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I got into a discussion a few days ago with a religious person who had said, "everything happens for a reason." I then asked this person how they can explain the fact that hundreds of thousands of kids die from starvation every year in poor places in the world like Yemen and Somalia. I asked what the reason was that children die from famine if everything happens for a reason. They could not answer me. Living in different places in the world and seeing first hand how 'belief' causes apathy in people has really molded my thinking. What are your thoughts on the notion of 'everything happens for a reason?'

Ruetres 5 Dec 23

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77 comments (51 - 75)

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It's nonsense. Ask them to walk down a children's cancer ward and explain their reason for that happening. Not to mention 2 year olds getting raped. Oh, I don't respect anyone who believes that "god works in mysterious ways".

Crazy crazy religious logic.


One of the problems I've always had is how people justify the actions of their particular gods. A winning quarterback will be sure to thank god for allowing his team to win (rather than acknowledge that they simply played better than the other team) or for his 'god-given' talent (because there's no way that genetics and 20+ years of athletic training had anything to do with it, right?). Likewise, when believers are unable to answer why their god would allow someone to shoot 15 children at a playground, they usually drop the old standard "God works in mysterious ways" Really? Did your god hate the losing football team? Did he somehow know ('omniscient', remember...) that every one of those 15 dead children would have grown up to be awful people, and that he just decided to let a gunman take them out early? People who defend an unknowable god are like the co-dependent families of alcoholics. God's actions don't appear to be any more than a coin flip, and there's always an unfortunate loser. The adherents will always be there to excuse away the coin flips when the results can't be attributed to his 'glory'....


It is the religious "true believer's way to trying to cope with the fact that he or she cannot explain what is happening within the context of his bogus religion. It makes him squirm, so he has to say, "only God knows."


It's one of those platitudes I hate hearing. Like "she's in a better place now" when someone dies.



I just spent a day with one of those people and learned something new..."everything happens for a reason" is the new " it'sGod's plan." Apparently they think if they make it non-religious people will buy into it. I ask what the reason is that little kids are born into starvation in India and I'm told it's to teach the world a lesson. Nice! I actually had one woman tell me that those kids born into starvation CHOSE to be born that way in their previous head was about to explode. My advice, keep those conversations to a minimum and read "The Righteous Mind" (Why good people differ about politics and religion) it will explain that it's not about facts, all about emotion and belonging to the group.

lerlo Level 8 Dec 23, 2017

Clearly, you win points for truth.


ofcourse it all happens for a reason, good and bad are relative. People starving probably because food in habitat is scarce...its called natural balance, worse than that is over production of food in a habitat where the populayion burst out only in one species(Human) throwing off the balance.


It's all about control, and I'm convinced that half the control freaks in the world don't even realize it.

godef Level 7 Dec 23, 2017

A sociological outgrowth which evolved from the Enlightenment was the loss of the "sacred" within human existence. This expulsion of the transcendent morphed into a pathological atheistic humanism and collective political organization in the early 20th century that sought to replace our transcendent meaning in historical and human experience. The most identifiable offspring of this view of the immanent, material world as complete in itself, intelligible in itself, and lacking all need were Maoism 45m Nazism 25m and lenin14m Stalinism 30m. As spiritualities of the temporal they sought a revolution of the historical order (modernity) to affirm the meaningfulness of human existence by rejecting its transcendent source. This historical temporal immanentism has become so thoroughly entrenched that to question modernistic rationalism and atheism as a valid affirmation of the meaningfulness of human existence through the expulsion of its transcendent source is anathema. This "picture of the world" is no longer manifested primarily in Marxist doctrines of competing institutional views on materialism or dogmatic totalitarianism, but the powerful cultural undercurrent that remains including its rejection of the signs of the sacred in lieu of the secular has become the default domain of humanity. The loss of the transcendent results in a loss of the meaningfulness of human life, reflected alternatively in excessive consumption, despair and violence.


I agree with most of the posts here. Everything happens for a reason = I don't know. It's a platitude intended to comfort but falls short.

Betty Level 8 Dec 23, 2017

I think you mean by that there’s a reason for everything means that everything has a purpose. I would agree that everything has a cause, but nothing has purpose outside human culture. You could argue that certain animal societies display purpose as well, but it only has meaning inside its own culture. A rock at the bottom of the Mariana Trench is just a rock.


Everything happens for a reason, and that reason is cause and effect. Everything happens because of a prior cause. Nature has no grand plan. That's just a superstition that people try to comfort themselves with.


Everything does happen for reasons, but they're not supernatural. We can explain why children are starving or why people get cancer. The answers are incredibly complex and run back all the way to the beginning of time, but they're there. Are those answers as satisfying as believing it's part of some omnipotent being's plan? I think so.


@Lisasea --- None of my buttons work. Adm. said it would be fixed today, that was a week ago. It's really frustrating. That's why I'm writing this as a comment instead of a reply. Post and comment is the only thing I can do.


it's total bull. I believe in God. I was raised that way, I have no way to change that. But I more believe he's like a deadbeat dad. He's here, he made us, but he doesn't care enough to come by, let alone make a phone call. It's either he is all-powerful, but he's evil as hell, and likes making the world a worse place for no reason, or he has the power to create, but not to interfere with his creations. (I say "he" out of simplicity, I don't care about God's gender, if God has one) Either way, I don't see God as someone worth worshiping, let alone having trust in. It's up to us to make the world as good as we can. God is just an excuse to be complacent.

