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Could you stay isolated for five days in total isolation as an asocial experiment?

This includes no contact interaction with the outside world what’s so ever. No computers, no phones.

EmeraldJewel 7 June 6

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Most people would probably get cabin fever. I might need the internet, but otherwise I do this all the time. Give me a bunch of DVD's and a TV, all the supplies I need, and I probably could.


I have kids.I'd sleep for the first three days. No prob. Where do I sign?


Exactly. Be like a holiday, can you make it 10 days?


Absolutely. I do two days every weekend. What’s three more days?


Yes, but not indoors. I would have to be able to get outside.


If you just mean no people or society, not a problem. I go into the wilderness often. 6 weeks without seeing another person is about my longest. No phone or anything.
If you mean in an empty room, no lights or anything, I don't think I would be ok with that.


I can and I have more so than I care to admit.

That makes two of us.


Definitely. I didn't have a computer or phone for most of my life and I naturally isolate from people. This sounds awesome.


Easy peasy...I could do it for 5 months if I had to...and be just fine

Xena Level 6 June 7, 2018

A typical work week.

Haha, I was a process camerman/ darkroom printer for a while. My workday was alone in a pitch black closet.


Sure, as long as I had my dogs and a few books. I've done this several times when hiking. We're not talking about a small white room (or refrigerator box) with no doors or windows, I hope. That might send about anyone over the edge.


Just no computer or phone? Yes. Just give me a book, pencil & drawing pad or any other doodad to mess with & I'd be fine. Would probably get a lot of "work" done lol


I could.


Give me,books,a bottle of Jack and a log cabin, and I would be there,for 5 weeks,not 5 days.


Sound like a typical week for me. 😉


Nothing to it. What's the pay?


I would call it a vacation. A great one if I could bring my dog.


It would be hard, but yes. Book, games, movies if they are allowed, sleep, baking,


I think I've probably done it or at least come close - feels that way sometimes


You know, it'd be easy to say "yeah, sure, I could do that." But the truth is I have no idea if I could. I THINK I could.


Yep. I like people but am an introvert are heart. It would be like recharging.


Can I go camping with enough food, water, gear and shelter? Yes absolutely; without a doubt.


Yes!!!! Farmboy can do it?


I'm going to need books and my rattie boy.....and I'm good. We live alone together anyhow....

I love your rattie boy! ☺️


I have done so a number of times and it is not a big thing to do. Snipers have done so a number of times in the service.




Actually I might even relish it- Get some serious writing done, even though it would have to be longhand!

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