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How close are you to your Ex?

My Ex Husband and I remain best friends and hang out often. Would this bother you if you met someone who was best friends with their Ex? Why, or why not?

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Ellenruth 4 June 14

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I’ve never been married so I don’t have that type of ex, just a few x- girlfriends. But my parents divorced when I was 8 and I got to experience the way they dealt with being each other’s exes. Well, I experienced it mostly on my mother’s end since I lived with her. She did not like my dad at all, well, she still doesn’t like him, and let me know constantly. It took a very, very long time before I realized the man was merely human and made mistakes just like everyone. This isn’t really a thing that children should ever experience, but if you can’t be friends or friendly with an ex, at least be civil. It’s admirable that you can remain such good friends with an ex.

I still not certain how I feel about my dad, but that has more to do with what he’s done lately.


She's dead, how close do you want her to be ?


I have never had a breakup that resulted in being friends. I find it hard to imagine being emotionally removed from a romantic partner that I could be around them and there not be unsettled issues. I find the concept completely alien to my own life.


It may make me nervous, depending on the circumstances. Often after a break up, one person is still holding on and hoping. If there was transparency I'd probably work through any concerns I had.


Still very friendly with my ex. Will remain so. If the ex was bad news and someone remained close to them? Would make me question whether I should be seeing this person.


My ex still calls me at least once a week and really doesn't have much to say. We hadn't any children so that isn't a reason for contact. No alimony, no investments together nothing, fini. Asks me sometimes if I need food? I'm retired with SS and a Union pension, sometimes I sit around wondering what useless item to buy every month. ???


I see my ex more often than I'd really like to, one of the kids lives with him because he really needs a keeper. And then there are the holidays and kids like to do "family" gatherings. We are not best friends, we're civil. For someone to be buddy buddy with their ex.... depends on so many factors.


Don't Care.

Coldo Level 8 June 14, 2018

I don't think it would bother unless I really didn't like the ex for some reason.


To each their own but I tend to take the scorched earth approach to breakups. I might follow them on social media and that's kinda it, unless they're like the coolest person to hang around.


I'm still friends with all of my exes. Most of them don't live nearby anymore, but I'd definitely hang out a lot with them if I had the chance - they're good people


I’ve always been the type that could stay friends with ex boyfriends but knew when I was married to my ex, he wasn’t capable of it. Couldn't even say his ex-wife’s name and went on rants about everyone, even his mother. Our son hasn’t talked to him since he was 12.
My husband is civil with his ex but wants as little to do with her as possible. What’s funny is I could see her and I being best friends if it wasn’t for the fact it would make him feel uncomfortable.


I'm still close to a few of my exes. We know that we don't work as a couple, but we keep the friendship going because we have a bond and common interests.


No vote. But if money is a Bind in a Capitalist Society that it is this one I live in. She receives half of my military pension every month so.... that is close in my book.


I've had the full ranges of exes: all the way from fuck that guy, still to still fucking that guy.


My ex-wife and I are still the best of friends. I wouldn't hold that against anyone else. In fact, it's a good thing. (She can still irritate me, though. Just saying.)


Which one?


Doesn't bother me, but personally, I've never managed to stay close to an ex. If fact I can think of two of them who'd probably belt me in the face with a shovel if they saw me first... Hell hath no fury, etc... ?


Hair on the back of my neck goes up in the vicinity of my ex wife.
I am providing daily moral support to another ex who is caring for her dying partner,
another I could chat to any time, we have always been friends, and the final one is here for the weeekend, we split up 14-15 years ago. Still some anger but she is an angry person, always has been always will be. Her first husband and I have become quite good friends and they divorced 30 years ago. Her second husband on the other hand !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So I htink it depends on the parties involved, all possibilities can occur.


Friends, fine.
Best friends? Y'all ought to remarry.


I don't wish my ex any ill; I hope she's happy in her new relationship and finds success in her own endeavors and she hopes I'm happy in mine. When we do talk, it's pleasant conversation and we're far enough away from the divorce that we can speak of the old times and remember when things were good.

But I'm not far enough away from it that I'll forget the bad times and why we split. Don't want any more of that. So my preference is that she and I keep our distance from one another.

As for my partner, I'm at an age where many of the women I'm attracted to have children, so it's better when they get along with their ex husbands enough to amicably share child care responsibilities. That makes having actual dates possible. I also think that if my partner spends a whole lot of time ruminating about or being angry towards her ex, that is likely to be my fate with her one day too, which I don't particularly want.

So I would really prefer my partner have a similar attitude about her ex as I have towards mine: amicable, but socially separated.


I've had a few bad encounters with the " friendly ex's" that's a no go for me. Same for single moms. I'm not raising someone else's kid and dealing with the drama from having an ex around.

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