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Why do men think that they should be with younger women? Women live longer than men do, so, if anything, I would think that women should be with younger men. But, ideally, isn't the best relationship between equals? Doesn't the older man set himself up for failure by only being interested in a much younger woman?

Stephanie99 8 May 13

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40 comments (26 - 40)

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Status and sex appeal probably count for a lot. I dated a woman who was 14 years younger in my late 30s, but she was very mature, educated and we had great chemistry and communication. Generally I date women within 5 years of my age, but I don't have any set rule.


Men live longer when they marry younger women, but women who marry younger men, die younger by many years.

Link: Men live longer when they marry younger spouses. Why don't women? []


Men who think they should be with younger women are fools. It's an expression of power and false ego. After middle age, the ideal gap would be for a man to be with a woman who is 8 to 12 years his elder, so that they age consistently for the remainder of their lives.


Interesting post, Stephanie. By failure, do you mean sexual failure, or the risk of rejection, or what?
I'm new to this site, so bear with me overlapping pieces of the insightful comments below.
I see lots of causes of the age gap. It began in ancient times, when many women died in childbirth, so men tended to live longer. Today, it's women who live longer, but that creates a supply and demand pattern favoring older men. (OK, this doesn't explain why women don't swarm over me, but still.)
The biggest thing may be the stereotype of men as breadwinners and protectors. Through their 60s, men tend to become wealthier and more powerful, not physically but socially.
Ironically, men peak sexually much sooner than women do, and the age gap compounds that problem.
There's also the stereotype that women's skin should be smooth, but a man's creases are tributes to his experience and exposure.
Over the decades, I've dated women anywhere from 14 years younger to about 16 years older. My ex was three years older.
It's funny to see the range of requested ages on dating sites. Some people want much younger partners and some much older. Our site here doesn't ask the question; you'd have to put it in your bio or interests or something.
Thanks for starting a good discussion.

Thanks for commenting on this old post. By failure I mean the failure to find the relationship that you want. I think that people in general who aim "higher" end up getting people who are with them for the wrong reasons, like to get money spent on them, or to be able to live a higher standard of living, rather than for love. It leads to an empty existence. Being in a relationship with someone who is using you is bad for the psyche.


Don't find many (or any) 88 year old ladies looking for romance.



We are raised in stereotypes ... Stereotypes are the fertile grounds where politicians and other demagogues plant their primitive ideas. Nationalities are stereotypes.


Generally speaking I'm with most that the act of wanting a younger woman is usually subconsciously driven by biology. Speaking for myself age isn't really something I consider when it comes to a partner. My ex wife and I were born the same year and past partners of mine have tended to be a little older (by a year or two).

Pnky Level 3 May 14, 2018

Probably a few reasons - psychological and physical.
For either equation.


There is a lot of misinformation or misguided thoughts on this theme here, right now. Some may be quoting books or idiotic thoughts, some are honest personal observations or experiences. I can only talk about my side of life. How lucky I had been in my experience with women since my very youth until now. Am I an expert? No, I am not a researcher but I did have my share of interactions to last a lifetime and many will it I am a bragging or lying. The Man is just him and his circumstances. I did put myself in a position to live the dream of many men and to last a lifetime satisfied. It was what it was at the time. So I lived what most men dream to live one day. It was fun, it was all that and brought a cost that I was willing to with little regret because I knew what was at stake. I am not naive. To make it short at my 40's I lived in a Mediterranean Tourist Trap, from late February to November it was Spring Break Atmosphere, very few men compared to the female ratio and me and my buddies were only americans and most locals were very little english speakers. Add the level of sophistication and we were it. I had already lived in Spain and done 2 Mediterranean cruises and North Atlantic Cruises. I got tired of 20 year old Beautiful Scandinavians but it was what it was there, I learned to appreciate them as the Nicest Women I ever met. And just like in every country of the world there are nice beautiful women and I had learned to appreciate youth and beauty for what it is. Beauty is not completed until aged. My take... I wish more women take a look at Helen Mirren... she is my Dream Girl now unless Eva Green Calls me and Begs me. Beauty of youth is great but more great is to age age gracefuly, to recognize were you are and accept it. A former lover and close friend told me two days ago.... you need a younger woman and my response was as honest as our friendship what I need is you to lose those 30 pounds that stop you from me seeing you naked again after all these years. You may call me cruel I call me honest and after more than 16 years dealing with each other I am the only man on earth that have the guts and her confidence to speak to her like that and she apreciated it. At this stage in my life I don't need youth, I want the confident experienced lady that accepted her years just like me. I am back to exercise and lift weights, nature give me this body still in pretty good shape and fully functional. Got to keep it up. I am not planning on dying any time soon. had been brought up...I had been thru all stages, met my sexual matches, my lust matches, my divas, my inspirations, my sexual freaks that allowed me to go for records with equal match. I could die tonight and never loving a woman to the edge of madness won't be a regret. My heart unbreakable, my lust undying yet have I see it... I have it all. Then and now and because of what I had lived I always will have it all. And hopefully I will die one day proudly saying never used viagra or cialis or whatever comes next. Once a freak, always a freak. Fer life.


