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Its Saturday night, whats everybody up to?

Reddeer 5 June 2

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Posting on Agnostic . Com ! What else ?   Lol


Only Saturday morning here but my sad little agenda is to clean my apartment if I feel up to it. Yeah I guess I'm Mr. Clean's party animal

Not a sad agenda at all..... everything is what we make out of it. Crank the music up and clean the place dancing and singing like no one is watching 🙂

@IamNobody that's what I do.....Rolling Stones "A Bigger Bang" and Joe Cocker Best of Collection.

@AmelieMatisse I knew it !!! Cool !!! Crank it up..... well, not too much if it bothers your neighbors, of course

@IamNobody I have no neighbors!

@AmelieMatisse then crank it up, just don't blow your speakers up !! ??


Taking care of our grandchild while his parents work.

@Donotbelieve My pleasure.


It's Friday night/Saturday morning for me - I'm teaching ESL to my little Chinese children.


It's Friday night in California. I just came back from my daughter's high school graduation. Yeah ... she's an adult now ... I'm done ... I think.


Karaoke plus dancing, I hope!

Pole dancing included I hope ?

Love Karaoke but haven’t gone in forever.


early one for me, was dragged to a soccer game today, so boring, I hate sports. My foster son is away and his nephew was playing near me so I was asked to drop in. Hated every minute of it. So back home for domestics, animals all fed, I have coffee and soon off to read. How boring.

I hate sports. .... Hated every minute of it.” I find that refreshing - so do I! Guess I lucked out, two daughters that would rather roam the woods than be confined to a ‘gridiron’ with rules 😉

They must be careful if the wicked witches in the woods ! Lol


Pizza, wine, and some netflix.

@Donotbelieve It ain't much, but you gotta do the best you can with what you have to work with.

@Donotbelieve I am thinking of a gangster movie, maybe Black Sabbath about Whitey Bulger. Johnny Depp is in it, and I'd watch him read a grocery list.


Mosaic! Mosaic! Last day of our 3-day multi-cultural event. Today my daughter and I revisit pavilions we want to enjoy a bit longer. 18 pavilions this year and we saw all of them on Thursday and Friday (9 each night)! Today, we're going back to the German pavilion and the African pavilion, maybe the Serbian and the Romanian ones. The curried chickpeas at the Punjab pavilion are calling to me, too. The dancers at the Korean pavilion are gorgeous. So much fun, so little time! i wish it was Mosaic all month.


It’s Saturday morning, ‘here.’ I plan to coat the underside of both my front porch and carport with ‘waterseal.’ New to VA (usa), they’ve got these massive ‘carpenter bees’ that will bore about a half inch diameter hole into ‘raw (and sometimes painted) wood.’ I want their first bite to be petroliam flavored 😉

Tonight, I may get cleaned up and show off my new haircut around our little tourist town.. Last weekend I took a long walk on a country backroad… Or, just sit on said porch with my laptop, watching birds, fireflies, and North Carolina thunderstorms!

Varn Level 8 June 2, 2018


That sounds lovely. I hope the bees stay away.

Kinda blew my plan, as the humidity was 80% yesterday, and the wood felt too moist to coat.. Plan B: Removed serious lawn grass from around ‘spring grove’ arborvitae, mulched & cultivate around 6 young fruit trees ..hand watered all 48 arbs whilst talking to mom & sister by phone as a thunder storm passed by ..finished a 9:30 pm. Filthy, again 🙂


You are on the other side of the International Dateline! For us it was only Friday night 🙂


(sigh) I’m getting in bed and going to read volume 1 of Animal Man. It’s nonstop mayhem and shenanigans over here.


Im attending a Dance Show that one of my students (at the tutoring center I run)is in. Showing support for her cuz her family can't always be there for her.


I just woke up.

godef Level 7 June 2, 2018

well here its saturday lunchtime and I have been weeding all morning if my back holds up I'll be weeding all afternoon and saturday night I will be ZZZzzzzzzzzzing


I'm sitting here wondering where I can get a time machine like you 🙂


Well, here it's Friday night. But you are on the other side of the dateline. Tomorrow afternoon, I'm going to a retirement party for a former co-worker. I'm retired 5-1/2 years from the U.S. Forest Service, and she'll be retiring from same. Party takes place about 6 miles north at a local bar & grill. All attendees will be bring food to share. I'm bringing a fruit dish (cut-up apples pears, cantaloupe, and watermelon) and a Spanish rice ( with beans) dish. Likely turnout is 25 +. A guitarist was hired, he does rock and country music. There might be dancing. Later, I'll join friends at a club about 6 miles west of that location. Well known local 3 piece rock "cover" band in a large venue. There will definitely be dancing there. I'll be drinking whiskey & 7 Up (in moderation as I will be driving). Sunday morning I'll wake and make pancakes and bacon and watch the NASCAR stock car race on the television. I'm assured to have a great weekend and wish you the same Reddeer . I've never been to NZ but am aware that it is beautiful. I live in north Idaho, USA quite near the Canadian border.

Hi, good luck on your retirement. Seems like you will have a wonderful time at the party. i have been to NZ several times and yes it is beautiful with lots of nice people.

Sounds like a great time. Small town fun is the best. We create our own entertainment, sometimes off the hook, but fun.


Went to the gym, now watching bad YouTube and eating popcorn


Working photography at a motorcycle event in Nevada.

I am home now, till next time.
I back to subject you all to my sparkling personality.


We came back from the dog park, had a delicious dinner prepared by my wife, who used to be a pro chef in Philly, watched Colony, and then took Cyrus for a midnight walk. And now I'm doing this while my wife is on the phone.


It's Friday night isn't it? Please tell me I didn't just skip work


It is Sat. morning here and after a day at work pretending to be nice to asshole customers 😀 I will stumble into my door, cook some dinner, watch TV and play on That will last about 2 hours and then I will reluctantly fall asleep (sleep is such a waste of time). It is called 'livin on the edge'. zzzzzzzz 😕


Going to a fantsy schmantzy wedding at a catholic church.

I am counting the minutes...

...until it is over...

...including the ritzy titzy dinner reception.

Eat, drink and be merry! ? ? ?


I wasn't paying close enough attention. I posted what I was doing Friday night, though I expect more of the same tonight.


Saturday morning here. I am in bed listening to the storms roll in. ?


Bought groceries for the month, got a bottle of wine. I'll use the empty bottle to make a wind chime. Oh yeah, I mowed the front yard.

How do you make a wind chime?

@Agirlhasnoname Watch this vid, he does a better job explaining than I can.

or using nichrome wire to cut the bottle:
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