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I'm still getting my feet wet on this site, but since subjects don't seem to be limited to religion, let me ask a question about smoking and vaping. How does one respond to a person who says smoking and vaping are the same thing?

jhberry 3 May 29

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Depends on what one is smoking or vaping.


Neither are good for your health , your finances , your appearance , or your odor .


I usually tell people who think it's okay to lecture me to "fuck off". You know, since it's NOT.

Welcome to the asylum. Enjoy your stay!


As an ex smoker, I think the delivery may be different, but the outcome is the same. An addiction to nicotine. In that way they are the same. I have read there may be negative long term effects. Of course it's too early to know. As far as smell and effects of second hand exposure there does seem to be a benefit.
In the addiction aspect the two are the same. My opinion, folks don't need a healthier ball and chain (nicotine) around their ankles.


I think vaping is a great way to quit smoking. I went from a pack a day to vaping, started at 18mg nic, then gradually lowered it to 3mg. Took 6 months.

Tried 0mg for a while and realized I didn't need it anymore. Quit smoking and vaping entirely for about a year now.

There's plenty of evidence that it's not the same. Cigarettes are worse. Vaping is still harmful (I mean, you're sucking in superheated bits of kanthal , microscopic metals, etc)

However, if it can be used like I used it, where the goal is to quit? I consider it a good thing.

Also there was an alien vaping in the original star wars movie. Idk if that's relevant.

use to stop is the best use


There is a ton of research that had been done on the effects of smoking, you cannot say the same thing for vaping.

While vaping is much newer , preliminary results of the few tests which have been done , also show that this is not a healthy substitute for smoking tobacco . Either one is an expensive addiction (check the prices and try to stop doing it - prove these to yourself) . Bearing just these three facts in mind - addictive , expensive , and unhealthy , to be perfectly honest I don't understand why any intelligent person would intentionally and with fore thought put themselves on this particular road . Why do you want to do this ?


To me, it is the same thing. You are purposefully inhaling stuff that is physically damaging your respiratory system, and is addictive.


They are not, but cause similar amount of damage ! Thats the bottom line !


I quite smoking cigarettes cold turkey in 1999. I have never tried vaping so can't remark. I do know that as a non-smoker, one habit appears as unattractive as the other. (We have all probably heard that nobody is a bigger critic than a reformed smoker.) All the same, I distance myself from the habit as much as I can.

Deb57 Level 8 May 29, 2018

They're both harmful to your health according to recent research. And they're definitely harmful to mind if your standing next to me. Although I do miss the smell of cigarettes sometimes, having been married to a chain-smoking Russian for a while. He tried vaping and patches and sprays, but ended up doing them all in addition to the fags. "Vat? Vy? I lyek smoking!" Ah, memories!


Considering all the first hand benefits I’ve experienced by switching to vaping to quit smoking, I don’t need to convince them or anyone else. I probably wouldnt bother arguing the point unless a dear friend and smoker needed help getting off the cigs and had tried everything else. No smoker that’s ever tried vaping will argue that it’s worse for you. It may have some long term downsides that haven’t been discovered yet but all the studies I’ve seen demonizing vaping so far have been seriously flawed and funded by big tobacco.

I wouldn’t start vaping for fun or anything but if you’re a smoker you can’t beat it for an easy/satisfying way to break the habit of lighting up. And from there it’s easy to ween yourself off nicotine a little at a time and ideally stop altogether.

You are right.


I personally think that vaping is quite dangerous. All the info isn't in regarding the chemicals present in it. I understand the wish to get away from cigarettes but this isn't going to be much better in the long run


Tobacco smoke is far more disgusting to those around the smoker but vaping is still an unwelcome intrusion.

As for health. Years of research on the ill effects of tobacco but hardly any on the chemicals within vapes. Although there is belief that vaping can cause "popcorn lung"

quick link []

so those around are exposed to diaceytl and whatever other unknowns.

Both are unsightly but vaping looks like you trying to suck off a dildo all the time.


Tell them to research it because they would not listen to me anyway..


I would feel confident making the claim that they are less harmful. To say 'safer' is dubious at this point in the epidemiology.

Now, that said... There are more and more harmful chemicals in vapes than there are on the package. This is because the unit is ACTUALLY an aerosolizer and not literally a vape. The aerosolizer uses a heating element. This heating element creates a few carcinogens that are not originally in the juice, but they make it into your lungs. The higher the setting, the more risk of this.


