MAGA offers its acolytes a smorgasbord of wacko beliefs to choose from. For instance, Trump himself vacillates between outright denial of climate science, claiming that global warming is "a hoax," to a softer calumny, where "no one knows what's causing it." Now we have arch anti-Semite Marjorie Taylor Green, of Jewish space laser fame, informing us that "they" (Democrats?) control the weather and are aiming hurricanes at Republican precincts in Florida to suppress voting in the now ongoing election. Here are a few questions I would ask Marjorie (when I manage to stop laughing):
How exactly does one artificially create a hurricane and then steer it?
If Democrats could do that, don't you think they would aim a hum dinger Mar-a-Lago?
Are you sure you want to oppose a group of people who could do what you think "they" can do?
Did you know that Congress has an excellent health plan that covers all types of mental illness?
Acolytes, vacillates, calumny ; what a salubrious salmagundi of vituperative obloquy on red necktie thinking.
Always good to meet a fellow sesquipedalian
The long and windy prose
That leads me to bore
Will never evanesce
I've been that way since phwoar.
Hey, Marjorie TG said so and she is never wrong. Next to Trump, she is the smartest person in the world--just ask her.
If you think Trump's kids are stupid now just think of the stupid that would result from combining those genes....
@Lizard_of_Ahaz I am NOT going to think about that because what is thought cannot be unthought!
These jackasses are a product of both programing and generations of inbreeding... It is little wonder why they consider a man who has a 3rd grade speaking level and hates the same people they do the next best thing to a god even though he seems to have an IQ of little more than 70...
FYI the site is blocking this post with a 24 hour delay and it may vanish soon...
"Did you know that Congress has an excellent health plan"
That is a good one, the USA having an excellent health plan lol.
Thanks to the moronic right-wingers like you that live here...
I know and what is good for them, should be good enough for the public. Arrogant politicians are no one to trust for your best interests. The American political system is broken. Way to many hands to get anything done in an efficient manner.
@Lizard_of_Ahaz I think Puff is living in Australia. He has his opinions and so far I have found most represent something of substance. I don't approve of his Anti American bias. He has some valid points that need addressing. I am glad he is not making those decisions.
As for "knowing" the ins and outs of all the political nuance you are only as good as your sources. The media here is biased. I hope this is taken in the right way. No malice for anyone. With my arse in the air and head in the sand. A line from Gerry Cinnamon of Scotland folk/rock I like his work.
@PaddyO Which could normally be overlooked if he bothered to learn instead of insisting on spewing industrial strength stupid in every post, reply or comment.
@PaddyO Yes, but the fix is rather simple. First, outlaw gerrymandering in every state. It's the reason why most extreme candidates are getting elected. And then reinstate the Voting Rights Act. Do away with the electoral college. Put term limits in federal judges. Impose an ethics code on the Supreme Court. Reverse the Citizens United decision...
@PaddyO, @Lizard_of_Ahaz Super industrial strength
@Flyingsaucesir Easiest way to get rid of gerrymandering is to elect ALL federal and state representatives "at large" meaning they have to be elected statewide...
@Lizard_of_Ahaz In a big state like California or Texas, that would be asking a lot of voters. I don't think it would work. Too many candidates on the ballot.
@Flyingsaucesir Better system than fragmenting the state and allowing them to start the process all over again... Most Red states aren't actually red but have a majority of left leaning voters who are all divided up so that they can never be properly represented. This scheme would at least have a chance of success..
@Lizard_of_Ahaz There are ways to draw district boundaries without giving one side or the other an edge.
@Flyingsaucesir But who can you trust to actually do it?... My way at least they couldn't say any district was gerrymandered...
I take issue with "moronic right-wingers like you that live here" (amerkin), and shall claim you at the lost luggage carousel.
You aren't coming in on a wing or a prayer but I do enjoy the diverse news regurg.
@Lizard_of_Ahaz I understand it's done all the time. There are apparently objective measures that can be used to keep the line drawing fair and equitable. Admittedly, I am not an expert in this field, so I can't give you details. But here is a search term you might try: how to draw district boundaries without giving one side or the other an edge.
@Flyingsaucesir You would have to redraw them every election and still both sides would cheat...
See "Neutral redistricting criteria" under "Remedies."
