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@SpikeTalon it is useless to make any comment and think you will any comments back..the "welcome to deadnostic " is all pervasive now. killing any hope of any communications.
I am so overjoyed with the was Agnostic is behaving nowadays.

vocaloldfart 8 Nov 7

Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

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I have no idea what you even said!


None of mine have been published for over a week regardless of what they are about.


I'm disappointed in the extreme censorship lately.
I might move on to another site.

TRY []. A polite and respecting forum


@vocaloldfart I think I will check it out.


My apologies if you have already seen this comment. Just pass on. I'm Unashamedly testing the waters:

I woke up this morning to find that I has been sent a message asking me to watch this video. I did & again an amazed at the number of #stupid people in the world!

And another one claiming that the Dutch are practising anti-semiticism against Jewish football hooligans & true anti-semites who have genocidally murdered more than 40,000 Palestinians in the last 12 months. []
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