democratic republic definition

@Flyingsaucesir A Republic IS NOT a "form" of Democracy.

There is NOTHING Democratic about two Senators from every State irrespective of population.

There is NOTHING about a guarantee of one House member irrespective of population.

There is NOTHING Democratic about requiring a 66% vote for many actions. 51% would be Democratic.

There is NOTHING Democratic about requiring 66% of States being required to amend the Constitution.

I could go on, but I doubt it would correct your moronic notion that we are a Democracy.

In closing the next time you recite the Pledge of Alligence note that you pledge "to the REPUBLIC" FOR WHICH IT STANDS.


@Flyingsaucesir Nothng MAGA about it and it could not possibly have any relationship to MAGA because it is a CONSTITUTIONAL mandate. Hopefully you know the Constitution was written LONG before the term "MAGA" was ever used.

@Alienbeing There is nothing in the definition of a democratic republic stating a fixed number of voters per representative. In the USA that number has changed in the past, and it is due for another change now.

The Senate rule requiring 60 votes rather than a simple majority of 51 is not a law; it's just a rule, and it can be changed with a vote by simple majority. (Whoever does not, in the moment, want that change to occur is apt to refer to it as "the nuclear option." )

I think everyone agrees that the Electoral College is not as democratic as we would like. And senators should represent people, not states, IMHO. These institutions are antiquated and in need of change.

There are good reasons for making it difficult to change the Constitution. Stability and predictability are probably chief among them. And changing the Constitution might not seem so urgent if the Supreme Court had not recently been highjacked by an extremist right-wing supermajority. (The problem could be ameliorated, if not solved, by expanding the court. Hopefully the recent spate of wacko rulings by the court will be the kick in the butt needed to get people to vote in a Democratic trifecta in November. It is, as in any democracy, up to the voters.)

US government is not as democratic as you (or I) would like it to be. We could certainly do with more democratization l. No argument there.

MAGA is an authoritarian personality cult. It is currently using (and subverting) the levers of the democratic republic to seize power and make the country decidedly less democratic in the future.

If we the people do not exercise our democratic power of the vote in the upcoming elections, then we may lose them forever. The Trump/MAGA movement is counting on the peoples' apathy, laziness, confusion, and frustration to keep them from voting. That's what their "America is not a democracy, it's a republic" talking point is all about. It's just part of their strategy to sow discontent and hopelessness among the members of the electorate. Lower turnout favors MAGA, because their voters will vote for Trump (and for MAGA candidates down the ballot) no matter how obscenely anti-democratic or criminal they are.

See the link below for a scholarly treatment of the relationship between democracy and republic.


@Flyingsaucesir Your dissertation is your poor attempt to save yourself. We are a Republic whether you have the brains to recognize it or not.

In closing the 66% I was referring to IS a law as respects Constitional amendments. That is the MAIN reason "gun control" measures go nowhere.

Read the Constitution, and try very hard to understand it. You will need to try hard because it is obvious you aren't too smart.


@Alienbeing Gee, I have provided several links to definitions that support me. What have you provided? Nothing but your wonderful opinion (that's sarcasm, btw, in case you didn't pick up on it). Asshole. 😂

@Flyingsaucesir The Constitution itself by pointing out only some of the OBVIOUS non-Democratic parts of said document. I guess the source itself is confusing to you.

@Alienbeing You cherry pick. There are also democratic elements. Hence the term "democratic republic."

@Flyingsaucesir I know it is hard for you to admit you are wrong, but you are. You are also no too smart because you choose to bicker legal points with a lawyer when you obviously have NO legal background and obviously have not even read the Constitution.

Next time you pledge alliegence (if you ever do) try inserting "Democracy" in the part that says "and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands.

Remain ignorant, it will only frustrate you because you won't be able to understand how our Federal Government works.

@Alienbeing I guess you didn't read the article at

Dr. David Childs, Ph.D.
Northern Kentucky University

"What is a Democratic Republic?

The United States government is a complex entity known as a democratic republic. This essentially means that the government operates on the principles of both a republic and a democracy. In other words, the nation functions upon principles that are common in both republics and democracies. The American Heritage Dictionary defines a republic as “a political order in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them.” The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines democracy as “a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections.” In other words, in a republic there are a group of citizens elected or appointed to represent the people, but with a democracy the power is theoretically in the hands of usually all voting citizens. A democratic republic is a mixture of the two.

Direct Democracy Versus a Representative Democracy

Although we hear often that the US is a democracy, it is not fully a direct democracy in the purest sense. Presidential elections are not decided by a direct democracy, but by the electoral college (Electors are officials appointed by each state). A 2016 article in the Huffington Post outlines the process very clearly. The article states that when voters go to the polls they choose “which candidate receives their state’s electors. The candidate who receives a majority of electoral votes (270) wins the Presidency. The number 538 is the sum of the nation’s 435 Representatives, 100 Senators, and 3 electors given to the District of Columbia.” Thus at the federal level, the US is a representative democracy. Many aspects of the United States function as a direct democracy such as local elections for mayor, city council and school board members. State governors are another well known example; in each of the fifty states the governor is elected by popular vote."

The author goes on to provide "resources social studies teachers can use to assist students in understanding the complexities, nuances, and their rights within the United States as a democratic republic."

I understand that "complexities and nuances" are difficult for you to grasp, but don't give up! You do it! 😂

@Flyingsaucesir I read it, and noted the author's ability to rationalize.

When you can correct anything I noted to prove we are a Republic, DO SO! Until you do you remain an ignorant person who refuses to recognize FACT!

@Alienbeing I can provide lots more scholarly works that contradict you. So far, you have provided nothing but your opinion.

Piece of advice: when you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.


@Flyingsaucesir I can find tons of SOURCE information that prove we are a Republic. When you can find ANYTHING that contradicts what I typed let me know.



It horrifies me that you are right.

Trump and his mentors (his chief strategist, Roger Stone, his chief tactician, Steve Bannon, and others) are counting on the chaos, the novelty, and unbelievable brazenness of their project to create an aura of surreality that will confuse people and delay their response to the threat. They're hoping to sleepwalk the country into fascism. And it's working. We had better effing wake up.

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