The thing is, it's usually pretty obvious when gerrymandering is taking place. So mandate that the lines be drawn such that it doesn't happen. And if the state legislature can't or won't be fair, then give the job to someone else (a court, or an independent bipartisan commission). It's not rocket science; it's just political science.
@Flyingsaucesir I have never seen a scheme that would work fairly... Best to go with at large and making it a felony to purge voter registration without requiring attachment of official documentation of the disqualification... death certificate, certificate of incompetence or certificate of felony conviction...
Do you know that Nord Stream was the single greatest release of human activity derived hydrocarbons into the atmosphere ever?
Did you know the "New green deal" Democrats are responsible for this destruction? They publicly celebrated this terrorist act?
Do you also understand that nuclear war will cause climate change?
Another genocide Joe achievement from the Biden/ Harris admin. The Inflation reduction Act lol
Did you know that the NORD stream sabotage may have been a contractual job paid for by Putin so he could cancel his delivery contracts with the West?.... It appears he was having problems with production because he wasn't able to get needed parts due to sanctions...
@Lizard_of_Ahaz Makes you wonder why he just didn't turn the tap off, as he is willing to turn the tap on to reopen Nord Stream I which is still operatable. Not Russia refusing to sell gas to Europe, it's Europe refusing to buy it straight from Russia. Instead, they still buy Russian gas at inflated prices through 3rd parties like India and Turkey, or else pay 4x the price for US gas.
@puff Because you moron that would have been a violation of contractual agreements which is exactly what the sabotage allowed him to avoid... In solving any crime you always looks for who benefits most from the commission of the crime ask any cop because he is going to know for a fact you are stupid for even having to ask such a stupid question...
FYI Gazprom is owned by Putin himself...
@Lizard_of_Ahaz Obviously why Russian gas is still flowing across Ukraine soil to Europe via pipeline.
Before Nord Stream blew up, it wasn't flowing anyway. Not because Putin broke any contract, Germany did. They sanctioned themselves from that energy source. A good thing because if it was flowing ie fully pressurised..................then it would have been far more catastrophic environmentally.
@puff Only in far lower quantities at a far lower price per cubic meter and not to Hungry at all...Ukraine cut them off completely and nobody is feeling sorry for Orban...
However at the end of this year when the transit agreement through Ukraine expires Ukraine has already said it will NOT be renewed...
@Lizard_of_Ahaz Oh looky! Still transiting until December ie Russia honours it's supply contract with Ukraine choosing not to renew it when it runs out. Who needs income when the USA has bottomless pockets? This link 2 days old.
@puff Actually Gazprom is not honoring the original contracts as the sabotage allowed Putin to tear them up and supply gas at a far lower flowrate... So no he is NOT honoring those contacts and Europe found alternate suppliers as well as alternative green energy from wind which is lowering their gas needs...
Did you know that, however big it might have been, the Nordstream debacle was just a fart in a windstorm compared to the daily contribution of greenhouse gases from burning fossil fuels worldwide?
@Lizard_of_Ahaz How's that working?
@Flyingsaucesir Yes but the precedent was a bad one. The worse single day release caused by humanity in a single incident occurred due to an act of terrorism.
@puff Very well actually as the contraction of 2/10s of a % comes from other problems embedded in their economy...
"Habeck attributed Germany’s economic weakness not to the policies of the three-party ruling coalition, but rather to long-running structural problems that have been “embedded” in the economy for decades — namely a lack of investment in infrastructure and a dearth of skilled labor."
Perhaps if you could read you would have known that?...
@puff Also since you don't know anything I am going to inform you that Britain just closed its last coal fired power generation facility...
@puff Oh, you're worried about a destruction of some fossil fuel infrastructure setting a bad precedent? But you're fine with Putin disrespecting its neighbor's sovereignty, invading Ukraine, and bombing the shit out of hospitals, schools, apartment buildings, power plants,...Right.
@Flyingsaucesir Some real info that is going to cause @puff to shit his pants as when he sees it and realizes how stupid his opinions are it will make him recede even further into his delusional denial of reality...
@Flyingsaucesir And then we see that although in the past year Russians have taken less than 1/10th of a percent of Ukraine in battle they have also lost over 50% of their military strength doing so... keep in mind that they lost two more oil depots and another major ammo dump since Putin's birthday which was only two days ago...
