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are you afraid of death?

being atheist or agnostic we know that chriatainality and angels and demons gods and devils and most likely an afterlife are all just wishful thinking. seeing as we know that death is indeed the end for us does that idea frightend you ? what are your thoughts on death ? personaly i gotta admitt it scares me . i know there is nothing i can do to avoid it . im so sad when a relative dies knowing ill never see them again. and this is why i think so many people wanna believe in a god and heaven. we want so badly to believe us and our loved ones will live on that many do so just to comfort themselfs. your thoughts ?

DavidDeLa89 6 Dec 28

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371 comments (276 - 300)

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I fear not living my life the best way I could have before my inevitable death. It's always sad to lose close ones and I miss them terribly but I also know it's life and everything dies. I have learned to take a minute to really cherish and appreciate my relationships with people, and to live life honestly so that I have no regrets and have the closure I need knowing death can happen at any time. Don't take people for granted. Love them.

...I agree/thanks


I fear nonexistence.. Fear of the unknown,
I guess.. and the pain that comes before death because I'm a big baby when it comes to physical pain.


Afraid ? No.
When you're dead, you don't know you're dead.
Same goes for stupid.


Birth and death; are like waves in an ocean. Just the occasional awaeness of the universe beholding itself..

Cool.the way it should be


Am I afraid of what's after death? No. Am I afraid to die? You bet! Hate to end the journey now that I'm just starting to get the hang of it!


At age81, I am not araid of death in the slightest.


I am afraid of dying more than of death. i definitely do not believe in an afterlife, reincarnation, a soul that just sort of floats around, ghosts or any other supernatural thing, so death won't hurt; i just won't BE anymore. i don't know why i should care what happens in the world after i die, since i won't know about it, but somehow i DO care. i want my writing to be read and i want people to remember me. that may be foolish but it is how i feel.



At times in my life i have been more afraid of living then death! Psychologically there is always fear of the unknown! But my Mother died at 84 and she told me she was ready 2 die at 70 years old.

U have a wise insight
fear inhibits understanding; thanks for
your comment/there are situations
worse than death...Sorry about your mom.


I don’t want to cease to exist but if you don’t exist how could you be aware of it?


I’m not scared in the least. I figure in the unlikely event there is something out there, I’m living a good enough life not to worry (and the chances of choosing the “correct” religion are so infinitesimal that despite their claims, I’m sure no god would hold that against us). If, on the other hand, we just cease, well that’s ok too. I’ve had my struggles with depression and even some suicide attempts — and honestly, I very much hoped there was nothing to go to. Sounds like a nice sleep with no worries.

No question I hate the idea of losing loved ones — but I haven’t let it bother me. I won’t know if I’m not there to worry about it, anyway. But I’ve also seen loved ones suffer horribly from disease, and I know I wouldn’t want to live in that situation. It would be nothing but torture. And sadly, we’ll all get there sooner or later if we don’t die of something else. It’s natural. Billions, quadrillions, “zillions” of individuals of all different species have done it already, so who am I to worry?

Kodij Level 5 Sep 8, 2018

...yep~all well spoken


I'm not afraid of death as I am how it will affect the people in my life. I don't want the sadness associated with my death but want my life celebrated. The afterlife is a mystery even to the ones with the "magic" book. I think that is what draws so many to christianity is the fear of death and the hope of something more. Live life with no regrets and no reason to fear leaving it behind.


There is nothing after death. Only fools believe there is an after life. I know that is hard to accept. Yes, I'm afraid of death. Who isn't afraid of it?


No I am afraid of hurting too much before I die- At the moment I am 70 and needing a hip replacement - it is sore all the time and I wouldnt like to be in pain but then I guess none of us would- Dying seems like a doddle to me just to let the pain go away.


Someone had commented on a post about what do you think happens after death.. "we go back to where we were before we were born that wasnt so bad was it?". That has stayed in my mind and although that's kind of a bummer to me while in this physical world I'm sure it won't be a big deal once I'm there.
Guess I'll just have to wait and see. So far it's just a bunch of ideas and guesses when the truth is that NOBODY actually knows l



Hays Level 2 Sep 12, 2018

Dear people - "seeing as we know that death is indeed the end for us"
How can you be certain of something you have never experienced?
I have experienced it. Twice. It's not the end of your essence.

Duago Level 2 Sep 12, 2018

No you haven't you're still here and if you experience all those effects that people always talk about yeah that's your brain dying and they've been able to reproduce all of those effects in the laboratory

@Drsmash253 really-2 steps back




It actually brings me comfort. My best guess is that being dead is pretty similar to how it was before you were born (a whole lot of nothing!) and I like that. Obviously I want to stay alive as long as I possibly can but when it's over I won't be concerned about being dead (I'm guessing). Living on for eternity and watching life unfold without being able to interact with it sounds pretty miserable to me.


I posted this in another thread but I'll re-post it here since it applies.


If death is so terrifying to so many people then what's wrong with me if I don't fear it at all? I have no complaints from the billions of years I didn't exist before I was born and I'm not aware of anyone who's died ever complaining about being dead either so how bad can it be?

THANKS_for this?. Helped fill me
fuel tank up bro

@BBJong Glad to be of help.


I'm not afraid of death I'm afraid of dying I don't want it to be painful I'm not like other people I don't like pain it hurts me( that's a Daffy Duck quote by the way)


I'm not afraid of death. I'm afraid of pain. I'm afraid debilitation. I'm afraid that my death will cause pain to others. And to be frank, sometimes the last one is the only thing that keeps me alive.


Not really


In some ways yes. I'm mostly scared about how it will happen.


I think living forever would be hell.


As A athiest no when your dead your dead nothing to fear

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