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Does intelligence lead to atheism?

JazznBlues 8 May 30

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No. Critical thinking leads to atheism. Anyone can learn to think critically.

beat me to it

No they cannot.

@Jacar Your evidence being?


“Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man.” ― Aristotle, The Philosophy of Aristotle

I call this “the Jesuit Barrier.”

Something happens to the human brain between 6 and 8 years of age. Certain pathways become almost concretized. That is, they will prove to be nearly impossible to change. These pathways include the admonitions to never doubt certain ideas, including one’s faith. To never allow the rest of the brain to influence the barriers created to avoid all thought that may challenge the paths of stone. This is reinforced by doctrines that explicitly requiring the person fto avoid associating with anyone who may, in any way, challenge the doctrine; It becomes a self-reinforcing barrier.

The next step is a doctrine that expressly advocates the destruction of anything and anyone that may challenge the doctrine. “God is great. And if you do not think so, then you are not worthy of life. And I have an obligation to see to it.” This should be a very self-defeating doctrine. The spread of islam appears to suggest the contrary.

As with islam, If the barrier is pervasively reinforced in a society, the society will cease to progress toward the well-being of its members as its energies will be expended in self-defenses which will turn inward to become rampant auto-immune disease. (Rush Limbaugh is an example.)

Science is an instinct. Science is observation, hypothesis, testing, and repetition. It is demonstrated by children through the natural learning tools we call the arts.

Religion is the result of the exploration of the world using these innate tools by primitive man.
We seek truths to build upon. We seek to explain, and name, what we experience. Even labeling something as “unknown” is an explanation.

Such exploration can help to ameliorate the damage done by orthodoxy. But, for many there is only the compromise of conscious reinforcement of unconscious compartmentalization.

This link is to an article by a christian who is refuting Dawkins exploration of the idea of the evil of childhood indoctrination by religionists. Obviously an educated person defending his own indoctrination as being reasonable.


well said.

There is apparently a similar "barrier" in force with regard to the Congressional Republicans. Nevertheless I'm not sure I agree with this hypothesis. I was raised in a religious family and dragged to church and exposed to the doctrine since a very young age, and I am now an Agnostic. Some of us chose to leap this barrier.

@fishline79 Same here. Didn't break the chains until in my 30s. Insane amount of pressure from family to not question religious beliefs delayed coming out.

@fishline79 Not a choice. It just did not take with you.


No, but I think being more educated, skeptical and inquisitive does.

Exactly. I know some very smart uber religious people. But when you're brainwashed at such a young age (and not inquisitive) it's really hard to be open to change. The really smart ones find the most clever justifications to alleviate their cognitive dissonance.


Not really... I've heard people discuss how much more deep-rooted religion can be for an intelligent person, as they have a greater ability to rationalise and compartmentalise their beliefs. And from what I can see that's true — I know several friends/family members who are very intelligent but also entrenched in Christianity.

It probably comes more from well-applied skepticism — as LP said below — and a willingness to use critical thinking and challenge one's own world view. Hell, I still do that even after a lifetime of non-belief... I'm hugely into religious apologetics. There may yet be a strong argument in there that will force me to re-evaluate my position so I like to go looking for it. Not found it yet, mind; and they've had a couple of thousand years' head start.


I work with a lot of PhD Scientists and Chemists who are hardcore Xians and Mormons. It has to do with family upbringing and unwillingness to break away from tradition and the comfort of social groups.

Same. I have mormon friends that understand to forsake the church is to be forsaken by family, friends as well as the church. Socially held hostage.


Nah, I think that's painting with too broad a brush. There are people who are quite intelligent who believe in God or gods, though I think it's a blind spot for many. Although I think intelligence does help in shucking religion, it's by no means a forgone conclusion. I'll put it this way: There are myriad areas of intellect, so let's change one word in the question for another example. "Does intelligence lead to astrophysics?" For some, it certainly does. For others, absolutely not. Someone might be a brilliant wordsmith or psychologist or mechanical engineer, but that doesn't mean they have an aptitude for astrophysics, higher mathematics, etc. I think that's true for atheism, too, often relying on logic and an evidence-based rationale, with the added complication of breaking free of tradition, emotional attachment to faith, community pressure, family expectations, etc. It's an uphill battle for many people, and often not one they're effectively equipped to fight.

