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There are so many things in the Christian Bible itself that say that it's all just a myth. Take the fact, for example, that it was written by a number of authors over a period of several hundred years. Add to that the fact that the Gospels all vary in their stories and observations. Plus the entire ressurection story was conceived by 12 Catholic bishops at the Council of Nicea in 325 AD. Prior to that the early small Christian groups like the Gnostics, Cathgrs, and the Essenes believeed that Jesus was a great profhet and nothing else. When they all protested the edict, there were slaughtered by the Church, every man, woman, and child. There is something else that was pointed out by such works as Holy Blood, Holy Grail and the Dan Brown workd: In all translations of the Bible it states that after Jesus died on the cross for our sins, he was pierced in the side by the Roman Centurian Longinus and "blood and water ran from the wound." Blood and water cannot flow from the body of a dead man because there is no beating heart to pump it out. Of course, back then the writers of the Gospels wouldn't have known that as the circulation of the blood wasn't discovered ny William Harvy untill the 1630's.

Waltjazz 3 June 1

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Just for the interest alone, I read the gospels of Judas and Mary Magdeline , These stories do not match the other four that make the new testament. The bible is just a gathering of stories , edited to make a religion.

EMC2 Level 8 June 2, 2018

Evangelicals flog the fact that the Bible was written by multiple authors over many years as a feature, not a bug. They just claim it miraculously agrees with itself (even though it most certainly does not) despite having multiple authors. See how that works? Simple denial. It's just another example of "lie big and bold, and eventually people will think it's true".


If you are going to make general, broad comments about 1-2 stories in the Bible, you will be committing the same thing as those evangelicals that we so hate.

The Bible was written by some men at a period of time about a man. By many authors with many agendas. You can pick it apart all day. But it exists, many people believe it literally, and use it to justify anything.

in order to be fair, this was a web post. To actually critique the Bible you would have to write a book (another one), and even that won't change the faith people have in the Dogma of the Church which most of them think come from the text, when it does not.

So what was the poster to do to make the point, write a book on a web post?

@Davesnothere I don't see where it was on the web, only that the poster wrote it. And my only point is that picking and choosing is what most people do- on both sides of the fence.

There have been books written to put context to that mans life and the myths that surround it. Do people here read to understand and shore up their beliefs (and non beliefs)? I'm not asking to be rude, but I hear a lot of opinion here. Where are facts that back up the feelings?

@BrightLeigh This right here is the web. Here, in such a small forum, is not the place for a full out disection of the base text is it?
As such I would never expect someone to even attempt that.
Thusly the poster (whomever that is) simply pointed out a couple of things which stick out to them as an illustration of an overall problem.

What facts are you talking about? That the Bible is a compilation of books by unknown authors? That the council of Nicea consolidated and endorsed the Dogma of the narrative, both in what it read and in what that meant?
Those are documented.

That elements of the text do not match scientific reality?

@Davesnothere ok gotcha. In reflection, the points the original poster posted are not ones I would use to disprove the accuracy/ truth/ validity / whatever of the Bible.

The question of what books, sources have you (or others) read or found to be interesting?

Star Wars doesn't match with scientific reality. Most of art does not either. It's still worthwhile material. Why is the Bible any different? It's got some good stuff in it. Throw the baby out with the bath water?

@BrightLeigh I would say the Bible is different because there are a large contingent of people who do not see it either allegoricaly or methphorically, but literally, and seek to impose legislation based upon their dogmatic interpretation of that reading (which is most often not done themselves, but adopted wholesale from an authority)

I would also say it is not on you or me or the poster or anyone to disprove the veracity of the text, that would be on a person who is insisting it is both valid and true.

I certainly am not, I have read it.

@Davesnothere yes to your first paragraph.

If that was the case, all ancient texts (500+ years) would not be deemed valid or true.


The laws if the god of the Bible are so vile that, if such a god existed, he wouldn't be worthy of worship, only of disdain.


My dad studies at a Baptist Seminary in the '50s. They told them, point blank, there was no evidence for God. It's all based on Faith. They elevate the nonsense of believing in something, without proof, as a virtue. It should be a sign of being a fool, instead.


Also, the Bible is a poor copy of the Sumerian texts, carved on the Babylonian walls 2000 years before the Bible was written.

Furthermore, the bloodthirsty, revengeful god of blood sacrifices and fire and brimstone is based on "Anu," the alien Sumerian leader.

Link: The origins of human beings according to ancient Sumerian texts []?

What kind if a "loving God" requires human sacrifice to forgive sin?
Or makes laws commanding you to stone your offspring to death for being rebellious, or for picking up sticks on the sabbath, or for being from another religion (yes, there is a Bible equivalent to "kill all infidels" )? Loving?

@Agamic Just what I said..the Hebrew god is based on "Anu," the Sumerian leader of an alien race who say they genetically engineered humans by combining their own DNA with that of human apes.

yeah, i was referencing the "law" and just how evil they are in and of themselves.
People dreamt this crap up.

@birdingnut I’ve seen you refer to this Sumerian theory in several places, do you have some partly reputable source for it other than Even a Wikipedia page?

@Denker I've read about it in numerous places, but saved that link. You can google it yourself, you know.


There are multiple fallacies in the Christian bible. Some are contradictions while others have gaps in their logic. Some scripture is known to have been inserted by later editors or translators to provide more basis for their brand of argument. Read up on the history of the Johnnanine Comma to see just how far they'd go.

Fallacies indeed. The whole gamut of literary devices. Why does that surprise people?


A few good examples of literally hundreds.

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