Why are there so many more Asian women in relationships with Caucasian men than Asian men in relationships with Caucasian women?

I aint touching that one with a ten foot pole. I have found many Asisn men very attractive but I never got the sense any of them were open to becoming interested in someone like me.

@seaspot_run I am just an old shit stirrer ...

@seaspot_run, @Faithless1 I just wanted to throw in another element ...

@Faithless1 go on.... 🙂


"Doesn't the older man set himself up for failture ..." Well at least he can tell himself: "At least I have tried."
Marrying an older woman is no guarantee either.
What is interesting, is that older women tend to forget that they were once younger.

You probably never gave older women the chance. I was a muse for a sketch artist at the age of 50. Totally uninhibited, in are older women. I could die tomorrow. Live wildly

@Iamkratom As I said this depends on the phase in one's life. As mentioned before I was into older women until my own aging process had etched away the difference. When I was 15 I often fantasise about women 3 times my age. If I had maintained that mind set I would be fantasizing about Napoleon's daughter and other ladies soon celebrating their bicentennary.
Time is a good healer but a lousy beautician. I can also understand that younger ladies might not be at all interested in old men.
One of my female friends married a 25 y-o guy when she was 50. Her dilemma was that she wanted to minimize the impact of aging on the various parts of her body. Sadly enough one of her breast implants ruptured.
I don't know whether this was a contributing factor in the breakdown.
Just keep an eye on Emanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte.

@PontifexMarximus if Macron ends up back on the market, le jeu est en cours

@seaspot_run perhaps he'll propose to le Donald

@PontifexMarximus LOL! Guess I will have to go back to Justin Trudeau for my political crush then.


Men age better than women. sorry but it is the elephant in the room. Myself its about the person but just look at movies. An actor in his 60`s can still play the romantic lead, the same cannot be said for actresses.

Oh where to begin in unpacking this foolishness? Men age “better” than women? Is this all men you’re talking about? Where is the “data set” of information to support this claim? In what peer-reviewed journal will I find the support that men age better? Did you deduce this by yourself? Have you taken into consideration all the Viagra needed for these men to even be sexually useful later in life?

An actor in his 60s playing the romantic lead is based on the sexist male control of the movie industry and has nothing to do with the ability of older women to satisfy younger men. You are using social constructs to reinforce a social construct, which, aside from being inaccurate, is the height of laziness.

@Cricket9 Firstly I said at the onset I go for the person not the body. But lets put some facts out there rather than feminist rhetoric. Men stay fertile much longer than women. This means that even if your Mick Jagger you are still going to able to make a baby. This is sex ie reproduction ie what our bits are for. This IS shown by movies and sorry it is not just a hollywood male dominated industry thing. It is market forces. If a Jane Fonda, Brad Pitt film sold as well if not better than a Sean Connery, Catherine Zeta-Jones movie then you can bet any money you like, someone would make one. Unfortunately Female actors only get to play character roles because thats what puts bums on seats. Not because of some male agenda. As for the blue pill thing. I never said we were as virile but then again there are a lot of women out there on HRT keeping the flame alive.

@273kelvin Once again, show me your peer-reviewed proofs. I am not the one spouting rhetoric. Step off.

@Cricket9 I am off out soon but I will get back to this. in the meantime. What part of males stay fertile do you dispute? What part of older actors pull bigger box office than older actresses do you dispute?

@273kelvin 1. Males fathering children late in life does not equate to men ageing better than women:


@273kelvin Assuming older women can’t be romantic leads


@273kelvin Again, you are using an existing social construct (read as: imaginary and without tested data set to support it) in order to continue to reinforce your social construct. Circular reasoning will be laughed at as it is dismissed.
On the male agenda in cinema:


@mudhen would not hit. 🙂

@Cricket9 2 people in their 30`s both think that maybe having kids one day would be an idea. The woman will include older guys in what she is looking for. The man less likely to

@Cricket9 well ... I even remember the date I witnessed this anecdote. Ben his name was. I had never met this old Dutchmen until this 29th of February of the bicentennial" of the big brown land downunder* . He greeted us politely and added that his wife was sending her apologies. "She's in hospital," he added as an explanation. "Oh, is she sick?" "No, just having a baby. Ben was 71. Two years later we received a card informing us that the Ben's youngest son had another little brother.
There was no IVF involved.
Needless to add that I have never come across a woman in her 70s having a child ... Naturally. Nature is an amalgam of injustices. Women live longer, but their childbearing age is usually shorter than men's ability to father children.
Many women seem to lose their libido earlier and it doesn't seem to bother them as much as men.
For many men the prospect of becoming impotent is almost like a death sentence.

