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How Many Years or months have you been a Non Believer.

I was just curious ho long everyone her has been away from Religion.

Just trying to know you all better 🙂

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twshield 8 Dec 28

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I have always been skeptic and was dutifully a baptized Christian for most of my younger years. Nonbeliever off and on. About 25-30 years ago I had to be honest w/me and be courageous enough to accept me. So I came out, so to speak, out of the mind boggling inconsistent, untruths, believing to please family and walked into the most wondrous feeling and peace that I've ever known...acknowledging my own truths, and knowing and reclaiming myself as a nontheist and not being afraid to deal w/the ostracism of friends, family and employers. I became even more peaceful, patient, self-loving, more respecting of self and others-- even with those evil believers who were giving me a hard time. I'm much, much more happier and at peace.


Even as a small child at church I didn't believe. Not because my family didn't believe but had early critical thinking skills I guess. The kind Jesus of Sunday school vs. the violent god of jealousy and damnation I just couldn't reconcile.


I loved greek mythology as a kid but church of england was too dour. Zeus ruled. now I am the centre of the universe !


I went to Catholic school, Abraham and Isaac lost me right off the back. Total bullshit, they want you to bellieve that God loves you but plays games with Abraham? No.


I grew up in a non-religious family. I learned about religion from my religious friends and it never made much sense to me. I do not understand why you would have fear from your religion, I thought it was supposed to give you peace of mind. As I grew up religion was not talked about in the house hold. I was taught to be honest treat people well, do not steal and be responsible for your own actions. I did not learn the meaning of agnostic and atheist until I got in my late teenage years so now I say I'm agnostic but I'm not sure about being an atheist completely because I have only met one atheist in my life and that person made me think atheism was a kind of religion against God. I don't know whether God is real or not but I do not worry about it because I treat people well and try to get along with everybody. If God is so powerful he made me the way I am for a reason and he will take me to heaven. But I believe in science and and the theory of evolution. I believe that God probably does not exist.

dc65 Level 7 Dec 29, 2017

I tried to be a good christian wife and mother, and when the marriage broke up tried to keep connected to the church. The church has no use for single mature women. Then all those little questions got louder. And god wasn't in any kind of hurry to help out when I was in a bind. Then I watched Zeitgeist, and read, and read, and read, and enlightenment dawned.


I have always thought religion was ridiculous. My parents sent me to church camp once, me and my twin sister, not because we were religious but my best friends aunt and uncle thought the 3 of us should go, my parents thought it would be a great way to get rid of us for a week LOL.. it was horrid, they were happy to see us go at the end, we got in trouble for sneaking out at night to smoke. And sneaking out of their stupid church where they were all speaking in tongues and "saving" us innocent kids.. horrid... we had to bring a bible to camp, of course we didnt have one so showed up without a stupid bible. It was a week of brainwashing kids, but not US... we were the worst ones they ever had. Anyway no religion in the family ever. So glad about that.

I grew up in a non-religious family. I learned about religion from my religious friends and it never made much sense to me. I do not understand why you would have fear from your religion, I thought it was supposed to give you peace of mind. As I grew up religion was not talked about in the house hold. I was taught to be honest treat people well, do not steal and be responsible for your own actions. I did not learn the meaning of agnostic and atheist until I got in my late teenage years so now I say I'm agnostic but I'm not sure about being an atheist completely because I have only met one atheist in my life and that person made me think atheism was a kind of religion against God. I don't know whether God is real or not but I do not worry about it because I treat people well and try to get along with everybody. If God is so powerful he made me the way I am for a reason and he will take me to heaven. But I believe in science and and the theory of evolution. I believe that God probably does not exist.


I started questioning it all when i was probably 6.....I don't remember ever being a believer, but I remember sitting in church thinking how I really didn't believe any of it, but if it were true I was in big trouble lol


1 year ago as of this month.


I was 13 when I stopped going to church. I considered myself a Christian but didn't believe in organized religions, I saw it as a business and in my opinion, they were taking advantage, by using and abusing. The more I learned the less I liked.

This year I changed from being a non-practicing Christian to Agnostic and since finding this site and learning even more I feel I am more Agnostic-Atheist.

Betty Level 8 Dec 28, 2017

About 48 years.


I reckon that since the enlightenment of masturbation... got to go with that hand in hand. The catholic priest said you go blind my buddy said you grow taller, I ended up being tall and not blind... I am 64 haven't quit so do the math.


Stopped church attendance when my oldest child started high school. Being involved in marching band competitions, Sunday was our only day off. We needed the rest and family time a LOT more than church. That was in 2011. I considered myself nontheistic prior to then, but am hard pressed to come up with a date. It's probably been around ten years.

Zster Level 8 Dec 28, 2017

OMgoodness, I remember marching band days.


as soon as i could i didn't


Voted 'life.' In fact, one of my childhood memories was being kicked out of The Boys Brigade, because they insisted that I attend Sunday School, and after going once, I flatly refused to return.

My mother was Catholic, and my father was Church of England, though my father has never been remotely religious, to my knowledge (I've always assumed he was actually atheist/agnostic) while my mother started out pretty much disinterested, but became 'more Catholic' the older she got. She never pushed her religion on me in the sense of expecting me to believe, but some of her bigoted values that manifested in my teens and twenties, I attribute directly to her faith.

I was religious for about 3 days aged around 16. The JW's turned up at the door and I didn't have a clue who they were. They claimed to be friends of my mother (a lie) who was out at the time. They had a chat with me. What they were saying seemed to make sense. They gave me a book. I read it. That seemed to make sense, too.

Three days without masturbation (I was 16, remember) was enough to convince me that this wasn't for me. I'm not sure what I did with the book, but I haven't even considered believing since.


Since I was about 10 or so. Almost 46 now.


Actually got up to the pulpit and read my view of god at sixteen. What god? I didn't believe god existed after 10 years of being forced to go to Sunday School at a Reform temple. I had escaped attending Hebrew school which ostracized me from temple members and classmates.As most people know my actions resulted in my being shipped immediately to Israel on a Bible Study Tour which had me - at sixteen -staying out to two o' clock in the morning.


About 46 years


I grew up in SLC but outside of Mormonism. I didn’t really have any religious indoctrination just peer pressure from the surrounding Mormons.


Over 60 years.

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