35 22

Not this shit again. You know this is going to be another dig for those religious fucks to see religion brought back into the schools and use these school shooting as the leverage in for their brainwashing indoctrination. Shit like this just pisses me off to no end.

mistymoon77 9 May 22

Enjoy being online again!

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That is such bullshit! It pisses me off!


God was not outlawed in schools. Students can pray if they want to. Schools can't organize prayer or force students to pray. Some people figure they're being discriminated against if they're not allowed to force their beliefs on others.


Dear God, Fuck off!!


I always counter with "Well god is allowed in hospitals, If he can't stop childhood cancer, death and suffering there, how the heck would it make any difference in school?" Never have gotten an answer.




Religion just irritated me today. This is shameless opportunism and I hope anyone with half a brain, who reads the message on this T shirt will realise how utterly nonsensical it is. Here is my response:-

"Dear religious opportunists,

I noticed you recently trying to profit from the deaths of innocent school children.

Please stop doing this.

Yours truly



There they go.. There they go.

Dear God, why didn't you do something in the first place???? (We Atheists know why).


I would point out that the positive connection of violence with religiosity. The countries that have the least religious tendencies also tend to have far less violence.


That's why when Satanists try going into schools to push their agenda, I totally root for them. The Satanist members of that one group are atheist and they use Satanism to fight Christian privilege.

Satan is a Christian.

I've had people stop talking to me when I vocally support the Satanic Temple here. They don't even believe in god or's just an analogy. But it rattles the christian cage...and I like that.

@AtheismIsLife most of the members there only use Satanism as a guise... It's a mock religion, but they are mostly activists fighting religious laws. When there was a law passed that religious groups could pass bibles in schools, the Satanic Temple printed out coloring books and started passing them around. When Christians complained, the temple used their own laws to win the case which that particular law was later revoked because they never thought a religion they didn't like would hand out propaganda too.

@Freespirit64 some people are like that. They think that toying with a notion or considering some valid points in some ideology would immediately make them a believer... It's not the case. I mean, by all means, if you're easily impressionable and will outright believe everything you read, then you probably don't want to step outside of your confines/comfort zone. .. That's just not really being a free thinker though.

@mek7730 Oh, I see. I just don't like people saying that Atheists are Satsnists. Satan is a God. God couldn't even defeat him.....

@McVinegar That is false, Satanism does not believe in a god or Satan, DO YOUR RESEARCH!

@McVinegar, @AtheismIsLife WTF are you talking about?

@AtheismIsLife no, these are atheist activists who pretend they are satanic to make their point

@mek7730 Say what, now.....?? I had no idea....

@AtheismIsLife I guess you didn't... Satan isn't a god, in christian mythology he's a fallen angel.

@mek7730 Hmmmm, in Greek mythology he is...

@mek7730, @IpraiseMYSELF Still, I'm a Atheist, babe. Satan, the Christian, is folklore. Gone down from culture to culture to make excuses for humans. I respect myself as a human.

@AtheismIsLife ok, so... How is it that you did not understand everything I explained (twice)? Yes, I'm pretty sure everybody here knows Satan is part of the christian lore; basic stuff... Unless you don't read or watch the news, you would have no idea what I'm talking about. I'll post the link later. Btw, you mentioned Greek mythology... Interesting. Care to elaborate further on how you link Satan from Christian mythology to Greek mythology? The definition of mythology according to Google is:


  1. a collection of myths, especially one belonging to a particular religious or cultural tradition.
    "Ganesa was the god of wisdom and success in Hindu mythology"
    synonyms: myth(s), legend(s), folklore, folk tales, folk stories, lore, tradition
    "no ancient culture is without its mythology"
  2. the study of myths.

Just so you know you can apply it to other lore aside from Greek. And no, Satan is not a Greek mythological figure.

@mek7730 Wow, really. Then, who is Hades? They have different names, but, same person, philosophy.

