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Has anything ever happened in your life that challenged your atheism and made you consider going back to god and religion?

Greenheart 7 May 10

Enjoy being online again!

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Not god or belief but sometimes I miss the feeling of community. Of course that eroded more and more as I had to hold in my incredulity at people and their strange beliefs.


I got really high once.

@evestrat Ah shucks!


Not really but lack of community and loneliness sometimes makes me wish church wasn't so stupid or I might go and meet some christian hoes lol jk about the hoes part...

I agree on longing for the social aspect of religious communities. That's why I was thrilled to come across this site and see the great communal spirit alive and welcoming.

@Tinocca yeah, but online isn't the same...

@ClaytonE83 it's not even close to the same. You're totally right. But for me, it's a start. It feels like a first step in forming some connections where I currently have none.


Nothing. Every day makes me realise how toxic religion is, and how it's holding back the human race.






No. If anything, the hypocrisy and bullshit from these so called Christians has reinforced my rejection of religion.


Nothing but constant reinforcement. Started out agnostic and working my way toward militant atheist. Would like to find a way to help others realise how ignorant they are.


Nope. I've been lucky -- never even tempted.


Childlike fear of mortality.


I feel freer being an atheist than I ever felt as a Catholic. I began questioning my religion when as a child the Church stated eating meat on Fridays was no longer a sin. So, in one week eating meat on Friday sends you to hell and the next week it doesn't??? As an atheist I feel honest with myself and others. I can now think freely. I can change what I currently know when new facts are presented.


Never. What's the point in using a fairy tale to solve real-life problems? That's what kids do.


Sure - not that it made me consider "God" or "religion" but did my experiences make me consider whether or not there was more - absolutely. I won't list these experiences here because the hardcore atheists will attempt to provide their own sense of logic in an attempt to explain my experiences but they're making sh@t up just like the religious folks. Some things cannot be explained and to question why doesn't break an atheist code that you were never required to show allegiance to anyway.

I think I understand...Sometimes I think there must be something more...something bigger. I can't imagine dying being the end. Otherwise, why are there those special moments when you feel beyond yourself when you see a great play, hear a song, etc. It's not as if singing, dancing, and poetry are survival skills. I guess I am still a little open to something like possibly reincarnation. You repeat, each time improving. I don't know, but I am keeping my mind open to possibilties I hear or read about.




Going back? Was never there in the first place.


No, and I find it weird when I hear stories of people who deconvert and then revert back to their original religion. It makes me wonder if they were ever unbelievers during that time. But everyone's different, and maybe their experiences are authentic.

Right now, it would take literally an act of God to make me join a religion. I've come to the realization that for something as powerful as God, it would be a minuscule bit of effort to give me incontrovertible proof that it exists. After all, if I wanted someone to know something, then I would tell that person and not rely on a generations-long game of telephone. And if God isn't smarter than me, then it's not worth worshiping.


No. Everything has reinforced it.
Edit : but I was never a believer to start with.


Never. But I've had odd encounters with people who present basic happenings in their lives as evidence for why I should believe and others who present completely made up stories as reasons why I should believe.

I suspect that they simply are that loud about belief so as to try to reinforce their own self-image as an upright person.

Never. I know Atheist men who marry in a church because the sex is so good. I know Atheist women who marry talented singer artists who believe but neither give up sanity for an alleged gawd that only exists inside the heads of believers.


Not even close I have learned to think for myself & trust my decisions! Unseen spirits are not in the picture.





jab60 Level 6 May 11, 2018

I was pretending before I could pretend again. It would make my mom happy. I'm just not that great of an actor.

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