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QUESTION What is your personality type?

Anytime I have taken a questionnaire to determine my personality type, it's always been INTJ. Some people's differ. At least I am consistent. 😉

MyLiege 7 Dec 28

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I think my personality is type O negative.


I was told by scientology that I was 'overly aggressive'....does that count...hehe

There is a difference between being aggressive and assertive. Maybe you're just assertively assertive!

at the time, I was doing freelance security for punk shows....took their 'test' because some girl was faking interest in me to get me to come into the scientology place in Portland, Oregon....she lied so much, it cracked me up....but it did get me to take that god awful obvious psych test....had a couple of hours to kill before the shows...I kept telling them,"That's great! Helps to be aggressive in my line of work!" "No we can fix it, let us help you." "Sounds like I am good already, and you proved it. Awesome!" They kept bringing more and more people into their office...haha....this was in the early 90's, I think...


I am very curious. I would go to school all the time if someone paid for it. I love animals. I am an activist for humanity, the planet, and the animals.I like intelligent conversation. I love music. I like art. I like to dress nice. I worry about wrinkles, LOL. I was a lot wilder in my early years. I have toned it down some.I guess I would be a part A and Part B. I love history. I love to travel to historical places. I like to learn as much as I can fit in my brain.

I am actually told I am unique and I accept that. I enjoy being different but only if it is something I feel right about. I like to shock. When I was a youngster, Mom would say your favorite aunt is coming over. That meant my very extremist Christian aunt who I couldn't tolerate her. I would fly to my bedroom, go through my skirts, find my shortest, and slap that sucker on! Her an I still don't care for each other.


INFJ taken when first awake Will see if I change through the day. INFP at the end of the day



INFJ-T "The Hot Mess", apparently. 🙂


INFJ, thought I am usually close to the midpoint between J and P.


Mine varies between tests, but no matter the result, I can't see it myself, I usually disagree with the results. I am left/right brain balanced, aural/visual balanced and ambidextrous, so I guess any leaning I have changes question to question and any bias my answers shows toward a particular type would reverse is the question was worded slightly differently? Only a guess.


I’m INTJ. I don't find myself unusually demanding or bossy though. Maybe when I teach.


I had this done in college and forget what it was, but having taken it a couple times since,usually get ISFJ.


Why Do I Need To Know About Me? I May Not be My Type.

you don't

@LeighShelton That is what my personality made me think.

its all good


I am an INTJ.


I took a MBTI test and got INFP-A(The Mediator). Then the Keirsy test rendered me as an ISTJ (The Guardian). I would say that the differences don't surprise me since I scored really close to neutral on the N/S and the J/P categories. I did take the test a couple of months ago and remember MBTI being different so I think it also has a lot of fluctuation due to how you relate the questions to recent events in your life.


E.N.T.J. HMMM! Its true of me...
Great test!

ENTJ Extraverted iNtuitive Thinking Judging


Same here INTJ (emphasis on the J). After my partner died I found a paper with the results of a similar test I had taken before we got married and was shocked at how accurate it was. Things I felt during the relationship were shown on the test. However, I also, clearly saw hoe this relationship changed my personality. Whereas one part was true before it was no longer true. We can change and people around me tell me I am still doing so.




ENFP, strongly (like 90% in each category). Situations impact the E/I component though. When I was younger, and even now in my hostile work environment, I tend to behave less extrovertedly. I figure it's a survival thing, under unsafe conditions.

Zster Level 8 Dec 28, 2017

I’ve taken the same test and have gotten 3 different results.

Alrighty then. Which one result was most accurate?



I've been told I have a Type A personality because of my success in sales-getting people to trust me. After googling INTJ it sounds like me.


I see a lot of Ns


I'm INTJ. Not a lot of us.


ENFP - the campaigner. Not too far fetched as I was front line direct action type for years before breeding.




I always get the same as well, INTJ. Not that it really matters.

I disagree. How do you play to your strengreths if you don't know them?

@JLFowler See NerdyOkieDude's comment.


INTJ as always...

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