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It would seem from the link below that religious groups are breeding like rabbits in their unthinking race to overpopulate the planet:
Does anybody else agree that it is time to offend a few (perhaps many) people in the name of survival?

Red_Cat 7 Dec 18

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Yes - it appears that many not only take that "multiply" thing literally - but they choose to ignore any relation all that may have to the idea of Global warming, and very possible overall destruction.

Lots and lots of mini-mes !


biological imperative. Any group wants to propagate it's membership....until resources become problematic, and then we slide back to biological imperative again.


According to the bible, god commanded that men be fruitful and multiply to replenish the earth.

I tend to counter that with asking "Isn't the erth replenished with enough people by now? and "With the population levels we have, it would be a clever god who made it possible for people to control populations through contraceptives, so men would not destroy the planet by over populting, but I guess their god isn't all that smart if they want to fill the planet further beyond capacity.


Isn't the Quiverfull movement protestant christianity? They try to birth as many kids as they can.

Zster Level 8 Dec 18, 2017

Which religious groups are breeding like rabbits?. When I think of large families in the United States I think of Mormons, Amish, and Menonite s. By no means are they going to overpopulate and become a majority. More and more of their members are questioning their faith and leaving their churches.Are religious Christians breeding like crazy? I have issue with this theory.

In reality it's Muslims who are breeding like fleas. I think it was Colonel Gaddafi (Mauamar Gaddafi) who said that if enough Muslim migrants where to settle (get into ) Europe their traditional large families will eventually conquer Europe without waging any war.

Skyfaceer, you seem to be right: []


A staunch pro-lifer I talked to years ago said "We're going to outbreed all you baby killers". There you have it...

Damn that's gruesome !



This has always been the case especially among some sects as Catholics (I am from a Catholic family and there were 7 kids) and Mormons (hence the polygamous root). It's a numbers game to them and even some ethnic groups. Often the lower a group is economically the higher their fertility levels.

Years ago a study was done about economic levels and fertility. It was shown that if some felt there was a chance to improve their economic level through immigration the higher the birthrate so as to improve the chances of one member of the family striking it rich elsewhere and sending money back to the family. We all know there is a huge amount of money being sent from immigrants to their families in other countries. This is not a judgement simply what some studies have shown.


What is happening, besides an overall dysgenic decline in humanity, is that humanity is moving further apart. The working class continues to slide backwards as it is mostly populated by religious fanatics. We are becoming a sort of morloch people too dumb to reason and attached to menial jobs. The upper class are so disconnected from real work that they are evolving into the eloi. (i.e. H.G. Well's "The Time Machine"

I don't argument and debate would make much of a difference unless it was directed at changing basic institutions and cultural practices.

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