Much of their artillery now is from the 1950s and tanks are scraping the bottom of the barrel as well when we see t54/55s being used as front line tanks...
As for personnel things are getting so bad that the signing bonus is now at 3 million Rubles while the value of the ruble is at nearly one US cent or $30612.00 signing bonus...
@Lizard_of_Ahaz All true regarding the Russian ruble, but you would be better comparing the Ruble to the Yuan or gold.
It is a war over US homogony now, we are moving towards global conflict. Israel has defined the teams clearly. Weaponising the banking system further, as well as currency, that will ensure BRICS doesn't get up and running in two weeks.
Brilliant long term planners in the US led West. This will save the $USD, ensuring it's top dog status.
PS Russia has a lot of gold which all will accept as payment for a short term fix. I will probably post after the BRICS conference so you may comment there.
Do remember your glee at the Ruble crashing when the $USD does. Have they extended the debt ceiling yet?
@puff I provided the video because your literacy is dubious.... All is explained in there of just how bad off Russia is. Charts and graphs are in their comparing the Ruble against both the Yuan and Rupee as for gold it is around 8300 rubles to a gram... Also the oil they are shipping is not doing them any good because they can't get paid for it... Yes they have a lot of gold in the ground but they can't get it out because they don't have anyone to work the mines. the rest paid for the Iranian drones that were stored in the last couple of ammo dumps Ukraine blew up...
@Lizard_of_Ahaz "There" not "their" Sorry to be a grammar Israeli.
You also seeing recent reports on the German economy? UK? USA? Australia? No-one is going terribly well at the moment. Israel is dust economically.
@Lizard_of_Ahaz Interesting presentation. It's consistent with what I have seen elsewhere. The Russian economy is heading for a crash. I feel for the average Russian citizen; it is they who will bear the brunt of Putin's folly. What a waste.
@puff @Lizard_of_Ahaz
Homogony? What's that?
I think you mean "hegemony."
@Flyingsaucesir auto correct is a joy at times. FYI just posted new information regarding Nord Steam from a Danish whistleblower. A Harbour Master ie credible. Posted this same group.
Homogeny, isn't that a process for milk? 5555
@Lizard_of_Ahaz Putin thought he was going to take Kiev in 5 days. He really didn't think his "special military operation" was going to go on for this long. Now he's in deep shit. His best option now is to cut the best deal he can for payment of reparations in exchange for quitting Ukraine. That's what would be best for the Russian people. But of course, he's only interested in what's best for him personally, so the war will probably drag on.
@Flyingsaucesir Not to mention he has been indicted for war crimes as well....
@Flyingsaucesir Putin entered with a small force and rushed towards Kyiv to force negotiations. It worked. A peace was worked out in Istanbul Turkey, rejected at the last minute by Zelenskyy.
As soon as negotiations started, Russian forces were pulling back in good faith. Once it fell through, they pulled back to a decent defensive position and dug in 1) for Winter and 2) build up their army for a war of attrition.
The fatal flaw of Russia/ Putin was assuming Europe/ the West would seek a negotiated settlement to avoid conflict. Russia still tries, but have accepted there will be no negotiations. No-one to talk to.
Russia does not want to rule Ukraine. They just don't want NATO forces in the Black Sea and on their border.
@Lizard_of_Ahaz Putin can share a cell with Trumpty Dumpty. Then they won't have to buy burner phones to keep in touch.
@Flyingsaucesir, @puff No it is NOT and this is further proof you are completely uneducated...
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@Lizard_of_Ahaz Bit like one world government then?
@Flyingsaucesir, I told you he would double down on stupid didn't I?... @puff A harbormaster only knows about the comings and goings as well as any questions he is asked by authorities during an investigation or gossip he hears around the docks. As for being a credible witness?... of what.
What was the motive? Seems to me hiring a Ukrainian national to do a job like that is a good way to distract people from a real motive.
The sabotage occurred on the 26th of Sept 2022 and gas deliveries had dropped severely starting around May of that same year BEFORE the sabotage... very convenient for Putin wouldn't you agree?...
@puff Writing of Putin you use phrases like "good faith," and "avoid conflict." That's hilarious
@puff Not even close...
