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Has anyone had a nutritional plan that has worked particularly well for them?

I'm avoiding the word diet as they don't work. I'm talking about a real nutrition change. I workout 6 days a week alternating cardio and weight lifting, but my food habits have been bad. While I have been semi-vegetarian (2 meals vegetarian, 1 meal with meat per day), I have a horrible sweet tooth. This may be just a will power issue.

What has worked for you?

SteveB 7 Dec 27

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I've tried and tried and tried many things over the years. My most recent doctor said, "portion control." And then I proceeded to talk about how I eliminated bread at one point and cut back on.... She stops me and says "No. No. No. Portion control!"

Surprised the heck out of me. I started being mindful of my portions and have finally. Ugh. Finally started losing weight. Not a lot but definitely some. ?

Good luck.


You are already doing well with the vegetables it sounds. You can make green smoothies and soups with a blender to keep it fun... something like a nutribullet or blendtec works. Not all blenders will do the job. If you are into healthy eating it's worth the investment.

As far a sweets go, I have that problem too. I don't have ant advice except that if you reduce days for longer enough your taste buds will change and you won't want them as much.


I have followed the research of Peter D'Adamo for the last 14 years but his research has been around for over 30 years. He is the author of "The Blood Type Diet". It's not a temporary "diet" plan, it is a change in eating habits based on your blood type proteins. His research basically states that humans and their food have proteins that are compatible, neutral and incompatible. I came across his research because I had to drop at least 50 pounds for surgery. I lost 53 pounds within 7 months along with 30 minutes of exercise daily. I have stuck with it off and on because old habits are hard to break all at once; especially when friends and family continue in their habits and you are the weakest around cake and bread. But I tried it because it made sense to me.

@SteveB You need to know your blood type; usually involves a prick of the finger. Your medical records may already have it listed.


Advice on diet and eating healthy.
First of all, I am not a nutritionist. I just read up a lot when I had leukemia about nutrition. This is generally what I learned.

Most people who diet count calories but don't differentiate between the types of calories they consume in more than the most general sense. My advice is stop paying attention to calories and only pay attention to how much nutrition foods provide. A lot of calories, especially in America are mostly "empty calories", meaning that although they may provide energy, they don't provide any nutrients.

So, a calorie is a measure of heat. The measure of how much energy is needed to generate that measure of heat. Calories can be "empty" with no nutrients, or can be chock full of nutrients. and the energy levels will be the same either way.

Nutrients are the vitamins and minerals your body uses to build and maintain your body cells and functionality. A healthy diet is one that contains a wide variety of nutrients, the more variety the better.

Processed foods have a higher calorie count, and lower nutrient count. Avoid processed foods altogether. In some cases processed foods use up nutrients in order to be converted into energy (calories). As an example, natural sugars take about 2-4 chemical processes I order to be made useful. Processed sugars take 10-12 (or more) chemical steps to make useful. Those extra chemical steps use up nutrients that could be used to build and maintain your body.

Try to use as much food that is not processed and as close to its natural state as possible. Some foods are better absorbed after being cooked, while others are most nutrient rich if eaten raw. You will have to read up on your own about this because I am not about to write a while book here.

I find things from in our backyard, like tomatoes, are a lot more flavorful than store bought. As a general rule produce picked unripened and ripened artificially, has far fewer nutrients, than produce ripened on the plant.

Most vitamins and supplements aren't worth the money and some are outright junk. They will just drain out the next time you pee. Do research to make sure the brands you guy are actually in a form to be absorbed by your body. Use independent sources for research, not the brand names own website.

So-called "super foods" are great additions to eating a wide variety of foods to get a wide variety of nutrients, but don't rely on them as a solution to all your nutritional needs. Yes, they have a lot of nutrients, but they don't have all the nutrients you need.

Often neglected are "micro-nutrients", which are needed by our body only in very small amounts. If you eat a diet with a wide enough variety you will mostly likely cover these.
I ate vegetarian for several years while I had leukemia, for better health. If you don’t’ eat meat, you need to definitely have a very wide variety of foods, and my doctor recommended I take a B-complex supplement just to be sure I got enough B-12. In ancient Greece, the best Olympic athletes were all vegetarian. Be advised that as a vegetarian you will have to eat a larger volume of food and eat more often (I had to go from two to three meals a day).
Choose fresh produce first, and if not fresh then frozen.
Focus on keeping your food as natural as possible and the amount of nutrients the foods you eat have. If you body gets enough nutrients you may not feel hungry so often. For some people they feel hunger based on the nutrients their body is lacking. This is why people who eat junk food (empty calories, with no nutrients) are always hungry and eating, and why so many Americans are overweight.

Your body hungers for nutrients not calories.
Most processed food manufacturers have caught on to the three tastes the bodies craves. The body likes the taste of fat, sugar and salt. In nature (think in terms of hunter gatherer societies from which we evolved) those tastes helps the body get nutrients. In processed foods there are few if any nutrients, but the body still craves those tastes trying to get the nutrients it needs. So people who eat junk foods (or over processed foods) over eat because their body wants nutrients it isn’t getting, and so make you crave the flavors of sugar salt and fat, to get the nutrients it wants.

@SteveB In my 20's I cut out processed sugr from my diet when I learne dthat thre eo fmy grandparents had diabetes. Since then my father and one of my brothers had been diagnosed with diabetes.

Like you over time I stopped drinking soda (basically chemicals suspended in water, which your body have to use resources to dispose of), and stopped eating candy and sweets, with rare exceptions.

