What are your views on meaningless sex?
There is meaningless sex? You don’t have to be head over heels in love with a person, and vice versa, in order for someone to be willing to have sex with you? When did this happen and why wasn’t I included in on the notification of this change?
Not had the opportunity. But if some lady is willing to share time with me, that is meaning in itself.
How long do you have to wait to make it meaningful. Don't fight the feeling? Any old Port in a Storm (Old Navy Adage.) I had all of my meaningless sex during the meaningless times in my Life. Any Veterans can chime in. College wasn't much difference but you were open to a varied exposure of circumstances.
Read Erica Jung's Fear of Flying, or other erotic tales of literature. Go to Europe, or Asia and enjoy a variety of cultures for a price or and adventure depending on how skilled you think you are or how much time you have.
I read Fear of Flying when I was in high school. Some of the passages in that book haunt me still...some funny and so true...others just awful!
@Freespirit64 I have a lot of Jewish Friends and along the way I met some JAPS whose descriptive personalities were related to me informally correct. It was like being a teenager with a convertible as far as something as to be considered non persona in a relationship. When in College I ran into those who were looking for an Mrs. degree and the male persuasion in search of someone whose Daddy could bring some advance to the arrangement. Erica wrote the book under the guidance of Psychoanalysis which is where most of these above end up for long periods of time. I also read her book just after Graduating as my mind was still grasping at the world. Only time told me that it was going to take more than just reading to fully comprehend. I went on and read Parachutes and Kisses but that was when I figured out that she wasn't going anywhere in the near future unless she bagged a rich one who was willing to pay for his own brought and paid for Novelist. Money is the leading factor in most romances until the bills start coming in.
That would be sex with other people, right?
Idk, back in the day had to "be in the mood for that", a certain myelin on the nerves as it were.
There was a point in time my girl friend and I went through a "notch in the belt" period, switching the game & kept uhm, latex "trophies" clipped on hangers with clothespins & critiques on them. LOL
If there are clever brains behind the "meaningless" act too easy to catch feels quickly.
Whatever turns your crank, but in my case, I'm demisexual, which means I feel no sexual attraction to anyone without first being in a close relationship for over a year. And then, only to that one person.
@Faithless1 It's the perfect LGBTQ thing for religious people to have, LOL!
I think most of my immediate family are also demisexual, and my kids as well. It might be common in androgynes, since all of us are mixed gender.
@Faithless1 Yup..most high IQ creative people are, whether or not they realize it. If you are agnositic, that means a statistically higher IQ, so your male traits percentages are probably higher than the average cis woman's.
Studies show that cis people on the extreme ends of the gender scale..the most femme women and most macho males, have the lowest average IQs.
If your ring fingers are longer than your index fingers, that indicates high levels of prenatal male hormones.
@Faithless1 "Intersex" is when babies are born with genitalia that are indeterminate of gender, such as an enlarged clitoris that resembles a small penis. They often have physical characteristics of both genders, such as males developing breasts, girls growing excessive body hair, etc.
Androgyne, is when the fetal brains are initialized by hormones from both genders. Everyone is, actually, but androgynes are further toward the middle of the gender trait sliding scale.Typically, the closer to the middle of the scale, the higher the IQs, according to some studies.
Often these people are highly athletic, beautiful, and often pursue careers such as being film directors, writers, musicians, scientists, etc, but because they often lack basic courting instincts many can't maintain long-term relationships.
For instance, a famous study found show that the only thing successful long term relationships had in common was that the husband was willing to yield to the wife in all things.
Since most/many androgyne men have a high level of independent, critical female traits, they often refuse to listen to their wives, and divorce soon follows.
Think of the famous people, movie stars, etc. They are beautiful but often have serial relationships.
@Faithless1 LOL! Your curiosity about a subject unfamiliar to you is typical of someone with a high percentage of male characteristics. Most cis, hetero females I know, with strong female traits, show little interest in anything not directly related to their families, communities, or jobs.
The only instance where a typical cis hetero female would show curiosity about gender diversity is if they had a child, close relative, or friend who is gender diverse. Then, all the ones I know, at least, often blame and criticize those people for not being as they "should" be. I know all this only too well (sigh).
I'm not sure what you mean by "meaningless sex" but I'm going to assume you're referring to one night stands or sex without a relationship. I don't see anything wrong with it really.
Sex is never meaningless, whether it's a store room bang or monogomous long term.
You're talking about what meaning the person has to you, not the act.
It depends on your definition of meaningless. If you mean no great attraction but its the only game in town. Then it
s not what I would go for now. If you mean one night stand and "lets do it coz I fancy you" then that`s something else. I got back with the mother of my daughter and it was not great for me because although I still had great affection for her. I did not really want her in that way. I did it so I could have a better relationship with my daughter but I felt like a hooker. Ended up doing 2 years detox from sex altogether. I also (not at the same time) had a one nighter with a full on lesbian. Now you could say that was meaningless but it certainly was one for the bedpost. I have done hook-up sites and the whole "hello my name is Jane Doe. I like .... Lets get it on. " Does not sit well with me now either