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Do you believe life exists outside of our planet?

If so, do you think simple life happens a lot? That would be the coolest thing to me. If we discovered simple life elsewhere in our solar system I would lose my mind. If it happens to be in all the places we expect it might possibly exist, like Europa and Titan, I feel like that would be a good trend pointing to life happening anywhere it has the time and the resources to do so.

CliffordStone 4 June 6

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It is a mathematical certainty that life will exist somewhere in the galaxy. However the chances of us finding it is very small indeed. The distances involved are far to great.

Indeed...and truly who really wants to engage with people...people who can't interact with each other, people who threaten to annihilate each other...shh!


Of course. Billions of galaxies with billions of stars in each galaxy. If we are it, what an unbelievable waste of space!


It's very probable. The probability is described using Drakes famous equation. However it's not really that interesting a question. It's used by scientists to keep the people who pay for their science (IE the general populace) interested and happy to dig deep in their pockets.


N = R* • fp • ne • fl • fi • fc • L

R* = The rate of formation of stars suitable for the development of intelligent life.

N = The number of civilizations in the Milky Way galaxy whose electromagnetic emissions are detectable.

fp = The fraction of those stars with planetary systems.

ne = The number of planets, per solar system, with an environment suitable for life.

fl = The fraction of suitable planets on which life actually appears.

fi = The fraction of life bearing planets on which intelligent life emerges.

fc = The fraction of civilizations that develop a technology that releases detectable signs of their existence into space.

L = The length of time such civilizations release detectable signals into space.


Yes..and I can assure you that most of the eminent astrophysicists and other related sciences are agreed that it is highly unlikely to put it mildly..that we are the only planet to harbour life.

We are not the chosen few, or created in his image....we are the center of the universe. Narcissistic folks have took our presence in this biosphere to another level, huh?


YES... and Jesus died for their sins too!

Shit.... Wait... Wrong web forum.....

No they would have their own Jesus. It’s like human Jesus but with antennae and tentacles.

@KriszDemetrovits That is clearly Pastafarianism!


I have no reason not to believe , life exists on earth why not on other of the many billions of planets


No doubt.

godef Level 7 June 7, 2018



Yes. There's no way only one planet in the entire universe has life. Even if that life is bacterial or plant; there has to be other life forms out there.


With so many stars and planets, it's very likely.


There is definitely life somewhere far beyond reaches unknown. There's billions of galaxies in just the mapped universe alone. And there must be far more beyond the grasp of present telescopic technology. As mentioned in the 1997 movie 'Contact'

"The universe is a pretty big place. It's bigger than anything anyone has ever dreamed of before. So if it's just us... seems like an awful waste of space, right?"




Life, definitely, intelligent life, no idea. I think that when we talk about aliens we mean intelligent aliens but although we can understand much better the odds of what it takes for life to exist I think we have no idea the odds of intelligent life existing. There are and have existed older species than us on this very planet and they didn't start building trains, planes, and automobiles.

What if intelligent life is a rarity that the universe simply does not replicate maybe at all?


Given the vastness of the universe and the innumerable places (planets with life-sustaining conditions) I think it is very likely that there is lots of life outside Earth. But due to a lack of evidence I stop short of forming a belief. This one thing that distinguishes me from a theist.


Given the vastness of the universe and the innumerable places (planets with life-sustaining conditions) I think it is very likely that there is lots of life outside Earth. But due to a lack of evidence I stop short of forming a belief. This one thing that distinguishes me from a theist.


I do not believe.


There has got to be life out there, but I think we are the simple life forms.

We are beloved.


probably. however, given previous experiences of how we reacted to new people, the aliens are hiding!


I believe ET exists mainly because I want it to exist, even if that sounds like a theistic argument. Humans have long believed we are the epitome of the natural world. I think it will help us tremendously to learn we are not special. We need to see that we are unique as humans but not as the be-all-end-all lifeform we think we are. If other life is found then perhaps we can view ourselves as a complete race of human beings instead of separated groups fighting amongst ourselves over scraps. We may become special, even if only to our own selves, of being the only humans in the universe.


I hope so. I hope they’re watching and just as disgusted by our species as I am. I hope they are also slightly worried about far we’re exploring and hearing our ideas to colonize Mars. I hope they put an end to such ideas, too. Humans are too deeply flawed to spread our seed beyond Earth.

They are...disgusted. we are dysfunctional children here in this stratosphere.


The five most common elements in the universe are Hydrogen, Helium, Nitrogen, Carbon and Oxygen. The four most common elements in life let alone the human body are Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Carbon and Oxygen. The primary "life" element is carbon. Which happens to have the largest amount of combinations in molecular structures than any other element. So with this evidence I believe there is a strong possibility that there are extra terrestrial life forms out their. How develop I don't know. We are not made of a unique material. It would not be difficult given the vastness of our universe to have some other carbon based lifeform among the stars.


Yeah I believe there is intelligent beings other than humans in our solar system. Life finds a way and even in the harshest of conditions life can flourish. There are to many planets out there that can sustain life and the universe is endless. Maybe the other intelligent beings have no interest in us or think we're to destructive to make contact with


Existem possibilidades si.


I have seen 2 completely different UFO's, and thus, I fully believe there is life outside of this one planet around one star in a universe with untold billions of stars. We have gone from no flight to flight to rovers on Mars and Voyager leaving left the solar system in about 100 years. If a similar carbon-based life form (or perhaps not carbon-based) started 1M years before us, sure they would have made it here by now. I believe I saw them when they drove by! Or maybe what I saw were means of observation only. The ancient carvings show what appears to be a guy in a little space ship. I doubt they imagined the vessel, but instead merely carved what was witnessed. It is possible extraterrestrials visited before we were even able to respond in a meaningful way. I was just discussing string theory and multiverses and wormholes with my father recently. I believe we will solve these mysteries within the next few decades, and I believe we will find that the solutions lie in their simplicity. When some person finally figures it all out, I'll bet we will all wonder "why didn't I think of that?" Some extraterrestrial has already figured it out.

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