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No words...

Catrachel1111 7 May 28

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Right. That's why the vast majority of those in prison identify as "christian".


Right up there with that "Shame on you, hunters--get your meat from the supermarket, where no animals were harmed" one...


It says “In God We Trust” on our money. Damn, she’s got us there. Time to pack up and leave.

@Omen6Actual I disagree. Read the first amendment. “Congress shall make no law...” There is no law that says this text must be on money.

@Omen6Actual Which part are you referring to?


Is this a spoof?

Probably. It's why I generally dislike memes. A URL to an actual newspaper article would have made this better, and been easily done. Without a citation, I usually take these with a grain of salt.

@bingst I live in Alabama, and I hear crap like this all the time from people. Sadly, I don't think this is a spoof or a meme - I believe this is probably real.

Apparently, it's authentic, but plagiarized in the meme.

Maybe the original author was on Ambien when she wrote and submitted it and later chose to retract it by calling it a joke. That seems to be a thing these days.

Of course, I've taken Ambien before myself, and somehow the drug didn't compel me to say amazingly bigoted things.

@ErikGunderson Haha. The makes of Ambien made a statement to the effect that it doesn't cause racism. Did Roseanne really think people would buy that? lol


Thank goodness for rants like that. They only support and endorse the atheist cause.

It's hard to believe people like that exist.


As a couple of political pundits have said, 50% of Americans are stupid, and 50% of those are even more stupid.


Freedom of religion , does indeed mean , you do NOT have to believe what others believe , just because they believe it .


It's everyone and everything else's fault that doesn't fit in to their world.

Coldo Level 8 May 28, 2018

Let's not jump to stupid. While strong belief correlates with lower IQ, there are plenty of believers who are on the right side of the curve. She's brainwashed and upset. She may not know any better, and likely lives in a bubble. I hope her life is better than her letter to the editor indicates.


Hello, god made me an atheist, according to the bible 🙂


Like I have been saying, true believers are capable of anything (no matter ho ridiculous).


Hmm, well, we've got her full name and location now. LOL! She's nothing but an ignorant moron.

Let's set up the altar of evil and do a sacrifice!

@Holysocks Yeah, we can eat a few babies beforehand to warm up.


I’m speechless. Who raised her?


[cue eye roll]


Wow. I am left typeless by such ignorance. Should we retain religions because they tend to be violent, offensive, obtrusive, and obnoxious?


Wow...No words... is right!


Truly religious people do not say such things as the woman in Soldotna. But I do not judge her Ill because of her mistaken thoughts.

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

—Martin Luther King, Jr.


my mom uses the "it's freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion" argument all the time.


That's outrageous!


you can't fix stupid.


Wow. Not very well informed is she?


Since tRump was elected and in the Malay that preceded his absolutely shocking victory, I have seen a side of America that I was previously, for the most part, unaware of or just to naive to see. I have since been exposed to the underbelly of ignorance and I am disappointed and somewhat disheartened. I have very little hope that society at large will ever make any significant and lasting strides at eradicating ignorance.

Sadly , I agree .


That doesn't seem right. What newspaper would even consider printing this?

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