This guy's got the right idea.


Intelligence leads to the realisatiom that there is no omnipotent off-planet rewarding and punishing Father God.
It also leads to the recognition that there is a creative consciousness which is the source and cause of the existence of all manifest things, evidently including us. And therefore gets keen seekers to search for what "that" might be .....

Creative consciousness? So, like a god? I respectfully disagree with that assessment.


I believe there is a direct correlation. Only approx. 7% of all scientists are believers. So the evidence, though circumstantial, and therefore must be viewed as a clue rather than a proof, does seem to be pointing in that direction.


interesting reference/list


Animals are supposed to be less intelligent than us. Do they have religion? I doubt it. So, does that mean they are actually more intelligent?


There is a tendency to be more intelligent, especially if you are one of the de-converted from religion. You have to be able to think outside the box so to speak if you grew up in a religious family. It's not guaranteed that you are intelligent just because you are atheist nor does it mean the you are stupid because you are religious. People can live with cognitive dissonance.

Nice thinking!


Intelligence is simply the ability to gather and apply appropriate knowledge in a critical and practical way.
If you have no knowledge, or inaccurate knowledge or decide not to gain certain knowledge for the sake of an abnegation of responsibility and a peaceful life you can be very intelligent and still an utter fool.
This is how you can have a brilliant author and physician who writes intelligent and wonderful detective stories, and yet in real life thinks fairies live at the bottom his garden and that his wife can talk to dead people.
(Arthur Conan Doyle in case anyone did not get the reference)

I guess that addresses the conundrum of how IQ tests can be used to determine the intelligence of someone like the French "Wild Child. They usually use geometric figures and other such non-informational devices.


Not necessarily, there is a difference between intelligence and wisdom.

I think perhaps where as Intelligence applies to the application knowledge, wisdom is more applicable to understanding and utilisation of experience, human nature and sensory input


I think it makes it more probable, but there are so many different types of intelligences. Emotional, mathematic, artistic, interpersonal, leadership, booksmart kind of intelligence....etc.

...i agree,and life expierence gives us a glimpse
of others life's also....✌💢




Yes, of course

gater Level 7 May 31, 2018

I read an anecdote once about Einstein. I don't know if it's true but it was in a book. It goes like this:

Einstein was teaching a class for graduate students in physics and he asked for a show of hands for how many believed that the universe had a creator. No one raised their hand. Next he asked them, as a group, to estimate - of ALL of the knowledge that exists in the entire universe, what percent do we humans know. The students took a few minutes and came back with a figure of 5%, to which Einstein said that he personally thought it was quite a bit lower than that, but even if we humans did know 5% of all of the knowledge in the universe that that would not be enough to rule out the possibility of a creator, so therefore atheism was not logical, but agnosticism was.

And so I would conclude that intelligence leads to agnosticism, because an intelligent person must surely admit that there is just too much we don't know about the universe to rule out a creator. We might be a science experiment in a jar on some alien kid's dresser, or characters in some advanced simulation or game. We just don't have enough information to say what is out there.

Fins Level 4 May 31, 2018

I don't belive so. I know some incredible intelligent people that are believers, but they grew up in the religion and never had need or want to question it.


Not necessarily.
Everyone knows some very intelligent folks who believe, and fervently so.
The difference is the faith in holy spirit - the hand of a god through woman and man that allows them to suspend an otherwise inquisitive nature.
They need it. Others dont.


You have to be intelligent enough to know that Man created God and have enough courage to accept that death is a part of life.


No: Reason leads to atheism.


Usually, atheists are better at understanding reality than religious folk, though not necessarily.


Sometimes but mostly through education !


No. Notice that there are a lot of intelligent religious folks and always have been. When our species finally buys into leading life with a bit more reason, we will see an acceleration of people moving toward not needing belief and absolutes. Critical thinking and reason lead to eliminating the need for the warm, fuzzy security blanket.

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