@Cricket9 I read both those articles and they only go to back up what I said. The top 3 grossing pictures had male leads in excess of 20 years age difference. This is not because of some agenda, this is market forces. Nobody forced women to find Richard Gere attractive.
No surprise that hollywood is a male dominated industry, nearly all industries are. We would be here a long time discussing the rights and wrongs of that.

@273kelvin When we change the social construct we change the outcomes. And I agree, I've spent all the time on you I intend.

@PontifexMarximus At no point have I discussed IVF. Also, 71 year old men run a greater risk of defective sperm impregnating women. Regardless, let’s focus on this asinine need to procreate prolifically. We are already overpopulated on this planet. More narcissists vying for immortality through offspring in old age is ludicrous. Lastly, the discussion is about the idea of men ageing better than women. I have no idea what reproduction has to do with this topic, but you penis owners seem obsessed with it.

@Cricket9 I dont know why you deny that reproduction has nothing to do with attractiveness. When it is the biological imperative that motivates our sex drive. It is the reason women will wear sexier clothes when they ovulate. Its the birds and the bees ffs. Also men later in life will be on average more successful than there younger counterparts ie. better providers which is sexy in biological selfish gene terms
As for changing social constructs, good luck with that one. At the moment market forces say that women like films such as "pretty woman" and as women make about 80% of all purchases. It will be women who drive the market as usual. So there will be no need for them to buy all those anti-aging creams and potions, die their hair etc. Cosmetic surgeries will no longer be giving them nips and tucks when their bits go south. Because we will all live in a utopian ideal. Where we will all grow old as gracefully or disgracefully as we want and Trump will just be an ugly memory. I like the idea but I won't be holding my breath.

Women, studies have shown, are more apt to choose movies to be seen, especially with the "older crowd", who happens to have quite a bit of disposable income, at least in many parts of the US. So is it really a surprise that older actors continue to bring in box office bucks? But if you check the Most Beautiful Women lists, the average age has gone from 33 in 1990 to 39 in 2017, so there has been some movement there. Julia Roberts came in first last year and she is over 50!.
Younger women have long been reputed to make men "feel younger". If you look at it logically, based upon post industrial age history, women and men were separated once they started a family, and were no longer in a honeymoon phase, with women having to be mothers, and men looking upon them differently. As people waited longer to start families and divorce became more prevalent, the instinct of younger women looking for security and older men looking for their fertility.
Despite this, I really believe that intelligent men and women realize all this and make their choices from both the head and heart based on a combination of things for compatibility.

@ThinkKate You can quote all the studies you want. I will simply say Bogiie and Bacall. The man had a face like a walnut but he was still sexy.

@273kelvin That's okay. I never found Bogart sexy, but I understand that facts and logic can disrupt sensitive egos. If you'll notice, not all the men here agree with you.

@ThinkKate Im saying that thats not what I necessarily go for either. I am painting with broad strokes.
PS only one guy has commented on this comment and that was to confirm what I said.

@ThinkKate Sure the average age of women in films is increasing. I think that the mans age might be too. do you not think this might be the improvement in cosmetics, health care regimes and/or surgery that make them look younger? I will take your point if you can sight a true 60 old woman in a romantic lead. Not someone who is trying to look 40 something but a real 60 old. Like me or anyone I know.
Don`t get me wrong , I would love to see it but the market rules

@273kelvin You mean like Diane Keaton, Meryl Streep, or Helen Mirin, Sigourney Weaver, Susan Sarandon or Geena Davis?


No need these days But back when we lived in caves younger women produce more offspring . Some men haven't evolved yet


To me, age is just a number. That said, I’ve generally had better experiences with women older than me. Of course, there is certainly a range that I’m attracted to. I wouldn’t want to date a 21-year-old, nor a 50-year old (I’m 36). It’s nothing personal, of course.


Maybe because men (some men) believe they will get / keep their virility if they are with a youngerrrrrrrrrrrrrrr girl? No idea...May be it has to do with "Andropause"?

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