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Who Should be Judged?

sassygirl3869 9 May 11

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I have been around over a quarter of a century, and it appears to me, the most christian communities are the most judgemental....tends to become a bit confusing.


Okay, I'm just going to say it: All of us have judged now and then, and certainly all of us have been judged. So what is the point of that Jesus directive? I think it is this: To, in our act of critique and criticism NOT to forget that we also are flawed and fallable, so to try hard not to dismiss the humanity of those we are criticizing, even if they deserve harsh criticism, to try to keep it focused on the actions, not on on tearing down their humanity.

So personally, I am most likely to utterly ignore the above advice when I am criticising someone very powerful. Their status or position makes them very dangerous to a lot of people, and that merits a strong counter-balance...whatever that takes.


So the real message is "go along to get along"?


the only people I judge are those who hurt me on purpose - and basically I just freeze them out of my life.


".....judgement ! To live without judgment ! For it is only judgement that defeats us..."


Hes just singing about his hometown...


Jewish law never provided for a judgmental God as a necessary thing.

Anyway, judge bad people. The word "bad" becomes contentious to people who don't already know what it means.


This might be a bit sideways but I can be pretty judgemental about christians but find I’m much less so with say native Americans ceremony’s or Tibetan shamans or wiccans...I guess I have less tension with them...but it feels like maybe just a different form of prejudice...
’been there-bored with that ‘ ...

I have les patience with Christians because so many of them act like assholes and want to infiltrate our public spaces without paying the tax and they want what they believe to be policy. I’d say you are correct in how you feel.

Well I've never been to a powwow where they've talked joyfully about how so many people are condemned to eternal suffering in hell, so there is a bit of a difference.


I truly wish more people would ask questions about their religion.



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