Of course you have a way to change your belief in god. It's called thinking.


Everything does happen for a reason, but the reasons may not be good, for example the reasons why children starve may be because of a combination of apathy and greed. Of course one must face the reality that the reasons are man made and not god given, for that to happen, god would obviously first have to exist, and since he doesn't......


Karma lets Nature takes its course

"Karma" is just another word for a supernatural being/effect - it just means noone is really responsible for their actions, but someone/something else decides what happens to you. Not something I could ever believe in.

@Agnostic1 I know the whole Karma principal or whatever that s*** is


I agree, it is an apathetic thing to say and really cold hearted to say to someone who just lost a loved one.Nothing is certain in this world. The entire universe is conducted by organized chaos. cause and effect. If there were a god who plans out everything, then that god is an evil force and should not be admired, followed, or worshiped.


I do not know whether everything happens for a reason, but there is always a reason to everything that happens. Even shit happens body discard undigested food. We just need to find the reason.


Everything happens for a reason is a cop out of many proportions. Lack of knowledge, fear, blind acceptance, etc. And also used for the capture of the weak minded of those in highly distraught situations. The statement is a tool.

I couldn’t agree more.


As an aetheist, agnostic and freethinker I used to think things that happened to me personally were because they were meant to happen. Now I'm not so sure I was supposed to get cancer.

Found out my father's two sisters both had leukemia-one in her 70s and the other aunt at 90. Then on my mother's side my uncle got leukemia at 90 and is still alive. Late in life to say the least.

I've heard cancer could be caused by a vitamin deficiency. Have you looked into that?

Not blood cancers. Any medical people here @TWShield?

My Mom had breast cancer at 40 and again in her mid eighties. She again contacted cancer at 94 and died of it after her 95th birthday. Most of her life was cancer free. My Dad died of leukemia at 67. Because of genetics I get myself tested once a year but believe firmly that shit just happens.

I think science gets better and better about explaining why we get sick or get certain diseases. I would much rather trust science than believe everything happens because some God has already determined so. Stay strong.

Didn't think blood cancers were vitamin deficiences. Thanks @twshield

I learned pretty early in life most things happened to me because of the consequences of my actions, that included my cancer, my action, being drafted into the Army, going to Vietnam, and being exposed to Agent Orange. Now that was something I had control over, I could have stayed in school and kept my student deferment. By the time I graduated there was the draft lottery, and my number was so high I would not have been drafted.

However, there are many unexplained reasons for cancer, but "god" has nothing to do with them, however I do believe there are many environmental causes for cancer, we haven't figured them out and why some folks with the same exposure have no ill effects, genetics? ANd while we are there, it really makes mad that "23 and me" and genetic testing companies are not allowed to tell you of your predisposition to various cancers and other illnesses so you can protect yourself... Conspiracy theory time, if you could protect yourself the drug companies might not make as much money. On the other hand you might opt for more frequent screening, so is it the insurance companies? Please keep the government away from my body, male or female! .

And many things happen by chance, if Elvis hadn't died I would never have met the love of my life... That's a bit of a funny story for another time,

I also realized that my wife going to work for the railroad would cause her demise, why, because of her history of pushing the envelope and injuring herself... There is no picture in any of her high school yearbooks where she is not in a cast or on crutches caused by injuries playing high school sports to the max.


The reality is that the universe “allows” every wonderful and absolutely horrific thing you can imagine to take place. Humans for some reason allow horrible things to happen to themselves and perpetuate horrible things onto each other. It has nothing to do with a god or a devil and everything to do with a flaw in thinking and an insane way of living based on the idea of a separate “self’ To divide what is actually a whole system is what creates conflict . There simply is no separate you, there is only relationship. I recommend meditation for dissolving the silly notion of the grand self.


Hi, Ruetres! Nice to see a fellow Cornhusker on the board.

Some religious people have used the "everything happens for a reason" cop out to avoid taking responsibility for their own behavior from as far back as I can remember.

It's infinitely easier to say, everything happens for a reason (Translated: I don't give a shit) than it is to make the effort to ensure that the playing field is level so that success or failure amongst able bodied and minded individuals is based upon individual effort and drive rather than trickery and smoke and mirrors.

Hello fellow cornhusker... oh I absolutely believe religion is completely made up of deflecting accountability... like when people say, “I’ll pray for you”... what does that even mean? Why not do something tangible and measurable instead.


Well if you think about it logically everything does happen for a reason. Not because if some unseen force but by actions taken/not taken by people in most cases. Our failure to act our failure to care or involve ourselves with the needs if ithers so that is the reason things happen.

Oh absolutely. The reasons are human failure, greed, ignorance, selfishness etc... but not some divine order from some invisible God like religious people claim.

Then it needs re-phrased: Everything happens for a reason because of action or inaction


The saying "everything happens for a reason" when used in a religious context is just another, "I don't know", "I don't understand" or even "God only knows" it's an escape route that the religious require to avoid critical thinking. When confronted and asked to face real issues, as you found out, in general either they shut down or start to spout apologetics, that once again when broken down are the same "I don't know". There are reasons why these things are happening, usually corruption and poor education are often the culprit.

Dav87 Level 6 Dec 23, 2017


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