I used to be in great physical shape, but then i was diagnosed with leukemia. The kidn I had is caused by rasiation exposure, but I had nto more exposure than the average person. I just learned that "safe" radiaion is arbritrary and there is no amount of radiation that is 100% safe. So, now I refuse X-rasy at the dentist, and if a doctor wants an X-ray, I tell them I already had leukemia once, and dont' want it again, and they back off. I refuse to go through those new scanners at the airports, because they really irradiate you, and so I opt for a pat down, and I tell them they can run me throug the olde metal detector, which is right there too if they want, but I won't fo through "the raidation king" as I call the new scanners.

Anyway, the drugs i was on while i had leukemia really sapped all my energy, and one of the side effects was that it caused my muscles to retain lactic aqcid. So maintining exercise was just too difficult. So over a few yers while on the drug I gradully lost the habit of regular exercise. Now, I remember hwo hard it was to devlop thy habit of exercising regularly in my early 30's and now I'm 55. So, I am out of shape, and findign it hard to get motivated. Add to that where I live in the Pacific Northwest (where ir pretty much rains for 5 months straight over the winter months), and my beign legally blind, so I don't drive, and I have quite a lot of obstacles to overcome.

I did keep my gym membership, as it only costs $49 a yer for life. To get to the gym it is an 18 minute walk to the nearest bus stop, and almost an hour on two buses one way to get there.

Still eventually, I am confident will eventually figure something out to try to get back into shape again.


There is one diet that works for everyone ,mainly because the western diet is completely wrong for our digestive system.
In a nutshell we should never eat carbs and animal protein at the same time, separately is fine but together is a big no no.

We in the west suffer from many digestive problems from regular indegestion to irratable bowel,crohns disease,diverticultis,ulcers, all caused by our bad combination diets.

So for example this rule means we should not be eating meat and two veg(if it includes starches)spag bog,pizza,burgers,meat/fish sandwiches,meat and rice dishes etc etc, We really are making ourselves sick with the diet we have been brought up to eat.
If you have any of these stomach troubles there is help and hope, I found an online diet that helps, created by lady who used to suffer terribly from stomach problems .Her name is Sherry Brescia and her diet has saved many people much pain and surgery. Doctors know next to nothing about diet and simply prescibe ant acids/painkillers that don't work or eventually surgey which all makes the medical profession rich.

Google Sherry Brescia if you need help ,she save my friend a life of misery when her doctor said they could not help.


Hi Steve ,I'm also pretty healthy but never understood why I got bad indegestion at times ,after reading her book now I do. For anyone with stomach issues I can't recommend her book highly enough ,its well worth the cost and is not a rip off as some online diets are, This is not to lose wieght ,although you will,it's about getting the bacteria in the stomach boosted as well as the acidity balance correct,meat requires an acid stomach and carbs an alkaline, you can't have both at the same time so our food does not get digested properly.



Carbs its all about the carbs-bread, rolls, potatoes, pasta-limit the white foods.


eat less and do more

lol any diet is going to be like that


Whiskey and donuts. The staff of life.... until it kills you.

Single malt and mutton?


Cheeseburgers with green chiles.

Plenty of bacon.

Deep fried Twinkies.

Chocolate syrup and strawberries on French Vanilla ice cream.

Drink plenty of liquids: Dos Equis - Coca Cola - lemonade - eggnog.

Corndogs for the roughage

No no no. That's the breakfast list. Would you like to hear about lunch or brunch next?


No alcohol, no soft drinks or commercial juices, minimize processed foods in favor of fresh whole foods made from scratch. I dropped most low value carbs including bread, pasta, potatoes. When I do have a carb dish, I aim for whole, nonbleached grains. I otherwise round things out with fresh veggies, fruit, seeds, nuts, and lean meats. I take in some cheese and eggs. So far, this has been the only way of dining (combined with weight training) that keeps my ultra high blood triglycerides in a healthy range.

Zster Level 8 Dec 28, 2017

When I used to be fit (playing rugby union, kick boxing training and gym), I did the whole low G.I. thing to keep blood sugar stable so I'd not get hungry and binge on crap.

The weight fell off me, it was great.

Unfortunately, front row rugby union isn't sustainable into your late 30s and injuries stop you exercising at all. Is a shame cos endorphine rushes are great, as is being fit and healthy but it's so easy to slip back into old habits.

Will defo do low GI again as it's great for eating well and not getting hungry.

Good sex is better than rugby, and it takes less people unless you are really kinky.

@evestrat Well you shouldn't drop below three times a week for at least 30 minutes a session, but I am sure you knew that.

Depending on your partner and your style, it's possible to shift into aerobic/powerlifting, in which case every two days for maximal muscle growth, no more than once every 12 hours with at least one day off a week.

If your body has already habituated to the activity cycle, then you are good for 12-14 hours a day, but watch out for dehydration. 😉


I can eat anything I want - I don't lose or gain. But - my hairdresser noticed a huge difference in my hair health when I was eating a shitload of salads and greens.


Yup, three of them. (1) 1983. Eat nothing with added sugar, get a lot of exercise. Lost 60 pounds in six months. Lasted about two or three year. (2) Weight Watchers, 2000. A man following weight watchers even in a half-assed way sees the pounds fall off; lost 60 pounds. Lasted 10 years. (3) half-assed Atkins. Lost 17 pounds in three months. Basically replaced chips with roasted fava beans and pumpkin seeds, replaced bread with buckwheat crisps, stuff like that.


Don't look at me. I live on whiskey, bacon and Klondike bars.

And, one night a week is "Date Night." That's where I eat everything in the fridge that's about to expire.

Duke Level 8 Dec 27, 2017
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