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Have you ever had reoccuring dreams “perfectly sober” that took you to a different place in your world, only to forget them until they pop up years later. No, I am not licking mushrooms.

Ride_Captain 7 June 1

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i have genre dreams so yes, they recur, whether exact in all details or just in general theme. i have had at least one dream that did recur almost exactly, and in the dream i recognized this and had a different experience of it even though the details were the same.



I dream I go to countries I've not been to.


I used to have recurring dreams in which I was lost in a foreign city. They were quite anxiety provoking.


When I dream.... I am always in a different place.


I’ve had that happen...once I’m dreaming, I recognize that I’ve dreamed it before. There’s usually a sense of dread. These aren’t pleasant dreams!


All the time.


I do have a reoccurring dream but I always remember. It's terrifying.


I have never had a good dream about playing music. The theme is always the same. Something is completely screwed up with my kit, and l can't play. It is full of great frustration and some panic. The location may differ, but the theme is consistent.

that is like the dream of me showing up at work with no pants


When I was very young, I had a vivid recurring dream. During the summer when I was 12, while awake, I saw things from this dream series. I still have no rational explanation.


I had this one where I was back in Michigan and I had to work in Arizona the next day and I couldn't get back here this went on for months I had just moved to Arizona at the time so I was still adjusting to the area and I had started a new job so I was pretty stressed out by that


Yes. I'm a vivid dreamer. I started having recurring dreams at the age of 4.


I haven't had recurring dreams, but for a while I had a recurring visitor in my dreams.

They probably got lost and figured one dreamer is as good as another...


Magic Toads? #sorrynothelping/useless comment ??????????️?????????


Eh? (to quote Canadians). What are you talking about?

Shouldn't that be 'Aboot'? 🙂


Absolutely - I've not looked to define the dreams, but yeah - I've had sober dreams that stuck with me. I've not been able to forget my dreams because for my entire life it's been the same dream. Well, at least 90% of the time - the remaining 10% has been me losing my car and never being able to find it.


Are you talking about premonitions and precognition?

i have had those


No, but I was born remembering a past life, with snatches from many more. Later I remembered about seven of them, with enough details that I could google to verify details of some of the more recent events.

That’s fascinating!

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