As a 40+ year smoker I can say they are not the same thing. I quit smoking by vaping around 4 years ago and have not had a cigarette since. I can climb stairs without getting out of breath, no hacking cough, and generally feel better. As for nicotine, you can reduce from the level found in cigarettes to extremely low levels or zero. Yes there are chemicals using both but many studies show vaping safer than smoking. Look for studies outside the US where funding for studies are not paid for by corporate and special interests. I would say if you are not a smoker, I would see no reason to vape. Also to respect others by not vaping in the same areas smoking is not allowed.



Coldo Level 8 May 29, 2018

Vaping supposedly is less unhealthy, although still unhealthy. People claim that vaping is the best way to stop smoking. Stopping smoking is the best way to stop smoking. I know it's easier said than done though. I know a few people who stopped cold turkey and never looked back. One had a heart attack, and has diabetes and stopped. The other got diabetes and stopped. I also know someone who smoked cigarettes and then "downgraded" to vaping. They are 29 right now and they have been vaping for years, so it obviously doesn't completely stop you from having to smoke.

What is it with humans? I guess we are just destructive by nature. From the people who invent these things and advertise them to the unknowing or vulnerable, to the people who actually know what these things do to themselves yet they take them anyway. It actually makes me think more philosophically about it. Humans are such an addictive species that it makes you wonder about free will etc. Who the hell would CHOOSE to be so destructive, to others or especially to themselves, if they knew the consequences and outcomes? My sister in laws mother died from the effects of smoking cigarettes. In her last years she was attached to a oxygen tank. She still smoked. She died a painfully slow death. One of her daughters smoked, all the way up to a lung transplant. My sister in law still smokes having seen what her mother and sister went through.

Do we all have these addictions depending on the degree and what category they're in? Smoking, drinking, overeating, etc etc etc? Do we just not want to admit it?


I do wonder who pays for the ‘vaping is dangerous’ research, tobacco giants, I imagine. I’ve seen a number of ‘it’s safe’ pieces.

Smoking blinds, causes cancer, heart disease, lung disease and all sorts of life threatening conditions. I did read once that someone had a vape battery explode...


Both smoking and vaping satisfy a craving, I suspect that in vaping a lot less nicotine is required to satisfy the craving, due to the psychological effect of puffing.

I vape cannabis and I don't normally vape juice, but when I go on vacation I satisfy my oral fixation with either 3% or 6% nicotine.

Vaping is collection of butts, yellow fingers, stinky breath or clothes. Juices have pleasant aromas, unlike smoke.

cava Level 7 May 29, 2018

I personally believe that smoking and vaping ARE the same thing. You are still (usually) ingesting nicotine, which by the way is a poison and vaso-constrictor. Yes, you're not inhaling a lot of the carcinogenics that tobacco has, however you have new chemicals to worry about (a good paper to look at is []. We won't even get into the numerous reports of children ingesting the "juice" for their parent's e-cig and getting violently ill and/or dying.

I have enough medical problems to worry about without having to worry about issues with second had e-cig smoke.


I suppose they are similar in that the shape of the device is similar and both contain nicotine. And vaping is an evolution of cigarettes.


The anti smoking lobby are fascists. They not only want everyone to follow their lead in contributing nothing at all to life on this planet, they are attempting to alter history by trying to get any reference to, or scenes of smoking pulled from movies and worse, in documentaries. They have fooled the medical profession as well. The major causes of pulmonary disease is the environment we are all forced to live. Tobacco has been the whipping boy of the Petro Chemical industry for years. Wake up people and stop polishing your halos because you "gave up"


My son-in-law , didn't use either . He used chewing tobacco . He developed cancer of his stomach and the doctors cut out 90% of his stomach . When my daughter first began dating him , I asked her , how could she stand kissing him . She replied , "Simple , I don't kiss him on his mouth ." Seems to me , each one is just as stupid as the other . Why do people choose to intentionally make themselves look dumb , smell bad , be dangerous to live with ( many home fires are started by smokers who fell asleep with lit cigaretts ) , and their family members and/or themselves sick or dead ?


I think smoking and vaping are the same unless you are vaping pot it's all chemical and it's all a vice we use to sooth are neurotic behaviors.


Same results just look at those without a mouth or lips. It seems to speak for itelf.

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