39 5

Why are we here?

I won't pollute the answers with my opinion, I'd just like to hear what others believe.

I'm kinda just wondering since this site seems to have a large spectrum of beliefs.

Side note: yes, I know babies come from vaginas.

Joenobody 5 May 13

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39 comments (26 - 39)

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Why? You ask this questions as if there is an insightful answer looming around the corner. Why is earth here? Why are there stars in the sky?


No reason, no reason at all.


So I will take this question as a Zen Koan and just hold up a flower ?


Because we are not there.


Because organic molecules became self replicating and increasingly more complex.

Andee Level 4 May 13, 2018

No condoms

Catholic Parents?


To take out the garbage.

That's funny.


Why are we here as in this website or the universe? The answer is the same either way… Because it was there.


We are here to be the universe observing itself


I'm here because I was tired of being trolled by the alt-right on the last two Facebook groups I joined. I since ditched them.

I get trolled a lot here, also, but luckily, there's a "block" button.

It seems that many here object to anything I say about the supernatural or gender issues, LOL!


There are no answers.


If there is anything to the quantum theory that until something is observed and measured then it does not actually exist, life is an innate and necessary part of reality,

we exist therefore it is, it is therefore we exist

esse ergo sum
Ego igitur esse


We are here because by a random galactic incident, a star was blown out and took with it debris that cooled and became planets, including this one. Over eons, life forms moved from microbial to swimmers to crawlers to walkers, to upright and here we are.
Beyond that, I guess we are here because we are. What we do with that is up to us.

OK, it's late and you're gonna get weird shit at 2 in the morning! Smile!! 😉

In other words, shit happens. That's my line of thinking anyway.


because of a perfect storm with everything coming together the right way at the right time

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