@Flyingsaucesir Let me execute them I can get them both with a single bullet... think of the cost savings to the legal system...
@Lizard_of_Ahaz He is clearly out of his depth. It's painful to watch.. a bit like seeing someone self immolate.
@Flyingsaucesir If the depth was 3 microns he would still be way out of it.... He doesn't even see the irony of correcting one grammatical error and making another in the process then continue making it in several others. I have been dealing with an insurance company all day and this stupidity as well yet I only made one error...
Correction; 2 errors (partly spell check's fault) but I noticed it myself and corrected it on my own. Sometimes I do make small errors but I correct them as I see them and most are never noticed by anyone else.
@Lizard_of_Ahaz "but I noticed it myself and corrected it on my own". Fantastic job!!!! Give yourself a big pat on the back. Mommy will be proud of her big boy.
Find it a bit hard to follow pure, logical step by step processes do we?
You know the thing about language? It's all about communication. There is a doctrine to it, rules and laws (bit like submitting insurance details) and some do get anal about rules but with language, as long as understanding and comprehension occurs......then who gives a flying fuck?
@puff "Find it a bit hard to follow pure, logical step by step processes do we?" Yes you do....
@Lizard_of_Ahaz Only when required. I like the nuances otherwise. And with people, acting logically is not a given.
@puff Classic example of that being you...
@puff Awww more bad news for you Russians.... You just lost another ammo dump full of Shahed drones and an airfield was hit...
If they think, they can get away with spending a 100 trillion dollars to change the earth by 1 degree cooler by 2050. It would be the greatest ever scam in human history. Beside plants thrive on carbon as the earth is greener by 5% over the last 20 years.. in fact I'm using carbons gas to grow my microgreen faster in my greenhouse
Uh, there are a few things you wrote that need some attention.
First, no one is saying they/we can "change the earth by 1 degree cooler by 2050." The best we can hope for is to limit the anthropogenic warming, which is already over a degree Celsius, to 2 or 3 degrees Celsius.
We are already seeing what a degree of warming can do. A few years ago, Texas got hit with three once-in-500-years events in one year. Now it's Florida's turn.
Meanwhile, the forests of Canada (Canada!) are going up in smoke. (So are those of California and Colorado. And that's just the places whose names begin with "C." And tornado alley has never seen so many twisters. And buildings in Alaska are falling over because the permafrost they're built on is melting. And Mosquito-bourne pathogens like Zika, West Nile, and eastern equine encephalitis are moving into territories where they have never been seen before (because those places are warming up to the levels mosquitoes like). And these are just a few of the more visible killers. But the biggest killer is are less conspicuous. Heat waves kill more people than floods or fires or tornadoes, but heat doesn't wash away towns blow down buildings.
And this is just a prelude to what's coming if we keep pumping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. It only gets worse as the temperature rises.
Second, $100 trillion? Where did you get that number?
Third, did you know that over 5 million people die prematurely every year due to particulate pollution from burning fossil fuels?
Fourth, yeah, plants grow faster when there is a higher concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere. But they also are less nutritious. So whatever you're growing, you'll have to eat more if it to get the same benefit.
Personally, I would take more nutritious food and less likelihood of getting killed by a weather event, exotic disease, or the pollution from burning fossil fuels.
But it's not really about you or me. We have already lived full lifetimes. (The average human lifespan has doubled in the last 100 years. If you're over 50, you're on overtime.) It's about the young people who are already here, and future generations yet to be born. We were lucky to be born into a fairly hospitable natural environment. To do nothing to avoid leaving future generations with a shattered and blasted world would be the height of moral bankruptcy.
@Flyingsaucesir Forget him it is like trying to educate a pile of dogshit he is as bad as puff in the sense that he refuses to learn anything as he believes he knows everything. Those two are a lot like Evangelical Christians in that fashion..
Me?.... I have worked hard to lift myself from utter ignorance to the level that I actually learned a couple things making me far less ignorant than I would be otherwise...
Easy answer to number one: a Sharpie! Trump did it while in office. So she knows it can be done.
Did you know that when he did that it was also a crime?...
@Lizard_of_Ahaz Yes, it was. And still is!
@Lizard_of_Ahaz just add it to his list.