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Are you happy with the name that was given to you?

zing 6 May 12

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Nope. Always hated it. Probably always will.


No, I think making a kid a "Jr." is a copout.

I always thought it was more about ego.


I like my name, Andrea. It's not too common, and I think it flows nicely and looks good when written. Thanks, 'rents.


<--- Half Irish lass. Kathleen is a fine, Irish name. Tis a name with a lyrical sound.

My daughter's name, "Claire," means "clear and bright" in French. Claire loves her name.


Eh, I'm glad it wasn't some crazy, impossible to pronounce or spell name. it's kind of plain and normal, but it was the name my dad picked out before he passed away. Had I been named after him I would have been a I'm good with Heather.


"Mary Teresa" is a bit too immaculate for my tastes.

Tracy Level 2 May 13, 2018

Of course. Youthere is much better than some names I could think of...


I've never placed much importance on it. It is how I'm known when no one knows anything else about me.


I don't like my name. Never have. Thanks for giving me a stripper name, parental units!

Curiosity abounds...


Yes but I love the name Monroe!


Here's my take on my name:
Jerry- corrupted from Jeremiah (the chosen one of god)(actually I was named after my uncle who was schizophrenic, or so I'm now told.)
Steven- corruption of Stephan (first christian martyr)
So I was chosen by god to suffer? Way to go fucker, lol.
Eh, it's better than younger brother who got stuck with Philip Bartholomew.
Yeah our parents were on a real religious kick during our births.



Duke Level 8 May 13, 2018

I'm OK with it, although once l started playing music for a living in my 20's, l wish l had switched to my middle name.


Yeah, it's okay.



Coldo Level 8 May 13, 2018

Yes. It’s a fairly unusual name for a male and I’ve only met women with the same name.


Yes. It's served me well.


I guess so.s


I’m indifferent. It’s just a noise humans can make.


My first name is fine, I just don't like the fact that my first name rhymes with my last name is all. Spike is a nickname that seems to have stuck with me since my mid teens.


I was gifted with names from the Old and New Testament "Aaron Christian" ... I go by Chris as it's nice and easy (like me LOL) and when someone asks if it's for Christopher, I go, "naw, Christian, like lion food" ... so I guess I'm happy with my names, but then a rose is a rose ...


Nope. That's why I changed mine to Meiliken Rackenboon.


They're ok. Don't know what would suit me better. My first name was taken from my great-grandfather, mother's side; my middle name was my grandmother's maiden name, father's side. All of us kids were named from a family member on both sides. My parents said it was a way to keep the peace.


It has been the bane of my life, to bear a name predominately associated with females. I have shortened it but it still doesn't help much. ?


No I wasn't. So I legally changed it.

I asked my parents they gave me the name they did. They said it was the only name they came up with that they had nothing against.

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