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your comment has been censored again.
there are a few atheist agnostic forums that still value membership and free speech. may I suggest []?

I am hopeful that there may still be other suitable forums available.
The clock is ticking on this one.

vocaloldfart 8 Nov 7

Enjoy being online again!

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I've been blocked my last three posts on Cencersorship is getting real dam petty.

Try []


Thanks, just applied.

It's not censorship it's a site bug

@Tejas Admin does not seem the least bit inclined to apply any bug spray.
Strange they should watch the bug eating the lettuce and do nothing about it

@vocaloldfart they aren't watching at all which is why it's not being fixed

@Tejas Perhaps, it sounds plausible. Time will tell. Me I'd bet a dollar each way


I woke up this morning to find that I has been sent a message asking me to watch this video. I did & again an amazed at the number of #stupid people in the world!

And another one claiming that the Dutch are practising anti-semiticism against Jewish football hooligans & true anti-semites who have genocidally murdered more than 40,000 Palestinians in the last 12 months.

Who are you kidding Kurt? This one has become like the Greek woman I encountered 30 years ago who told me that throughout marriage to her husband she odeliberately only had a shit every three weeks. She never told me if it was to stop him having Greek anal with her every night or whether she needed a two way filling in order to feel her husband inside her. Either way, like this site, I don't think that she had an honest healthy relationship nor orgasmed very often




Thanks, I'll check it out.

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