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This post is from an observation that I have made regarding a few Christian’s that are or were in my life , and the observation was if they would say or do something offensive and you try to call them out on it it’s almost as if they suddenly get a bout of amnesia, some thing to the effect of “ I didn’t say that” when you do call them out , has anyone else notice anything similar with some Christian or theists that you know( not to say that all do it , I don’t want to be making blanket statements here).

AJimboShep82 7 July 17

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It isn't strange for those living a lie in the face of reality, to continue living a lie in the face of reality.


I usually get a change of subject.


It's similar to trying to converse with a member of the trump cult;when you point out the lies and cruelty,then the anger follows.


The UK is mostly secular now. I find that Christians are rather thin on the ground, they have gone the way of the buffalo. We won our war, it took hundreds of years from Henry viii to the Life of Brian but there are thousands of disused churches and chapels. Sometimes it's sad but fuck em.
The Christians that are left and are willing to put their head above the parapet tend to be of the touchy/feely lovey/dovey variety rather than hellfire brimstone guys.
The only Christian in my life is my daughter's friend, who is young and naive. She lost her mom to cancer a couple of years back so I am in the position of whatever gets you through the night. Not that we don't discuss this shit but I don't feel the need to be a jerk about it.


I have a few practicing christian friends in my life. We sometimes talk about religion and they are fully aware that I am a non believer. We just say that each person has their own opinion and is entitled to it. No anger, no nasty remarks, all friendly. We actually sometimes laugh about it. Maybe because I am in Australia it is so easy.

I think it’s easier in Australia and NZ.

Long story, I have a very pious Catholic cousin, she goes to Mass five times a day. 😂 Cousin shares a lot about her religion with me.I just politely listen, it’s interesting to find out more, even though I don’t believe it. She does some good work in the community, supporting pregnant women.

But to me she’s family and that’s far more important than creating disagreements.

One of my closest friends nearly became a Catholic priest, I respected his decision and again we talk about our similarities in relation to our life experiences, not our differences. Mutual respect and understanding is good.

Actually the local Bishop blocked my mate’s application. I was very disappointed on behalf of my friend that he didn’t achieve his dream due to the Bishop’s dickhead and frankly discriminationary behaviour.

Having said that, if people aren’t respectful of my beliefs then I just walk away.


Nope--not unless they claim they didn't read the scripture correctly.


I see your point but the only Christians I have in my life today and my 2 daughters who each "believe in their own way." They find it hard to go with me no longer believing when they both know that I once did. Oh, I forgot a few people in Texas who remember me as a believer. Haven't seen them in years and if we do talk I do not debate religion with them. Even so, ones mother died a couple of years ago and she claims I helped her tremendously in handling her grief.


Religious people believe that the world needs a source of absolute authority, to enforce absolute laws, because they believe that, humans are naturally broken and untrustworthy. So far not so good. But then, think for a second, who would be most likely to want that ? You and I, probably do have at least some faith in the natural honesty and goodness of our fellow humans, but religion of course is filled with people who don't, and feel the need for authority imposed from above. And why would anyone not trust others ? Most likely because they do not trust themselves, and judge everyone else to have no more devotion to real values than they do. Religion preys on the narcissist and the morally weak, because they are the most needy. Then you add to that the fact, that religions find endless ways, to excuse being illogical and accepting irrational ideas, and train people to that endlessly, (theology) .

Then is it any real surprise that dishonesty comes easily to the religious, when they are probably narcissists with low moral instincts to begin with, relatively anyway, and have then, spent a lifetime being trained to avoid honesty.

About the absolute authority . . . when I was still in church, one elder's wife said that IF wives worked, they should not make more money than their husbands. At that time, the church had switched to being a "brethren" church--no pastor as pastors are not biblical (according to brethren churches). The head elder's wife worked and made more money than he did; she was a full-time teacher and he subbed. I asked him about this and how he justified his wife making more more money than he did.

He said that the other elder's wife had a "personal conviction" and personal convictions varied. I asked how could the Bible be "absolute" if convictions could vary? I don't remember what he said, but I remember it was tripe.

I left the church not long after that--under quite a shadow, as well.

@Gwen_Wanderer Thank you for the prefect example.

@Fernapple Happy to oblige.


Happily, I really don't have any Christians in my life.

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