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Just for grins, how many of us still have bibles laying around the residence?

I have four. Two go back several generations and are a gold mine of information for my geneology work. Two others are quite old.

It is my desire to get my hands on one at least 200 years old to see how much "editing"has been done over time to suit the political climate.

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ronin73 7 May 27

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I have two and they're very well read. I once argued with a creationist over evolution, saying, you don't know anything about evolution yet you claim you know it's not true. At the very least you could take the time to investigate your claims before you make them. He rightfully turned that back on me, saying I was doing the same thing with God. Now he can't claim that because I have researched God, I feel better than most Christians and the God Hypotheses of Yahweh still fails to convince me. Actually, I'm more convinced than ever it's not true after reading the Bible.


I have one that is four versions in one and Family one. Keep them so i can try and figure out what verse the christo-facists are talking about.

BillF Level 7 May 27, 2018

I think I still have one somewhere. I have many religious texts that were used for religious studies and philosophy discussions. I've moved so am not certain if I still have them all or where they are.

The nits may have run off with them

@zorialoki Oh, that's funny! I should not try posting comments in the dark. Those evil little nits.

@pixiedust Sorry you felt the need to change it. I found it funny

@zorialoki My own typos make me itchy ...

@pixiedust I apologize, I have a tendency to play on words, typos, etc.. It is me. My curiosity is where you get itchy, but that is probably none of my business

@zorialoki I paused when I was correcting the typo because now others won't "get" your clever play on words, but my brain gets itchy and the hand that used to hold the red pen when I was an editor.

We can now regard the "nit" as our own, private in-joke.

@pixiedust Sounds good to me


It’s to throw away books for me. I think it’s similar to book burning. Even if it’s a fictional book like the Bible.

I agree, I keep it for reference if nothing else. I hate destroying books


Those really thin pages of bibles made really good kindling/starter for the fire pit. I fsomeoen ever foisted a bible onto me, that is how I'd take care of it.


The last one in my home was about7 years ago. My ex left it when she took off. I didn't think twice about it going in the trash. (And not because of her leaving).


At present I have at least one that is in a stack of other books waiting for me to schlep them down to Half Price Books and sell them. When I need a bible now I look it up online . Sometimes I like to beat believers up with what "the word" actually says.


It belongs to my daughter


Where's the 'none' option? I've never had a bible, even as a child in my parent's house. My family is Jewish, so it's not something they'd keep around.


I have like 2, they make great sig rolling papers when i run out and well rolling other things too 😀 just saying lol


I have the Bible, Book of Mormon, and the Qur'an


Right next to my Mormon book, Talmud and Dianetics


Pfftt. No (smugly looks up from fingernails and rolls eyes)


It's a Jerusalem Bible; I use it for reference.


I still have a few from way back when I was being brought up by my evangelical Christian family . Not that I have ever used any in years though . Whenever I feel the need to look something up in the Bible , I simply use the internet , such as this site [] .


I have none.
Why: easy to look up on line, never been my religion, it's a horror book, I'm a minimalist, I don't read high fantasy, etc.
I don't think you are nuts for keeping such family airlooms.


I found 6 yesterday while boxing up my books. One was the original given to me when I was a kid. I loved to compare the King James to the NIV. I've always preferred King James. The others read like Bibles for Dummies.


I have several bibles and the study books and courses that go with them. If I got rid of them now it would be like I was all angry or something. I do have anger but not at these books. My anger is in being lied to and taken advantage of. What can I say? My parents didn't know either. They went with what was passed on to them.


I had to go count them. I have 9 bibles, a few (or 4) textbooks on world religions, a Pali Cannon, and a Q'uran. The bibles are from my fundie days, except two and one huge concordance that my mother gifted me after I came out as an atheist. She's decided that of all her children, I am closest to God because I have challenged him the most. She considers that "seeking." I consider these texts research. I'm fascinated by human behavior in general, but religion, societal belief systems, and regional traditions are especially intriguing to me. Because I've studied about myriad religions, I am atheist. It's an informed conclusion.

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