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are you afraid of death?

being atheist or agnostic we know that chriatainality and angels and demons gods and devils and most likely an afterlife are all just wishful thinking. seeing as we know that death is indeed the end for us does that idea frightend you ? what are your thoughts on death ? personaly i gotta admitt it scares me . i know there is nothing i can do to avoid it . im so sad when a relative dies knowing ill never see them again. and this is why i think so many people wanna believe in a god and heaven. we want so badly to believe us and our loved ones will live on that many do so just to comfort themselfs. your thoughts ?

DavidDeLa89 6 Dec 28

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Does it scare me? Yes and no. It scares me because i'll never get to see the people I care about again or pet another dog. But it also has a sense of peace to it... knowing I don't have to put up with bullshit and suffering anymore.


We don't know everything. This scientific theory that energy cannot be created or destroyed only transformed comes to mind.

Sure, & we know most of those transformations at death. The breakdown of your cells, the biota present in your body being "set loose", outside buggies looking for a new food source. But, without a brain, how does the "energy" of your "personality" cohere? I don't subscribe to dualism or the concept of a "soul". & the amount of energy involved in the brain/mind is minimal, very easy to just dissapate.

@phxbillcee Does anyone fully understand consciousness? We know a sperm inseminated an egg and grew you and you are conscious. I say you are conscious because you seem to be responding to stimuli. Can we definitively say where consciousness begins and ends or is it possible that consciousness exists before and beyond it is observable?


I'm terrified of death. It robs us all of everything. Our consciousness, our agency, our ability to interact with and change our world, our ability to protect our loved ones. I don't think of it as a dreamless sleep, it is nothing. We don't even have the concept of nothingness. It just makes you disappear, nothing left but a memory in the consciousness of the living.

I believe that a part of me will live on in my children and grandchildren ( DNA ) and so on with new generations. Also, that in a sense, we live on in the evidence we leave of our existence. I have lots and hope leave being missed for the good and positive things I have done in my lifetime.


Wait...why is this in love and relationships? xD


Since I don't believe in life after death, I'm not afraid of death itself but I am afraid of how I will die.


I'm (usually) not looking forward to it, but I wouldn't say afraid. To paraphrase Twain, I was non-existent for billions of years before my birth & it doesn't seem to have bothered me at all, I figure the same will happen after death. I surely don't want a painful, protracted death, which is why I believe in Death with Dignity & think it is something which is a basic human right. I do agree that fear of death is probably one of religions biggest drivers & attractions, I just don't happen to believe wishful thinking is productive.


I'm quite looking forward to it, but only if I can go in an interesting way - eaten by tigers, something like that.

Jnei Level 8 Jan 2, 2018

I think I've pondered this question for most of my life, and while I was younger I did not fear death, I do now. I guess what I really fear is not being remembered. That's the only thing I know I have any control over, and yet I sometimes feel I don't.

While I have rejected almost all forms of religious or superstitious thinking on the matter, I do take comfort in the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, which states basically that energy cannot be destroyed, it merely changes form. Atoms act like data bits, and live on to be combined with other atoms. Is this an afterlife? I don't know, and I don't think anyone can say for sure.


I am not afraid of being dead but I wish for a sudden and painless death. I am afraid of prolonged suffering.

It never even occurred to me about seeing others in heaven as heaven is such a ridiculous idea to me. Atheist from day one...


No -- but I am worried about dying.


I don't fear death, it is a natural part of life. I welcome death, but I won't do anything to hasten it. I do what I can to prolong my life, but when it happens it happens.

Gohan Level 7 Jan 7, 2018

Agree with those who are saying “just like dreamless sleep”. And that will suit me. I like sleeping anyway. And it is what I expect animals have too. I expect my dogs, when the time is right, to drift off into forever sleep. Of course no one wants to die before they are ready, but that is another matter. A fact of life.

NZVee Level 4 Jan 7, 2018

I actually don't think we die, the body simply rots and returns to the earth dimension. The spark, the energy that is me goes out to the universe, a dimension we on earth know nothing of. I am not fearful of death, it will happen. I don't want some lingering crap where I become a burden on everyone. I'd opt out for sure.


No, but I hate going anywhere alone.



I love that I exist, if I had one wish it would be to be indestructibly forever 20-ish immortal, or at least exist as pure energy/thought.

I am certain that when I die I will cease to exist. I have accepted this, but it is still the greatest source of my anxieties because of the fear it instills in me. I try to grasp and conceptualize this void of non-existence, because through understanding I believe I can overcome the fear. In other circles I incorporate this fear into my identity to obtain some sense of owning it, nihilistic in a way but I become the void.


I was afraid of dying when I was younger and being raised in a very violent home. once I got out of that and grew up the fear got less. I think I'm not afraid to die, but I'm terrified of getting ill and lingering. I'm hoping I go in my sleep or suddenly somehow. Other than suffering, my biggest fear is the hurt my death will cause my children ,especially my daughter who will struggle emotionally when I'm gone. But the absolute worst fear is that I will outlive my children. That will cause me to want to die as soon as possible.


I was afraid of dying when I was younger and being raised in a very violent home. once I got out of that and grew up the fear got less. I think I'm not afraid to die, but I'm terrified of getting ill and lingering. I'm hoping I go in my sleep or suddenly somehow. Other than suffering, my biggest fear is the hurt my death will cause my children ,especially my daughter who will struggle emotionally when I'm gone. But the absolute worst fear is that I will outlive my children. That will cause me to want to die as soon as possible.


Hell yes !

ROND0 Level 2 Jan 12, 2018

I am more afraid of what can happen when I am alive than dead.I do not fear non existence


No. I am afraid of suffering before I die, but not of being dead.


I'm more afraid of the cause than the outcome. I'd rather die with as little suffering as possible.


The universe existed before I was born. It will exist afterward. Death is like not being born yet.


Eternity would be far worse than death !


Being dead doesn't scare me, reckon there will come a time when I'll welcome it, I know when my father had cancer he begged for it and he, like me, was an atheist. Doesn't even scare me if I've been wrong all these years and there is something after, I've always been true to my own morals and if that isn't good enough so be it.
Prefer to avoid a painful, lingering death and would hate it if my son died before me, but death itself is by no means the worst thing that can happen to someone.

Kimba Level 7 Jan 13, 2018

I'm not afraid of death but I am afraid about how I will die. I'm terrified about the likelihood of losing control of my circumstances and being subjected to faulty palliative care or heroic measures that prolong suffering, anxiety, fear and often create a horror show for loved ones. However, I have become excited about what is to come next because it will be so far beyond our ability to imagine it will surely be wonderful.

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