@AtheismIsLife it's a stretch, but no, there are important aspects that make them different to each other. Hades wasn't punished for rebelling, he was tricked by his brothers into taking control of the underworld. Also, the underworld in Greek mythology isn't hell, it is where ALL souls go after they die. Like I said, Lucifer wasn't a God, he was a fallen angel. Hades was a god. Their powers and abilities are different. Don't get me wrong, christianity did plagiarize from existing texts that were much older than the bible, from other stories a lot older than the Greeks, and even going farther back from oral traditions. Did they steal aspects from Hades and incorporate them into Satan, sure... But there's other figures from other cultures where aspects of Satan are most identical.

@AtheismIsLife it's a stretch, but no, there are important aspects that make them different to each other. Hades wasn't punished for rebelling, he was tricked by his brothers into taking control of the underworld. Also, the underworld in Greek mythology isn't hell, it is where ALL souls go after they die. Like I said, Lucifer wasn't a God, he was a fallen angel. Hades was a god. Their powers and abilities are different. Don't get me wrong, christianity did plagiarize from existing texts that were much older than the bible, from other stories a lot older than the Greeks, and even going farther back from oral traditions. Did they steal aspects from Hades and incorporate them into Satan, sure... But there's other figures from other cultures where aspects of Satan are most identical.

@mek7730 Who cares? What point are you trying to make, here?

@mek7730 And, I said that there are different names for Satan, I don't care about the story. It's all a myth.

@AtheismIsLife again, Hades isn't Satan. You're mixing two different stories together. At first my point was to clarify things to you but then I was hoping you would understand what you are talking about because you seem to like to argue and I just wanted you to have your facts right... Maybe encourage you to Google facts. Anyway, it's been a waste of time. Have a nice day 🙂

@mek7730 And, to prove how similar they are, and, also how it doesn'tatter. You are arguing, here. Not me. I never asked for clarification.

@mek7730 Should I care? Are they coming to get me......boogedey, boogedey.......??


All powerful god obeys people who don't believe in hIm and stays away from school cos they said so .


Give me a break! You can pray in school any damn time you want. You just can't force it upon me


Let's print up t-shirts with the REAL response.
"Dear Concerned Student,
I do not exist. Pick up your fucking science book and start reading!!! --God

Bbbbwwwaaahhhhh!!!! You're killin' me 🙂 🙂 🙂



One point that is rarely made in this discussion about the lack of God in schools is that there are no rules against kids who want to pray in school. They can pray all they want. They can spend as much of their day praying as they choose to! There just can't be organized, school-sanctioned prayer. If anyone is keeping God out of school, those are individual choices.


Because Separate Church and State...


God and guns have always gone hand-in-hand. Most of the Christians that believe this shit probably have a f** Arsenal in their house.


People wear those shirts?! Ugh...


This silliness is all over Facebook and my own children even fall for it. The mentality behind this is the same that shows Jesus and the Devil arm wrestling. We must remember as well that Jesus logs onto his Facebook account to see if there are enough "likes" to do something about prayers for healing.

They are truly kids aready know aabout their lies.


God is allowed in schools.


Seems like he's also not allowed in cinemas, open-air concerts, nightclubs, churches, post offices, military bases, McDonalds or on planes. No wonder people have stopped trying to find him.


Cool! God makes T-shirts, that guy or woman is like, like, like all powerful.. But, he can't stop he/she can't seem to stop bullets, or the guns that launch them, or the thugs and idiots and mentally ill fire them. I'd like to suggest a different T-shirt for people sitting off of the school grounds that says "Hey Shit-Head, This is God, Don't You Even Think About it!". That would fix the problem.


What caliber bullet can be stopped by a bible?


One point that is rarely made in this discussion about the lack of God in schools is that there are no rules against kids who want to pray in school. They can pray all they want. They can spend as much of their day praying as they choose to! There just can't be organized, school-sanctioned prayer. If anyone is keeping God out of school, those are individual choices.


Me too.


Oh its allowed in schools. Anyone can pray to their God whenever they want.
What they mean is they're not allowed(yet) to force us to pray with them and indoctrinate our kids. Or take us down to the dungeon and torture us. For our own good of course.. Heh


Ok this reminds of the old argument "As long as there are pop quizes - there will be prayer in schools".


The people that want god in schools only want their consept of god in the schools, not some one elses! I believe that all gods should be allowed in schools! It shoulg be taught right allong with Greek and Roman and all the other mythologie!

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